
Purple Mystery : Aami & Jimin ( BTS Army Mystery FF )

The story of how Aami became the eighth member of BTS, the biggest boy band in the world and got herself entangled in a murder mystery. #bickeringcouples #slowburnromance #investigation #mystery #forestlife

Aami_Fia · Music & Bands
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Jimin and Aami : The Clash

I refrained from kissing all these years just to be break it so easily like this.

What was I thinking?


It was not a shadow.

It was an actual person and most importantly.....

It was not "HER"....My first love...Amirah...

I haven't thought about her in a while. That day, in the elevator, struggling between life and death, her memory... it got rekindled again. I still recall everything, the abandoned old factory, the broken windows, the rusty factory equipments, the dark room... I was scared.

It was the month of december and we were freezing. She held my icy cold hands and rubbed them against hers to keep me warm. Although she was younger than me, she possessed so much fire and strength. I still remember those green eye and her mellow voice saying "Don't worry , just repeat after me....I'm gonna get through this, I'm strong,I'm a fighter."

She changed me. In a single night, she taught me to laugh at silly things. Not to be serious all the time. To love the little things in life.

To embrace the real me.

To love myself.

To chase my dreams.

" Don't worry , good souls deserve to be loved. Love will find them no matter what."

Those words of hers gave me courage to move forward in life. I've been waiting for her for five years now. Hoping to meet her one day....

[Meanwhile Aami accidently entered the balcony when Jimin was having an internal monologue of his own. ]

Aami: ah!!. I didn't see you there. I was having trouble sleeping so... I.. I.I'll.. I mean..I'll leave.

Jimin : Don't leave. I need to ask you something. Why did you kiss me?

( I can't believe I'm asking her this question.)

Aami: Excuse me?

Jimin: (yelling) You shouldn't have kissed me!!

Aami: (annoyed) Look!! First of all, You were having a panic attack. Secondly, I wasn't planning to kiss you, okay!! I was planning on giving you a slap on your face but then I slipped and that's when the "kiss" happened. I wasn't taking advantage of the situation.

Jimin : oh really!! You slipped? What an excuse!!! Obviously you wanted to kiss me. I mean who wouldn't?

Aami : ( annoyed) Oh you are so full of yourself!!!.Do you think the world revolves around you? ugh so childish!!!

Jimin : (angry) oh really?? I'm childish? You're the child. You kissed me without my permission.

Aami : (frustrated ) Okay. It was not on purpose. I told you my legs slipped. You...you...you....were ....touching and ....ugh.... why am I even having this conversation with you?!!

Jimin: (pretending to be schoked) I did not....I..I...I..don't remember doing that.

(Why did I even start this argument. Ahh great, I can't end it now, can I? Better tell her, I don't remember kissing her back then)

Aami : (triggered) You might not remember but others do. They saw everything. You pushed me against the wall and then pinned to the ground and I can't believe I'm saying this.. Ahh.. You.. You....you were the one taking advantage of me and not the other way around.

Jimin : Well that's not how I remember it.

Aami : I don't care about your memory. This is what really happened. I'm just stating facts. I'm not gonna apologise. You better do that.

[Why am I even having this stupid argument with him anyway. Ahh but this guy, I can't stand him]

Jimin : You really think I'm gonna apologise for something I didn't do.

(Meanwhile the other BTS members were having a conversation of their own behind the door while quietly observing them.)

Jin: What's happening?

Jhope: I think the "kiss" really triggered Jiminie.

Taehyung : Should we intervene?

Yoongi: No!!! Don't!!! let's see where this is going.

Jungkook : Hyungs, what are you doing??

Jhope : Keep your voice down!!

Jungkook : (looking at Aami and Jimin) ARE THEY FIGHTING?

Taehyung : Oh no.. it's getting out of hands.

Jungkook : What are they arguing about ?

Jhope: About, "Who" kissed "who" ?

Jungkook : So "who" really kissed "who"??

Yoongi : No idea.

Taehyung : I think we should stop this before it gets ugly.

Yoongi : wait!!! Wait!!! Don't go.

Jimin : Why are you even wearing that mask? You got something to hide.. Don't ya? How can we even trust you? What if you're a spy?

Aami : Yeah, I'm a SPY and an idiot one. Really?? Jimin?? Why would I enter an elevator when I know its going to fall? And yes, you wear a mask too. Do you hear me complaining? I've explained everything to Mr Hariko, I don't have to tell you anything.

[Namjoon came upstairs to see what was going on. ]

Namjoon : What's going on? Why are they arguing?

Taehyung : it's about the kiss!!

Jungkook : now it's about the mask.

Jin: I think we should intervene.

Taehyung : (laughing) They look like two cute lil cats, bickering.

Jungkook: (laughing) Owwww, so cute.

Jhope: Ahh Namjoon go break them up. Jimin is really fired up.

Yoongi : So is Aami. Go!! Aami go!!!

Jimin : (shouting) Ahh YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Aami : (shouting back) WHAT?????? HUH??


Aami : I don't find you that appealing either.

Jimin : Ahh.. YOU.. REALLY getting on my nerves.

Aami : BACK AT.... you.

Jimin : I...HATE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aami : well I... HATE. YOU MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Snow fell like ice white dust from the sky. Jimin and Aami look up and then at each other.]

Aami: It's snowing?

Jimin : ....

Aami : ...

Jimin : ...

Aami : Look, I don't want to continue this conversation. It's giving me a headache. I'm going and No... I'm not apologizing.

Jimin : Ahh.. You really!!!!!!

[Aami walked away from Jimin while he stood there dumbstruck. The other members hid themselves when they saw Aami approaching their direction. Later after she left they all went to the balcony. ]

Namjoon : It's the first snow....

Jin : Jimin, did you really had to argue with her?

Jimin: ....

Jhope: Ahh, just forget about it already.

Taehyung : (concerned) Jimin-ah , You can't take it back anyway. Sorry, but there were two people involved.

Jin: You can't fully blame her.

Jimin : She's going to stay here... again onwards?

Jungkook : PD said its temporary.

Jimin : Ahh I CAN'T stand her. She's Ahh....

Yoongi : (shy smile) Cute?

Jimin : Cute?? Hyung, are you out of your mind, She's more like stupid. She's the stupidest.

Yoongi : (shy smile) really??

Jhope : Okay, you better apologise to her tomorrow.


Jungkook : Calm down, hyung.

Jin: Jimin Ah, it's okay.

Jimin: I don't have any other choice, do I?? but I'm never becoming friends with her.

Yoongi : (shy smile) okay....

Namjoon : Ahh... Just.. Oh... Okay

Jin: Let's just enjoy the snow fall, shall we?? Everythings going to be okay.

Taehyung : Wowww it's beautiful.

Jungkook : magical.....

Jimin : Mmm.....