
Pursuing Happiness With my Overpowered System

After living a life of mediocrity on planet earth, David finds himself reincarnated in a different universe with a Overpowered system, but things are never so simple

Gamer_Boy_2840 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

A New Life

A warm and peaceful feeling was enveloping me and more than anything I felt safe. I tried figuring out where I was and eventually I realized I was being reincarnated and currently a fetus in a woman's womb. Time passed slowly with me going in and out of consciousness until the day I was finally born. I was excited to find out about my new parents and what time period I was born into. How much time passed since my death and what changed in the world. I managed to open my eyes but my vision was blurry. I could feel the warm embrace of my new mother and could hear her speak to a man that I could only assume was my father. While I couldn't understand what they were saying I could feel the joy in their tone . Breastfeeding felt both weird and completely natural somehow. The feeling was hard to explain because I knew It was necessary and also gave me a feeling of safety and bliss while my old man mentality made it a bit awkward. The first few months passed fast with me eating and sleeping mostly. My senses kept improving and I could see my parents clearly now. My mother was in her 20's and had black hair and green eyes and a beautiful figure. She had soft milky skin and a kind face. Her name from the little I could deduce of the strange language was Aurora . My father had an imposing stature with blonde hair and blue eyes and a thick beard. He somehow looked like I would imagine a stereotypical viking would look and the fact that his clothes were made of animal skins only enforced that and his name was Arran. I was confused on where and when I was reincarnated because their clothing and the architecture of the house resembled more of what I imagined the middle ages than modern society. Could have I gone back in time? But how could that be possible? Or was this even planet earth. I found myself with many questions but no way to answer them for now. I had to wait untill I grew up a bit more and learned the language. I spent the next year or so learning how to walk and talk again. Not wanting to stand out too much I kept my curiosity in check and refrained from asking questions no toddler would ask of his mother. The language reminded me a little bit of german but from what I realized we were not on planet earth. The first time my mother took me outside I saw the difference in the sky. The colour had a tinge of violet with the sun being different from earth's sun. From the little I knew of astrology in my previous life I assumed it was a red dwarf star but for now it was just an assumption on my part. We lived in what could only be described as a medieval village with a few hundred houses and huge stone walls.