
Chapter 20 The Beautiful Moon Ape

In this continent full of swords and magic, some people practiced magic and some practiced martial arts. Chart was the former, while Kristen was the latter.

According to the level of strength, the big knight was equivalent to the grand mage. Now, Chart's was a senior mage, and the next level up from senior mage was a grand mage.

Kristen was burly and silent, but he was a reliable knight, who was in charge of the knight group in the church all the time. As the leader of knights, he led his men to protect the church.

If he went to the Loki forest with Kristen, he would be more confident in this trip. With this powerful and reliable companion by his side, he could ensure the safety of his trip.

Chart and Kristen went to the Loki forest together. After they walked for a while, the sun gradually rose and the air was a little hot. It was almost noon.

But the heat didn't last long. As he walked, he gradually felt a cold and uncomfortable breath. The breath was exactly the same as that of Barlow, but a little stronger.

"Barlow said we should move forward a little bit. It's not far from here. Do you want to have a look here or go there directly?" Kristen asked.

Kristen also felt this kind of uncomfortable breath, but since Chart was Pope, this trip should mainly be based on Chart's opinion.

"Let me have a look here first. You don't have to be so polite. We aren't in church. You can just call me Chart." Said Chart to Kristen.

When they came to the Loki forest, they changed their daily clothes. If they didn't reveal their identities, no one could recognize that Chart was Pope. However, when going out, it was better to be cautious. There was no need to continue to call him as before.

"Okay." Kristen nodded and agreed.

As far as Chart could see, there was nothing wrong with the surroundings, except that some plants nearby were tainted with some dark breath. He used the purification technique to remove them one by one, and the surroundings were restored to clean.

"It's already noon. Let's have a rest here." Said Chart to Kristen, feeling the scorching sunshine through the gap of the leaves.

"Okay." Kristen had no objection. He immediately cleared up the surroundings and cleared up a small piece of land.

Chart found a wild rabbit nearby. He killed the rabbit and roasted it with Kristen. This rabbit was very fat. Although it was a rabbit, it was as big as a piggy.

In this world of swords and magic, many animals grew larger. That was exactly what he wanted. If they caught a rabbit, it would be enough for them to eat.

Chart roasted the fat rabbit. He hadn't eaten barbecue for a long time. He was good at the barbecue. He cleaned the rabbit, put some oil on it and sprinkled seasonings on it. After a while, a burst of fragrance came to his nose, which made him have a good appetite.

Chart and Kristen had limited appetite. They ate some and gave the rest to the flame tiger. The flame tiger was big and had a big appetite. Moreover, he was not a picky eater and ate everything happily.

After the meal, they set out again and headed for the place where Barlow had mentioned.

It was indeed a wise choice to bring Kristen. Chart had never been to the Loki forest before, so he knew nothing about it. But Kristen was different. He had been to this forest many times before, so he was familiar with the surroundings.

Before they came here, they had asked Barlow in detail. As soon as Kristen heard the description of Barlow, he knew roughly where Barlow was talking about. So this time, it was almost Kristen who led the way.

As they went deeper and deeper into the forest, there was a sudden slight noise around them. They looked at each other and held their weapons.

The weapons of them were both swords, but the sword of Chart was slender and light, and Kristen wore a particularly wide heavy sword.

In the past, they had always been smooth all the way. After all, although they had a small number of people, their strength was not weak. No matter it was Chart, Kristen or the flame tiger, their breath had certain deterrence to the ordinary magical beast.

Now that magical beast suddenly appeared nearby, the strength of the magical beast must not be weak. They became vigilant.

In a short moment, the voice had come to them.

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!" Ice swords were shot towards them one after another, rushing and fast.

"Whoosh!" Then, a gust of rapid wind came, and a huge black shadow jumped down from a tree not far away. This animal landed directly in front of them. As soon as it landed, it rushed to Chart without hesitation.

This animal came aggressively and waved its sharp claws at Chart. Chart went sideways a little, escaped its blow.

Kristen pulled out his heavy sword and forced it back a few steps.

It was a strong ape, about two meters tall. Its fur was silver-white. Under the sun, its thick fur flickered with a faint light.

"It's the beautiful moon ape!" Chart recognized it.

Although Chart didn't go out to practice, he hadn't idled in the church. He had read a lot of ancient books and knew something about these things.

When Chart first came to this world, he didn't know anything. He was curious about the magical beast here, so he read the records.

The ape's appearance was almost the same as that of an ordinary ape, but its fur was silver-white, faintly shining with silver radiance, making it look more beautiful.

This kind of ape usually only moved at night. They liked to stay cool at night and absorbed the light of the moon to enhance their strength.

The ape hated the heat of the sun and rarely appeared in the daytime. This time, it actually came out to block their way when the sun was strongest at noon. It seemed to be not its habit.

The ape liked cold places innately. There was some ice magic in its bloodline, which was something inborn. As their strength increased, the power in their blood would be constantly discovered.

The beautiful moon ape in front of them was a level-4 magical beast. If they were to fight it alone, of all the people present, only Kristen could match it.