

The boy has uttered the dark words. Deep in its heathen, its prison, it awakens. The catalyst that could bring the end of a powerful being or the birth of something so sinister that the creatures and races of the upper nova cannot dare stand against or comprehend its true wrath. He couldn't believe his senses as he felt the massive energy given off in one-thousandth of a second. He lives. Agarath never succeeded in killing the boy. Xander's anger knew no bounds, making him seek out and revive the 12 Nova knights of Civea. They each possess traits that made to be considered mythic. As they embarked on their mission, they figured Xander was crazy to send people of their caliber to kill a teenager. So they sent merely one knight to annihilate the target. Years, later our MC destroyed the knight with such rage that the 11 remaining knights felt the pure energy radiating from him in four Novas below them. The Civean knights are out for revenge. Will our MC face death or go against all odds to overcome his adversaries and destroy the dark puppeteer at work?

Xeno_Warlock · Action
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12 Chs

Chapter 9- Prince Mordred Cahlyx

It started slowly. At first it was almost sweet then it intensified until he aroused from unconsciousness with a deafening scream. Somehow, he was on knees bound by chains on fire. It had burnt and bitten into his skin shredding his shirt into pieces. Towering over him was Hugo's elder brother prince Mordred Cahlyx, with a murderous intent in his eyes. He continued to glare at Damian until he finally spoke. His voice was filled with arrogance and annoyance.

"You dare touch the Heir Table with your filthy body, you wretch" he sneered. He shifted a little to show Damian the damage he had done to the so-called Heir Table- it was smashed in two, with the expensive cutleries, food and along with the specially embroiled tablecloth depicting the royal family crests.

"I'm going to make you make pay for everything you've destroyed" he said as his already orange pupils glowed an intense red. The chains burned more than before and he was sweating profusely- his hair sticking to his forehead. Mordred wanted him to scream for mercy and Damian knew it but he wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. The flames turned green and Damian felt a very cool sensation- he was being healed and wondered who it was. He realized it was Mordred, the bastard was healing him to hide the marks he thought will be engraved into his skin. But alas, Damian was wrong.

"Prepare for round two" he said lightly. The burn was on another scale, Mordred reflected, the boy will have to yield in sooner rather than later. Damian asked Khorpius for help, the wolf advised that going up against one of royal blood when he himself had no support and power will only bring about devastating consequences. Damian clenched his teeth an endured the pain, when it got unbearable, he bit his tongue to deter from screaming. The boy was tougher than he thought, Damian not yielding was disgracing and tarnishing his image. Fine, then he had to disgrace him too.

Mordred walked forward and clenched Damian's hair and burned it to nothing. Damian rose to his feet and willed Mordred to get his hands off him. Mordred felt a tremendous rush of mitra inside him and his chains bounded around Damian tighter, then all of sudden the boy broke through his chains. Damian walked slowly like a drunk towards Mordred only to fall down and nearly go unconscious yet again, blood rushed from his mouth and formed a puddle on the floor. He heaved himself up and stumbled towards the exit. Everybody looked at him with different emotions- some were happy, shocked, awed and others humiliated, especially those on the Heir Table. Shocked turned into gaping as steam rose from the boy's body. The boy healing faster than the best healing potion money could buy. Damian never looked back. Aydha had disappeared before he crashed- fearing her instincts would get the best of her by transfiguring involuntarily back into a dragon. He didn't speak when she nuzzled around his neck. He fished out the entry fob or key- which was a hexagonal flat slab of stone with strange writings on it. He stamped it against its reader. The metallic door clanged open and he stepped inside. The common room was nothing much, just leather furniture lined a creamy-white wall, with a transparent glass wall served as a barrier between the common room and the dinky balcony. Adjacent the glass wall stood yet another creamy-white wall with three doors set flushed into it. One led to separate rooms, the other two led to the washroom and bathroom. Damian shuffled to the one on the furthest right- he was going straight to his room. He ruffled his hair, checking the damage Mordred had done to it- and the results weren't encouraging. So he had to level it down to a crew-cut. Aydha jumped onto the bedside locker and curled up into a white snowy ball. He crushed into bed, eyelids heavy with sleep.

MEANWHILE IN THE DINING HALL Gaddiel, daughter and heir of the Mehlyn family stood quietly. She was looking lustfully at the blood Damian had puked up on the floor. When everything including the ruckus had died down she glanced around quickly making sure no one was watching her. Gaddiel discreetly pointed a finger at the blood. She came from a long line of blood users- that was one of the things that distinguished the Mehlyn family from the other families. The ability to control one's blood brought more fear than respect and their spirit manifestation familiars- blood snake golems were legendary, not necessarily do all blood users get golems. Rivulets of blood floated up joining each other to form a thin red string that snaked unseen towards Gaddiel's finger. She sighed sensually as the blood fused into hers, then it all felt somehow wrong- she began convulsing and her finger burned. The flesh on Gaddiel's finger began to disintegrate and she screamed- Mordred and the other heirs rushed to her aid. He used his healing flame magic but that only made it worse. It had spread to three fingers now- the pain also tripled, tears were now rolling down her cheeks. Nolani from the Nyx family used water to cover the exposed flesh on her fingers. When it didn't work she froze the water. The action calmed Gaddiel down, a bit- everyone stared at the heir of the famed and feared Mehlyn family, what had happened to make Mordred's goddess scream like that. Merton of the Ortycars waved everyone off to get back to their lives.

They sent her to infirmary. The healer there told them that he had not seen such a case hence he couldn't help. The healer in turn alerted the administration, which also summoned Gaddiel's family. Who in turn was sent whimpering home for a better treatment. Mordred was seething with rage and he went over the events that had happened that night in his head- what happened and more importantly, whatever that caused it, the destruction was on another grade. It even fueled itself with his healing flames, the thought made him shudder- perhaps it was that boy. He walked to where his girlfriend had been injured hours ago, unintelligently cleaning Damian's blood with his red cape. He must be careful round that boy- who knows what he's capable of. He summoned an elevator disk large enough for him and his cronies of the 'Heir Table' and set off towards their dormitory which was more like a suite.