
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

The Tragic Event

(3rd Person View)

It was quite the lively event this night. Many groups attended and enjoyed the performances by BTS and Taemin. Taejoon even hijacked on the performances and did a rap solo which excited many. He had a bit too much to drink but not a lot people were bothered by the fact.

The partnering of some heroes with groups was made official and to everyone's surprise, the majority of the Guardians were announced to be partnered up with the most prominent groups such as Twice, BTS, Red Velvet, and Blackpink along with others.

Aanya and Red Cap#6 were partnered up with Twice and their reaction were that of excited children. Aanya even reluctantly walked up to the girls and asked for a handshake. The members of South Korea's biggest girl group were also too nervous to shake the hand of one the Guardians considering how much they admire the hero. #6 could not muster up the courage to do the same and just kept his distance.

Taejoon was unsurprisingly paired up with BTS and he just spend the rest of the event hanging out at their table and challenging them to drinking contests. Something they strictly refused due to them having a strict schedule that week.

Michael was actually paired up with many boygroups such as Ateez, Got7, and TXT. He wasn't fazed by the news and merely chilled with some of his High Rank hero friends.

Many idols did in fact ask for the rest of the Guardians but Michael kept telling them that they were busy. Some were in fact asking for Energy and mentioned how they had spotted her flying around the area.

All in all, the event went about smoothly and there was no trouble in the area or in any other cities to say the least.

That being said, not everyone was prepared for what was to come.


It was now the middle of the night, a couple hours after the event ended. Somewhere in the streets of Daegu, a young man walked by the sidewalk. He was wearing a suit and a bright red cap.

He was looking at his phone as he walked and frowning.

"Man, I wish I was there for the event." He said, "But my stomach was killing me so I missed the whole thing."

He was scrolling through pictures that was posted on a group chat. He saw pictures of Taejoon and Aanya dancing, Michael chugging a bottle of champagne, and several other High Rank heroes having a good time.

This man was Red Cap #4, #6's older brother. He had missed the event because of a stomach issue he was having. He texted his younger in apology for his tardiness but despite that, his brother was not upset, in fact he was excited to tell him that he and #4 were partnered up with Twice.

#4 was relieved to hear the news. While he wasn't much of a fan of kpop, he was well aware of his brother being one. He was indeed happy to hear his brother's wishes were granted recently.

"Oh, Daehwi..." he said as he stared at a picture of his brother being hugged by Taejoon, "I am sorry I missed it.."

Then, he heard something clatter down an alleyway besides him. He stopped and looked up to see nothing. He couldn't see much even if he tried since there was almost no light in the alley.

He narrowed his eyes and gulped, "H-Hello?"

There was another clatter that was heard.

"Uhm, yea...." He said, "I am sure this is not good. This is the classic noise in the alleyway to lure in an unsuspecting victim...."

Then, before he could say anything else, there was a loud scream of a woman.

"Help!!" she yelled out

Immediately, #4's instincts kicked in, those of a hero. He started running towards the yell while he turned on the flashlight of his phone, waving it around to see. He was conflicted on whether or not he should actually go in there. He expected for it to be some sort of trap but he assured himself that whatever it was, he could handle it. He is more than capable of taking on some low level thug.

He made his way to the end of the alley to find nobody. He looked around in confusion. He was sure there was somebody around.

"Hello? Ma'am?" he called out

He was looking around to find a clue to the whereabouts of the woman, but found none. He was confused

"Uhm...okay..." he started before rethinking his choices, "Maybe I should actually go back."

He wasn't sure if he should stay since he had a feeling something was off.

"Well...." a sly and cold voice said

He turned to shine the light on a man. He was tall and wearing a grey suit with white gloves on his hands that were by his side. What unsettled #4 was that the man was wearing a paper bag over his head so he couldn't see what his face looked like.

"What the-" #4 said before backing up a bit

He was shaken up at the sudden appearance of the man. He saw the paper bag over his head and saw that there was some slits cut on where he would assume were his eyes. His guess was that they serve the purpose of allowing the man to see.

He wondered why he was even wearing the paper bag, something anyone would wonder as well.

"Heh..." the man said, "So....you're a hero?"

#4 nodded, "Yea-" he started before being cut off by a loud bang

He didn't notice he was already shot in the chest. He looked down at the hole that was made by the bullet, then looked up to see the man holding a pistol.

He tried to speak but fell on his knees instead. He clutched his chest as blood poured out, soaking his hands.

"Hm, seems that no matter how tough some heroes are..." the man said, "They can easily be put down with a single bullet."

#4 fell down completely on his chest. He struggled to get back up but to no avail, he had already lost plenty of blood by then. His eyes were wide open when he looked back up to his attaacker.

The man aimed the gun at him.

After a couple of seconds, He fired again. With this, #4 was dead.

The man stared at the body and the blood that poured out of it. He then took a step back to avoid dirtying his shoes.

Looking back up and putting his gun away, He sighed.

"Well, well, well." He said,

"I guess it took 2 bullets for him."

The Red Caps are a group of Low Rank heroes in Purgatory. There are only 8 of them and they are known by their numbers assigned. Pretty strange of them, but they're quite capable of fighting. Some of them are superhumans but the rest aren't.

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