
Chapter 13 The Mount

"I'm going to see the flame tiger." Chart said.

"Please go ahead, Pope Chart" Macy nodded and said politely.

When Chart was only a holy son in the past, he did go unnoticed in the church because he only studied magic plants all year round.

But now, after the crown ceremony, everything was completely different. The name of Chart spread quickly. He created a new magic plant and used the long-lost holy light technique, which was all talked about by people.

Although the people outside thought that Chart was awesome, they didn't know much about him. However, Macy, the patriarch, was different. As an employee who had been managing the bright sect for many years, he knew that the appearance of the purification tree and the holy light technique was like a big bomb to many people.

Whether it was the purification tree or the holy light technique, they could be recorded in history. For the bright sect, these were priceless treasures.

Now that Chart could come up with these things, Macy's attitude towards him was naturally much more sincere. He now sincerely respected Chart. Chart was so young, and his future was limitless. Macy also wanted to have a good relationship with him.

Otherwise, according to the past, although the Pope looked to be in a high position, the cardinal would participate in more things and have more say than the Pope.

In the face of Chart, Macy was willing to give in. Through the previous plan, he had fully understood Chart's ability. If Chart was willing to manage church affairs in the future, it would be fine.

Nodding his head, Chart walked out. Before he left, he glanced at Victor and Skien with a faint smile, which made them more nervous.

As soon as Chart went out, Victor and Skien were about to leave, but they were stopped by Macy.

"You really disappoint me. I didn't expect you to be so stupid!" Macy said with disappointment.

Macy could understand why they wanted to be the Pope. The internal strife was not a big deal. It was their own business. But when they treat outsiders, they should be united.

However, Victor and Skien were so confused. If something really happened to Chart, it would disgrace the whole bright sect. Macy's eyes were filled with disappointment. He thought he might have overestimated them in the past. They were so narrow-minded.

At this time, Chart had already walked to the side of the flame tiger, and he did not know what was happening in the hall.

The flame tiger sensed his approaching and looked at Chart curiously. "I'll cure your wound. You can go back." said Chart, rubbing its head

It was the first time that he had seen a level-3 magical beast since he came to this world. He had a good impression of this flame tiger. He could tell that the flame tiger didn't want to hurt him anymore. Even it was a little confusing. Let it go.

As soon as he finished his words, he made a purification tree. He ripened the tree, and three red fruits appeared on it.

Chart picked one of the fruits and fed it to the flame tiger, which swallowed it.

As soon as the fruit was eaten, the wounds on the flame tiger's body quickly recovered at a visible speed. In a short moment, it almost recovered. It stood up and shook its hair. It was a lively flame tiger again.

Although level-3 magical beast was not able to speak, it was smart enough to understand what Chart said. Hearing that, it shook its head hard.

"You don't want to leave?" Asked Chart in surprise.

The flame tiger nodded and pleaded.

"Alice, go get the spirit reading bead." Said Chart to Alice after thinking for a while.

"Okay." Alice nodded and went to get it.

The spirit reading bead was a very common magic prop. Its usage was very simple, and it was used for the communication between people and other creatures.

Only when practice reached a certain level could the magic beast and magic plant communicate with others. Although the low-level magic beast and the magic plant had intelligence, they could not have the ability to communicate. At this time, they needed to use the spirit reading bead.

Alice quickly brought the spirit reading bead. These were two crystal clear translucent beads, which looked like glass balls.

Chart took one and put the other on the flame tiger's head, so that they could communicate with each other.

"Pope, I want to stay with you and be your mount." As soon as he put the bead on its head, he heard the flame tiger's anxious voice.

The voice of the flame tiger was rough and thick, similar to his figure.

Hearing its words, Chart began to wonder why there was such a magical beast, who offered to be a mount. Wasn't it good to be free?

If he could get a mount, of course, he would be very satisfied. This flame tiger looked powerful, and it would be honorable to take it out.

Seeing that Chart did not agree directly, the flame tiger became more anxious. "Pope, I can not only be your mount, but also guard the bright sect."

"Are you sure you want to stay?" Asked Chart curiously.

"Yes, I am. I think you are very capable and a good person. I am willing to stay with you." The flame tiger nodded even harder.

The flame tiger was so huge, but now it was stupid. It looked dull and a little silly. He didn't look as fierce as before. Instead, he looked a little cute.

"In that case, you can stay here." Said Chart with a smile.

He was satisfied with such a free mount. It was not bad to take it as a mount.

And it was a level-3 magical beast, a magical beast of this level, which was rarely seen in Alvin City. Even if they met occasionally, it was difficult to tame them.

"Okay, thank you, Pope." The flame tiger was extremely excited.

Chart asked the flame tiger to go to his yard, and then went to meet Macy, intending to tell him. He suddenly took a magical beast into the church and had to tell the cardinal.

As soon as Chart walked to the hall, the door opened from inside. The two people, Victor and Skien, were walking out. Both of them had long faces.

"Pope Chart!" Although Victor and Skien didn't look good, they still bowed to Chart before leaving.

"Pope Chart, what else can I do for you?" Macy asked in confusion.

After hearing what had happened to the flame tiger and Chart, Macy was even happier. It was a good thing for the church, so Macy agreed without hesitation.