
Held hostage

Anne blinked multiple times, while a look of total confusion settled on her face. If she hadn't been in a really serious situation right now with a gun pointed at her head and a gag in her mouth, she would have been laughing hard.

"Where can I find him?" Elvis yelled while Anne jerked out of fear and resumed crying.

She made to speak with the gag still in her mouth but she could only mutter unintelligibly so Elvis signaled one of the guys to remove the gag from her mouth.

Once the gag came off, Anne requested water, totally ignoring the gun pointed at her head.

After a few minutes, a bottle of chilled water was presented to Anne who drank it with haste.

"Where can I find him?" Elvis asked dropping the gun.

"First of all, I'm not saying anything until I am untied. Anne challenged.

A resounding slap was delivered to her face.