

The boy has uttered the dark words. Deep in its heathen, its prison, it awakens. The catalyst that could bring the end of a powerful being or the birth of something so sinister that the creatures and races of the upper nova cannot dare stand against or comprehend its true wrath. He couldn't believe his senses as he felt the massive energy given off in one-thousandth of a second. He lives. Agarath never succeeded in killing the boy. Xander's anger knew no bounds, making him seek out and revive the 12 Nova knights of Civea. They each possess traits that made to be considered mythic. As they embarked on their mission, they figured Xander was crazy to send people of their caliber to kill a teenager. So they sent merely one knight to annihilate the target. Years, later our MC destroyed the knight with such rage that the 11 remaining knights felt the pure energy radiating from him in four Novas below them. The Civean knights are out for revenge. Will our MC face death or go against all odds to overcome his adversaries and destroy the dark puppeteer at work?

Xeno_Warlock · Action
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12 Chs

Chapter 6- The Fight II

Damian smiled as he got down to meditate the fourth time that day. He was still reminiscing the fight against the dummy. He had literally smashed the bullseye into the dummy's head with his knee. This was getting too easy, he had cranked up the difficulty a bit much(he still had no idea about its level). He read more books on sword arts that further refined his skills. Khorpius had changed the usual place of meditation, they were underwater, with lots of fishes in schools swimming lazily. Damian began cultivation. The WR's door opened, Damian sensed a presence of six people. Captain entered, followed by Lutz, Jake, Amy, Leo and Layla. They spoke in whispers as they went to modify the illusion and simulation magic for their training.

Soon the room was filled with yells, clanging of metals, cold sensation of portals, small and elephantine hissing of vines slithering and tree creaking. The noise was just too much, Damian tolerated it quite tediously. Layla sensed a stationary presence that had suddenly become mobile- it was Damian. She wanted to talk to him, find out if something was bothering him. When Flavio had locked him in the White Room, visiting was prohibited, only Lutz was allowed to give him food, considering she was the responsible one.

From where she was, shouting Damian's name will attract unwanted attention. She resigned to use her psychic spirit snake on Damian. Her spirit animal allowed her to poke into the minds of people without them noticing; Layla could change the thought of a person, command, paralyze for a very limited amount of time and even extract the deepest and darkest secrets. The latter was what she decided to use on him. Her familiar was invisible to non-psychic users. Unknown to her Damian could see it quite clearly, but he was busy meditating with Khorpius.

Damian gasped and gazed at the slender little serpent that drifted slowly near him. It was silver white with light-blue highlights around its eyes. Khorpius growled softly as the animal drew near, Damian was confused, wasn't this just an illusion. Either the serpent was foolish or hadn't noticed the metallic wolf near the white-haired boy; it still continued boldly. Damian eyes opened wide as Khorpius bit it hard, and it immediately disappeared. A loud screamed pulled Damian back to reality. Layla was twitching on the floor and blood run from her nostrils and mouth. Everyone stopped and ran towards her. When asked what was wrong, she pointed a bloody finger at Damian, who stared with awe at her.

Jake and Leo looked at him, if looks could kill Damian would have been long gone. The next instant was bedlam. Both of them rushed at Damian, Leo jumped into a portal, Jake fashioned a spear with his metal affinity and threw it at Damian. A minute ping sounded and Leo appeared above Damian, who had sensed him a little bit too late, he blocked the kick with the side of his sword- forgetting about the other which slammed into his face, Jake spear dove in as Leo disappeared with another portal, the projectile caught Damian neatly in the shoulder. Jake has had a crush on Layla as long as he could remember, and he was emotionally torn when Layla stuck up to Damian; he had been jealous of him ever since and he used this opportunity to inflict some of his pain on Damian.

Captain bellowed, "Stop" and everything came to a standstill. Jake had a content expression on his face, Leo likewise and Damian's in constant was neutral despite the gaping wound on his shoulder. Lutz and Amy looked at the wound with horror. They were further shocked as the wound began to heal rapidly. The spear clanged on the floor as it was ejected by Damian's body. Layla had recovered a bit and was sitting on the floor, she tried to attract Damian's attention but the guy's eyes stared into nothingness and looked quite dead.

"I thought I made it clear, no one dies on this ship", Flavio bellowed yet again at the boys. He went on scolding them one after the other, when it was Damian's turn Layla interrupted.

"It wasn't his fault, there's something ins-". The Damian's faded pupil glinted a violent magenta only she noticed. Then an unfamiliar voice spoke in her head.

"Make Me Known And I Will Obliterate You", the voice warned.

"It's nothing", she said to Captain. Puzzled, Flavio sent the boys to their rooms(including Damian). Damian changed into fresh clothes and packed a few in a small bag which he slung on his shoulder. He stepped onto the aisle and walked briskly out onto the deck.

'When does he get here?'.

'You Mean She, And She Will Not Take Long'.

Days ago, Khorpius informed Damian of the messenger's arrival, and today was when she will arrive. In a room not far away from Damian's laid an injured Layla surrounded by her brother and the rest of the crew, everyone was present with the exception of Jake, who was in the core room as usual- it wasn't that he didn't care but it pained Jake to see her in such a condition. He saw Damian with a bag on the deck. Good, he thought Damian should finally leave, such a burden he was.

Flavio left to go check up on Damian. The boy's door was ajar and same of his clothes were gone! He can't let him leave, after all how can he take care of himself?, he could barely fight! He rushed out onto the aisle, his heavy footsteps sounded in the lone aisle. Got out only to see Damian standing on that blasted misty dragon, that nearly destroyed his airship.

"Come back boy", he pleaded.

"Damian you're a part of this family-.."

'Never use that word", Damian interrupted Damian. "For you know not what it means. From now onwards I'm dead to you. Flavio's loud voice attracted the others to the deck. Jack and Leo stared in fear and awe, Layla and Lutz stood with their hands clasped over their mouths. Amy was actually trying to get close to Damian.

"Don't go please", she said with tears in her eyes. "We're family", the statement made Captain flinch.

"Families protect each other not injure and lie on them." Now it was Leo, Jake and Layla's turn to flinch.

"You have other brothers to look up to not me."

"At least take this.", said Lutz and threw the sword to Damian. She accepted the fact that he was going and might not back. Damian caught the sword in a fluid motion with one hand and in a flash broke it in two, and threw it back at her.

"I desire nothing from you!". With that the dragon roared and sped north, Damian never looked back.

Layla collapsed as Damian slowly shrunk in a dot and disappeared. He was gone, and was never coming