
Chapter Two

I quietly close my door behind me and look for the girls. I see Paige looking up at me and shaking Rebecca to let her know I'm here. Rebecca looks at me. "What happened, Jeff?" I couldn't answer her. All I could do was stare at the ground and cry. I couldn't tell them what I just saw.

Paige is staring at the stars outside, showing off her innocence. I couldn't bare to see her cry. Rebecca was standing next to me, as I used to do to her. She was hugging me tight, it felt like a cloud. I had to tell them what happened.

I sit them both down on the bed. "Listen here...I don't know how to really say this but mom and dad just...just got killed." I mumbled loud enough to hear. A few seconds of silence pass by then they both burst into tears. Its 8:30, we still have a while to go. "I need to go get something from the store, its urgent." Rebecca said. I got up immediately. "No, you stay here, protect Paige, I'll go out and get it. Just stay in here and don't go downstairs." I say. Rebecca nods and goes to lock the door behind me.

I walk outside of my room, hearing the door lock. Now I just have to step over the dead bodies of our parents. The door was cracked open. I opened it so I could slide out and closed it behind me. I walked down the front porch stairs and two guys approached me. " Well well well, look at what we found." the first one says. " We got ourselves a little family man." the second guy says.

They both burst into laughter. Not a second flies by and I just walk past them. " Where are you going?" the first one asks, putting his hand on my shoulder. I brush his hand off my shoulder, ignoring his question. The second man pulls out a knife and holds it at my neck. "We didn't tell you to leave, did we?

Out of nowhere, a girl comes up behind them and hits the back of their heads with a frying pan. "Man these two are annoying!" she says under breath. "Thanks.." I mutter. She looks up at me and smiles. Her smile is bright and loving..wait what am I saying, I just met her.

"Anyways, what are you doing out here? Its pretty dangerous." she asks. I want to tell her but something is stopping me. She puts her hands on my face and pulls it closer to hers. " You okay pal?" she asks. My face turns a deep shade of red. "Um I have to go.." I walk away from her and get in my car. I wave at her goodbye and head to the store.

I just got back in the car from the store. I picked up what Rebecca needed and got some extra snacks and supplies. My car turns off and I head inside the house. Bringing the bags in, I have to step over the blood of our parents. I knocked on my bedroom door and opened it. Both Rebecca and Paige jump out of their hiding spots.

"Yay you're back!" Paige danced around. I handed Rebecca her stuff and gave them their treats, Paige got a mini bag of candy and her favorite chips while Rebecca got a box of chocolate, chips, and a pocket knife. "Thank you" Rebecca said. I nodded and made them their own areas to get cozy. They decided to watch a movie on my tv, Paige chose to watch Cinderella like usual but we didn't fight it. 

Paige had fallen asleep on the beanbag while Rebecca was siting with me on my bed. All of a sudden our devices go of just like when the purge started. We were too tired to fully understand but it said the purge and how it will last longer than 12 hours. We didn't really listen to it.

I woke up at 6 am to Paige playing with her dolls. She looked up and smiled, "Good morning brother!". What a sweet little girl. "Good morning Paige" I respond. I look over at Rebecca, shes sleeping on my shoulder. I rested her head on my pilow, got up, and tucked her under the blankets. It was freezing out.

I heard a knocking coming from the front door. Paige heard it and got under her blanket. I told her that everything would be fine. I got up and went to the front door. I look out the window to see a familiar face.

It was Olivia. I opened the door to see her with a backpack of stuff and a knife in her leg. WAIT A KNIFE IN HER LEG! "Oh hello" I said. She looked up at me. "Hello, I'm sorry, I don't know anyone else and I don't know what to do..." she rushed. I felt bad for her.

"Please come in, don't mind everything down here, we can go upstairs now." I said. She looked up and smiled through the pain. She stumbled when she tried to walk, It looked painful. Out of nowhere I just chose to pick her up, bridal style, and carry her upstairs.

"H-Hey what are you doing!?!" she said. I brought her upstairs and opened my door. "This is to help you." I say. Paige pops out from her blanket and hugs me. "Brother who is she..?" Paige asks. I look at Paige, then Olivia, then back at Paige and say "Shes one of my friends." 

I sit Olivia down in my chair and prop her leg up. " Hey Paige can you go get the first aid kit out of the closet?" I said. She looked up, nodded, and ran to the closet. "So..this is your family?" Oivia aksed. " Yes, or what I have left of it" I respond.

Paige runs back over with a box of bandage wraps and baby wipes. I take out the knife as quick as possible. Olivia is clenching the side of the chair in pain. "Almost done" I tell her. Once the knife is out I wrap the bandage around her leg and make sure its secure.

"How does this feel?" I asked her. "Its a lot better, thanks" she responded. I look over to see Rebecca waking up. " *yawn* Good- wait who is she..?" Rebecca questions. Olivia smiles and waves while Paige introduces her to Rebecca. " Hey sissy! This is Jeffs friend Olivia!" Paige says.

" Umm hello there.." Olivia says to Rebecca. She just seems to ignore it though. I look back at Olivia and she looks at me. I feel my face heating up again. "Is it possible that I could stay here with you guys until this purge is over? Its supposed to last longer than a month now." she asks. I stare in her hazel eyes for a second, then come back to reality. 

"Of course you can! Stay here as long as needed, I still owe you some for saving me earlier." I reply. Paige runs in a small circle before announcing, "Yay another girl is here!!!". I leave my room to go get our extra blankets and pillows. I come back to see Olivia braiding Paiges hair and Rebecca on her phone. This is going to be an adventure for sure.