
Purple Sky

In which Skie Cullen — A 17 year old top student with great ambitions who's locked in an abyss of expectations and self-worth questioning, yearned to escape living in someone else's dreams. And upon building the courage to stand up for her dreams, she met Daniel Choi. A 17 year old troublemaker who has gone most of his life getting away from responsibilities. But he was forcefully kicked out from his comfort zone when his love interest — Lea Jones told him that she would never date him unless he make it to the top 5 of their class. Desperate, Daniel seek the help of Skie. In which in return for her help, he'll make sure that Skie would win the upcoming student council election.

chaiii_hwang · Teen
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

3. Offer

I stared in disbelief at the guy standing before me. Daniel Choi let his lips curled into a lopsided smile, his whole body radiating confidence that it's kind of wearing on me in a very annoying way.

Now that I think about it, he seems oddly familiar to me. I have a good memory, and I know I've seen him somewhere before, his name rang a bell in my head, but I really can't put my finger to the missing piece of his identity puzzle. I cocked my head to the side, giving up on trying to remember how and why do I seem to know him and just stare at him with appraising eyes. I'm not accustomed to people approaching me just for a chitchat or whatsoever. People often talk to me if they need something, especially in this school where I am referred as the perfect model student.

Daniel cleared his throat. He probably realized that I wouldn't initiate the first talk.

"I heard from a friend that you're going to run for president this election?"

And that's where he piqued my interest. My eyebrows met ever so lightly as I waited for him to continue. It was always a wonder to me how things can spread so quickly like wildfire around here, I guess it's true that news have wings.

"Well I was just thinking," he scratched the back of his head. And it's my cue to smoothen my face into a nebulous expression. "If you want I can promote you — you and your team actually."

Surprise was evidently painted on my face — I can feel it. Whatever he wants to say, that's not what I'm expecting.

Is he seriously offering me a help?

For a fleeting moment, I was entirely consumed by bafflement at his unexpected offer. I mean, I know his out of the blue proposal would do me good if he have the popularity to persuade students to vote for me, but then something seems off. I furrowed my eyebrows, skeptical again.

Who would give such an offer without asking for anything in return? It's very odd — for me at least — that someone would help you without bargains.

"And why — are you suggesting that?"

I asked, my voice saturated with suspicion.

Daniel looks taken aback by my first ever response throughout our so-called conversation. He cleared his throat, looking around like a fugitive about to tell someone that cops are after him before taking a step closer to me. I didn't back away, I only squinted my eyes up at him enough to send him a wordless message that he's crossing my patience.

"Well....I know you." He paused. And to my amusement, he's whispering like what he's about to unveil is a top secret.

"I know you're the top student of Royal Wood's High. And I was wondering," he paused once again only to lick his lower lip. "If you would consider tutoring me?"

I blinked up at him. I was actually counting in my head, expecting him to say that he's just joking, and that his incredulous request is just a prank he and his friends cooked up to pick on me. But he's not saying anything. He just stares at me with anticipation and hope glimmering in his black eyes.


I slammed my locker shut and was about to trudge off when Daniel moved to block my path.

"Please! Don't say no first! Don't you see it's a win-win situation here! With my connections — I can help you win as the president! And in return you'll just have to tutor me!"

The sudden desperation that colored his voice was ludicrous, and I almost laughed if only I'm not starting to get irritated. I gripped the textbook in my hand and pursed my lips.

"I don't see anything that could be consider as a 'win-win' situation — as you had put it." I said slowly, making sure to emphasize each word. "I can — and I will win the election even if you're not going to promote me." And I'm not even sure if he really got that power to help me gain followers.

"So if you please, I have much more significant things to do."

I pushed pass him but this guy is aggravatingly persistent. Daniel strode in front of me again and I can't help but roll my eyes.

"Listen here Skie, smart people always think  carefully before making a decision right?"

"Excuse me?"

Is he seriously trying to imply something about my intelligence? Well this jerk sure knows how to push buttons — and now it's not surprising that he's involved in a fight yesterday.

"Look Skie — don't immediately reject me. You can think about it first. Like what I'd said, smart people often consider all sides of a decision right? Why don't you give time to consider mine?"

"A waste of time, really."


An exasperated sigh left my lips at how he almost begged — no scratch that, he is practically begging me right now. Why the hell is he so desperate for me — out of all other people — to tutor him? Does he not have friends who's smart enough to help him through and he came pleading on me? And if he's really worried about his grades, he should've been more careful about it before.

"Just think about it?"

Daniel took advantage of my silence. His face was stretched into a charming smile.

"If you ever change your mind, just ask Austin for my digits."

He said and this idiot has the audacity to wink at me.

He. Freaking. Winked. At. Me.

Without waiting for my response, Daniel skipped away, leaving me baffled. Not only did he made such a cringe-worthy action but he also carved a question in my head.

How did he know Austin?

I made my way to the library, almost forgetting that information as I have a lot of things to think about. But then when I arrived at the library, that question resurfaced when I saw Austin standing beside the History section, his brows creased and his eyes focused on his phone.

"Hey," I called out when I neared him.

"Where have you been? I've been waiting here for like 10 minutes now."

He asked as he follow me to my favorite spot. I plopped down on a chair and placed all of my stuffs on the table.

I ignored Austin when he offered me a chicken sandwich and went on to more pressing issue.

"Do you know Daniel Choi?"

Austin glanced up at me, cocking his head to the side.

"Uh...yes? Why?"

I shrugged.

"He offered to promote me on my candidacy. But I said no."


Austin's tone caught me off guard. I paused from flicking the pages of my book to give him a perplexed look. Austin clicked his tongue and edged closer to me.

"Why the hell did you do that? Daniel just lend you a helping hand!"

"Well I don't even know him! Are you really expecting me to entertain him?"

I was on the defense, his tone was setting me off. I mean, what's with Daniel that Austin acted this way?

"Well I understand that. But didn't you know Daniel Choi is one of the hottest guy here? He's one of my role model if I might say," he paused to drink on his soda.

"He's famous, and I mean — famous. He's part of the soccer team and also a really good dancer. How come you don't know him?"

I rolled my eyes when he gave me a 'you-are-clearly-missing-the-life' expression he often use to tell me that I'm leaving under a rock. I wasn't really thrilled with the flood of information about Daniel. Okay he's famous and all but I don't regret turning him down. After all, what he wants in trade for his 'help' is making me cringe to a whole new level.

Tutor him? Yeah no. I myself have my own tutors and there's no way I'll be teaching someone who's as arrogant as that Daniel Choi. And besides, I can win the campaign — I'll surely find a way to win without his help.

Austin wrenched open the package of my sandwich before holding it out for me.

"Here, eat some. Maybe you'll gain some presence of mind when you're full."

I scoffed but accepted the food anyway. I skimmed over my notes and was about to start highlighting the important stuffs when someone least expected turned up.

"Hey, guys."

My focus was ripped to shreds when I saw Brian Rainey standing in front of me. Austin immediately leapt to his feet to do a....this weird handshake with Brian.

"What's up bro! Here to study too?"

Austin exclaimed as he clapped Brian on the shoulder.

"Well, I'm actually here because I wanted to tell Skie something."