
Purple Sky

In which Skie Cullen — A 17 year old top student with great ambitions who's locked in an abyss of expectations and self-worth questioning, yearned to escape living in someone else's dreams. And upon building the courage to stand up for her dreams, she met Daniel Choi. A 17 year old troublemaker who has gone most of his life getting away from responsibilities. But he was forcefully kicked out from his comfort zone when his love interest — Lea Jones told him that she would never date him unless he make it to the top 5 of their class. Desperate, Daniel seek the help of Skie. In which in return for her help, he'll make sure that Skie would win the upcoming student council election.

chaiii_hwang · Teen
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Brian raised the flyer to my face, giving me the chance to eye its content tentatively.

"It looks great."

I finally said. Brian's face broke into a smile along with the other members of our team.

"It was nice Janice have the time to print these out, we're really short of time."

Miko, a senior from the second section who's aiming for the Treasurer position sighed in complete admiration to our Secretary candidate.

True enough, we don't really have much time to prepare for today — the start of the campaign period. There were a lot of schoolworks from our subject teachers and it was a miracle Janice found the time to even prepare the flyers of our Party list. Of course since it was an impromptu printing, the flyer didn't quite reach my standards. It only have the basic information about the members of the team then some details of our agendas. But at least we got something to give around today.

I throw a glance at the banner that they'd prepared before I even arrived. The name of our Party List — Representative Of The Youth — or just simply ROTY, hang in bold letters, the fancy calligraphy used made it look more sophisticated. Though the name that we represent is a bit off to my taste, I can't really do anything about it as I joined the team late.

Quietly, without anyone noticing, I moved to the edge of the circle. Because it's the first day of the campaign period, us candidates are given the privilege to be excused from our classes. This allowed us to have the opportunity to work through the plans for our party list. Even though it's a good thing that we'll be able to talk about stuffs concerning our projects, it's kind of a bummer for me as I don't really know my members, I feel so out of place with them.

Good thing though, Brian and I are trying to sort things out between the two of us. Yeah it's still kind of awkward but I can see that Brian is really trying. His efforts — even by simplest form — in trying to make our friendship work again is something that I deeply appreciate, it gives me the motivation to also try harder. I don't want to see him as my competitor anymore, I want to see him as the guy who I used to be really fond of.

The person who's really ecstatic with our reconciliation is Austin, he was beyond euphoric when we told him earlier, almost getting himself detention for yelling around in the classroom. Silly guy. After a long year of him being torn between staying with me and hanging out with Brian, I guess he'd gotten really tired of it, but unable to force us to reconcile as he respects our decision to separate. Now that we're up to rekindle our friendship, it was a breathe of relief for him.

"Our first stop, freshmen building right?"

Brian asked beside me. He was holding a piece of paper that I assumed have our errands for today listed. I nodded my head as we turn to a corner towards the junior building that will lead us to the freshmen area. I saw Brian open his mouth from my peripheral vision — probably about to say something to me — when Austin suddenly popped out of nowhere, shrugging in the space between Brian and I.

Austin carelessly put his left arm around me and the other on Brian's.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have classes?"

I asked, wide-eyed. He wasn't supposed to be here. There's no way his teacher for this period permitted him to leave his class. The teachers in this school are very strict, it'll take a professional bargaining strategy that includes a huge amount of money to convince them to make an exemption for someone with the school rules. Austin only grinned before pulling me even closer.

"Well, I decided my best friends needs my help so here I am!" He beamed proudly.

The term he used to describe us made my heart flutter. A warm fuzzy feeling spread through my body, and it took a few seconds for me to realize that I'm happy. Genuinely happy right at this moment. It's like the three of us are back to being the reckless three musketeers — the trio of teens that my parents forcefully wrenched me out. It feels really nice to be here again, with Austin and Brian, smiling from ear to ear and ignoring the strange looks other students are giving us.

I can't blame them for staring. They'd deal with the silent yet conspicuous tension that goes on between Brian and I for more than a year, it ought to really confuse them that we suddenly showed up being all friendly with each other like nothing happened. Even if I'm in their shoes, I would be bewildered to see the two self proclaimed rivals together while smiling brightly at one another.

"Do you guys have any things to do later?" Austin asked.

"Why?" Brian beat me to ask.

"Well, I was hoping we can head somewhere to.... celebrate after school! So you guys up or nah?"

