

The boy has uttered the dark words. Deep in its heathen, its prison, it awakens. The catalyst that could bring the end of a powerful being or the birth of something so sinister that the creatures and races of the upper nova cannot dare stand against or comprehend its true wrath. He couldn't believe his senses as he felt the massive energy given off in one-thousandth of a second. He lives. Agarath never succeeded in killing the boy. Xander's anger knew no bounds, making him seek out and revive the 12 Nova knights of Civea. They each possess traits that made to be considered mythic. As they embarked on their mission, they figured Xander was crazy to send people of their caliber to kill a teenager. So they sent merely one knight to annihilate the target. Years, later our MC destroyed the knight with such rage that the 11 remaining knights felt the pure energy radiating from him in four Novas below them. The Civean knights are out for revenge. Will our MC face death or go against all odds to overcome his adversaries and destroy the dark puppeteer at work?

Xeno_Warlock · Action
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12 Chs

Chapter 7- The Journey

He groaned as he clambered onto Aydha's back. The least he wanted was to mingle with people and that was exactly what he was going to do. Damian sighed as the familiar cave grew smaller and smaller until it transformed into a bare jagged mountain- he was really going to miss this place, the ever-cold stream and the wild animals. Nonetheless, he looked forward to getting a new weapon- something other than a sword, a mace or a spear maybe. His loose long hair whipped his face as the ferocious wing threatened to blow his off Aydha's back. Below, the ground looked like a patchwork of green and brown as they flew with an incredible speed.

They quickly banked left into a cloud. A huge galleon airship flew above them with grace. At the bow and side a giant crest in gold was embellished. The crest contained a red phoenix crossed by a staff and scepter. It was flanked by smaller similar ships. Damian was informed by Aydha the ships belonged to one of the powerful royal families of Nervanha- the Cahlex family. When ranked, they were the third most influential and powerful royals. Damian succeeded in convincing Aydha to fly in close proximity to the largest ship. The skillful beast transfigured into as fluffy cloud with Damian concealed inside.

"That's prince Mordred, heir to the throne, the one near the steering wheel is his little brother prince Hugo. Prince Hugo was fair-skinned with flame-red spike hair. He was draped in cream robes with a silver-white sash, his miniature family crest acted as a brooch to attach the red cape behind him. Guards flanked him and brother his brother everywhere they went. The ship's artilleries and firearms were beyond anything Damian had ever seen. The cannons had mega sunbeads of their own- the firepower of each must be insane thought Damian- these guys were really powerful and were only ranked third! Then the first must be otherworldly The galleon was of pure silver metal- no wood, it had sails and massive and powerful thrusters that made the Starlight's look like a joke. Its ram was the head of a golden phoenix.

Hugo was dead tired. They had been travelling for weeks without end, he was sick of seeing clouds and different hues of the sky during morning and evening. He leaned on the starboard peered at the clouds that littered the afternoon sky. Hugo shot little balls of fire from his index finger at nothing in particular. Mom and dad had said something about a new academy he had been transferred to. He suspected that Mordred knew something about it but the little dam wouldn't budge.

"Trust me brother you will love it ", he said one day when Hugo pestered him about it. Hugo later resigned to being kept in the dark. Then he saw something, rather, he thought he saw white hair- it might be a trick of light he reasoned or the cannons might haves shot at whoever it was. Then he saw it again, inside an unnaturally fast-moving cloud. He had to check it out. No one made an attempt to stop him as he jumped from the giant airship. Damian looked at the crazy boy with a shocked expression, then he understood why no one stopped Hugo- fire burst from his palms and feet, and the boy was headed towards them. Aydha merely chuckled disappeared out of sight but not before prince Hugo saw Damian's face.

Hugo nearly lost control when he saw the dark-skinned boy. He blinked again, wanting to confirm what he saw, only clouds surrounded him. 'I'm a hundred percent sure I saw a person' he mumbled to himself. Hugo continued to search but found nothing. Mordred called him, and so he had to return.

"What did you go jumping off the airship for?" Mordred questioned.

"I thought I saw someone in the clouds", he replied.

Mordred shook his head which made his red curly hair bounce. "You really don't to attend this academy, do you?", he said trying to control himself from laughing. The guards joined in as well- he truly had made a mockery of himself. Hugo shrugged and entered his quarters to sleep. Then he heard his brother's voice, "You will finally see the academy you loathe so much, bro. That gave him something to think about, he will finally escape this aerial nightmare.

* * *

Aydha had to fly low between clouds every now and then. The Cahlex were not the only royals they met on the way- they passed the Nyx family- the second ranked family, the Mehlyn family- fourth ranked and the Ortycars- fifth ranked and last ranked family. Damian was dying to see the first.

"Where are they all going", asked Damian.

"The same place we're heading, Grylock's Academy of Gramarye",Aydha replied. Maybe, leaving to that academy might not be as bad as he thought. Whatever institution this was, it sure was attracting many powerful figures, he had to prepare in case of any contingency- he must get stronger. Damian sat down on Aydha's scaly back and went deep into himself. Khorpius stood by him, 'Don't change the scene I want to meditate in the void.' The nimbus came into view. It was now as big as Khorpius' eye, which was more than half of Damian's height. In silence, Damian meditated with all his might- to the extent that couldn't see or feel Aydha's presence. He had completely blotted everything out, no distractions. The shiny sphere grew exponentially, it reached its limit and began quivering.

Yes! It was about to burst, Damian strained with all his might, what kind of power awaits him- he anticipated. Then thick crimson tendril-like structures came out of nowhere and encircled the nimbus preventing it from exploding. Damian's eyes opened wide with surprise.

"Wat was that?" he questioned Khorpius. The wolf was silent for a while, then the calm atmosphere around him vanished- it was replaced by anger.

'Agaryth!!' he swore loudly. "That Loathsome Beast, He Did This. To Think Maximus And Arya Will Allow This!!" Then he paced around for awhile, Damian had never seen Khorpius this agitated. 'This Is A Cursed Blood Seal- At Its Worst.'

"So no power or abilities then.", Damian said downcast. He had already tried to burst the nimbus inside the tendrils but to no avail- they just absorbed it energy over and over again.

"But we are still going, right?", Aydha asked.

"That Was The Arrangement, And It Still Is." Khorpius confirmed.

They were on the ground before Damian broke out of his reverie. It was dark and a crescent moon peered its blanket of clouds. The sky was twilight blue with shooting stars raining across. They set up camp in the mouth of a small cave obscured by trees. Not less than three leagues ahead stood a very large settlements- it was the capital city of Nervanah. It was fortified with grand battlements and walls so high, that it gave away the presence of a city more than ten leagues away. Its whitewashed walls were topped with footholds on which guards made rounds. Aydha said that entry in eventide was forbidden so they had to wait until daybreak.

He nestled against Aydha's sleeping form and his eyes. The only noises were his breathing and the occasional crackling of the tinder as it burned. The sight of the blood-red tendrils sickened him- he had to find a way to destroy whatever it was. Something told him to keep meditating, he sighed and forced himself to sleep.