Two things came into my mind. I have private lessons later and I still need to tutor Daniel — no matter how I look at it, I would be busy as soon as dismissal come. I craned my neck to look at Austin, but his expectant eyes were focused on Brian. Geez, I know he's well aware about my tasks after school, but he's still hoping that I could swerve and sneak out. I saw Brian glanced at me, and my answer to Austin's query was probably written all over my face that Brian chuckled.

"I have plans later. And maybe, Skie too?"

Saved. I throw a discreet look of thankfulness at him before Austin turned his gaze on me.

"You can't do anything about it right? Even just for a few minutes?"


I am sorry. God knows how much I wanted to hang out with them, to roam around town like any other teenagers after school, to eat stuffs and have fun, but I need to hold myself back. My parents would blow their top if they found out I missed my lessons — that they'd paid with hundred of dollars — just to hang out with these two dorks. They'll ground me for life or worse, send me off to somewhere far away so that I would be out of reach from their so-called bad influence to me.

Austin halted his steps, making me stop too as his arm is still wrapped around me.

"Daniel?" He exclaimed with his eyes bulged open.

Perplexed at the disbelief in his voice, I followed his gaze and my jaw almost scraped the floor.

There, walking proudly — as if he own the place, is the one and only Daniel Choi. Of course, the presence of an athlete won't bring hush upon a hall filled of high schoolers — but the white shirt he's wearing with my face printed on it would definitely seize everyone's attention. All the while Daniel is making his way towards us like a runway model, he have his chin up in a great sense of confidence. It was plain obvious he doesn't care about what people would say, aside from that, he is evidently proud of his fashion statement. I caught the bewildered looks of the other students that are loitering in the hallway and I flushed.

My picture that was stamped on the fabric wasn't a candid photo, it looks really decent to be honest, this brought another question to cloud my head.

Where did he get that?

Daniel stopped a few inches infront of us, grinning like an idiot who's waiting for compliments to come pelting his way. I took notice of the three other guys behind him — all wearing the same shirt. But among the four guys, only Daniel could carry off the hideous shirt and still look the way he did. And if I'm being really honest, he looks really fine — almost like he's modelling the clothing. How is that possible? Upon closer look, I finally saw the message written in bold and aesthetic calligraphy.

Normalize voting Skie Jin Williams for President!

"What do you think?" Daniel asked eagerly.

"So this is why you asked me for a picture of Skie!"

My head jerked towards Austin at his sudden realization. Now I wonder how on Earth the photo ended up appropriate. Knowing Austin, he have a gallery on his phone made for the express purpose of storing my meme-worthy candid shots. He'd tried to bribe me using those once, and if I didn't know better, I would've given in. However, I knew that's the last thing he'll want to do. He was too much of a coward when it comes to my parents and he knew very well that if he do anything that can ruin my reputation, he's dead meat.

So those embarrassing pictures of mine are kept well hidden in his phone.

"Don't give me that look! It was a decent one!" Austin defended when my glare didn't waver.

"What's that?" I demanded as I returned my focus on what Daniel is wearing.

"Oh it's nothing — it's just a piece of paper with your face in it, you can use this to get rid of stinky people."

Brian and the others hollered with laughter at Daniel's sarcasm. I rolled my eyes but surprisingly, I wasn't irritated with his nonsense answer.

"Funny huh?"

"No — really, my mom said candidates usually do this during elections. I thought it's a nice idea." He shrugged.

Don't tell me.... he told his mother about our deal? I'm sure I did remind him that no one should know about it. Anyway, it's just his mother, she's probably fine about our situation to even suggest this. It's not like she's my mom who's fond of making even the smallest issue a big deal.

"What's with you? W-Why are you... promoting Skie?"

Brian asked.

I locked eyes with Daniel and I internally hope he can see the warning in my eyes. I haven't informed Austin about our deal, and I don't want him to find out about it from Daniel. Thankfully, Daniel caught on my silent plead of secretion.

"Actually, I'm going to promote the whole Representative of the Youth Party List! Just like what Austin is doing!"

My members immediately erupted to cheers upon hearing the news. I saw Daniel all smug at the praises he's receiving and I can't help it but to smile.

"Nice one bro, at least I'm not the only one going to be stuck here." Austin joked as he fist bumped Daniel.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Brian glanced at me — then to Daniel and back to me again. I payed no attention, I was busy gazing at my smiling image — plastered on Daniel's torso that stares back at me with apprehension. Right, this is the start.