
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

The Threat of The Armory

(Michael's POV)

"They're What?" I said, "Enchanted weapons? How is that a thing?"

I sat across Ryuki, the messenger of House Dreadfyre, at a table inside a bar. I had tracked him down to Gangnam in the Seoul Capital Area. He had been quite busy looking for information regarding those weapons, leaving a trail of broken bones and hospitalized gangsters.

Ryuki nodded as he drank soju from a cup, "Yes. Enchanted weapons." He said

I blinked, "How?"

"I cannot disclose that information." He said, "It is our House's most valuable secret. I am walking on thin ice by telling you this, but the more help I have in locating the weapons, the better."

I grabbed the cup of soju I had in front of me and took a drink. I then looked around to see if anyone was listening in. Gladly, there wasn't.

"So what are they exactly?" I said, "Swords? Spears? Axes?"

Ryuki nodded again, "Yes." He said, "Regular melee warfare weapons. But they are enchanted. The thing is, in the hands of normal people, they are useless. But if someone that knows how to use them gets their hands on them, it is a different story."

I looked at him. He was looking at the soju inside his cup as he slowly swirled it around. He had a serious look on his face. If what Engine told me was correct, House Dreadfyre wasn't going to get involved in this unless we didn't retrieve the weapons in a set amount of time. Then, they would've sent That Guy.

One thing I do know about that specific Dreadfyre is that he causes absolute havoc when he descends unto a city. That is the last thing we need.

"I heard you lot weren't going to get involved." I told him

He looked at me and raised an eyebrow, "Did you believe that?"

I shrugged, "I would guess so." I told him, "I figured your boss would've rushed over here and started to wreck shit around just to get his weapons back."

Ryuki chuckled, "He would've." He said setting his cup down, "And if the rest of us didn't convince him otherwise, He was going to send the whole band to settle this."

I narrowed my eyes, "All of you, huh?" I said, "That would not be a pretty sight."

Ryuki isn't a messenger of House Dreadfyre; He's a member of a group of warriors serving directly under the nephew of The Head. They're renowned across the west and feared to be extremely powerful fighters. Ryuki here is a very powerful martial artist and despite being younger than me, I'd wager he can kick my ass.

If all of them had mobilized towards South Korea during this current time of crisis, the chaos that would ensue would be something that even Purgatory would not be able to handle so easily.

"Our House has a reputation that must be upheld." Ryuki explained, "Allowing some nobodies to steal from us without much of a punishment is not something ideal."

House Dreadfyre is one of the most prestigious noble houses from Europe, their country of origin is unknown since they had constantly moved over the centuries. They have had a reputation for being an extremely fierce and unpredictable House of Warfare. The Current Head of House Dreadfyre is someone I met when I was younger, a very calm and kind man. It is his nephew who's fierce and unruly, the one who upholds their reputation. I had heard he had taken part in a battle a few years back, one that solidified him as one of the strongest in the world.

I sighed, "I take it your boss wants to do something about it, huh?" I asked

"He does. But he sent me instead." He said, "He told me to work with you guys to resolve this."

I nodded, "I see." I told him, "I know for a fact that if he tried to come here himself, our top dog would've had something to say about it."

"Apex and House Dreadfyre do not get along very much." Ryuki said, "My colleagues consider him annoying. As for The Chief, your top hero amuses him a lot, so of course, he's more than willing to antagonize him."

He then looked at me seriously, "Michael." He said, "We have to act quickly if we are to avoid those weapons being used. According to the inventory done, there are a few specific weapons that would be more than catastrophic if they are to be unleashed."

I sighed, "I figured as much." I said, "Honestly, there's a possibility that Paperbag's men have been armed with those weapons. Golden Spear has allied with him apparently, so expect him to have one."

He then stood up, "Then we must go." He said, "We cannot let them make full use of them."


We stood atop a building, it was night time and I was finding this to be some waste of time.

Ryuki stood next to me as he drank soda from a cup. He had stopped by a burger place, saying he was quite hungry. I thought that was ridiculous because he had eaten some burgers at the bar we were at earlier.

I looked down at the street below us, It looked to be empty.

"The Chikage." I heard him say

I looked at him, "Huh?"

Ryuki sipped from his cup as he looked down at the street.

"It is one of the weapons that were stolen." He said, "It is a katana that House Dreadfyre seized from an enemy Samurai back in the old days. I don't know much about its history despite being Japanese. But from what I was told, It is a very powerful weapon."

I blinked, "So you think Paperbag has this sword then?" I said, "How dangerous could it be?"

"As I said, I don't know much about it. But from what The Chief told me, It is extremely dangerous. Especially if it falls in the hands of a strong swordsman." He said

This was bad. Yamato Takeru is here in South Korea and from what Taejoon told me about him, He is a very powerful swordsman. One of the best that the Japanese underworld has to offer.

"I suppose if Takeru has it, it'll be bad." I said aloud

"What?" I looked up to see Ryuki looking at me with a shocked face, "Takeru, you say?"

I nodded, "Yea. He was spotted in South Korea." I said, "Chances are, he had made contact with Paperbag."

He then threw the cup away behind him, I watched as it landed inside a trash can that was conveniently there.

"Then this is bad. Yamato Takeru isn't someone we should take lightly." He said, "The First Son of The Yamato Family is a devil amongst men. We must make sure he does not touch the Chikage. Or any of the other weapons for that matter."

I was about to say something when I heard a loud crash below us. I looked down to the building across from the one we were at, the front windows were shattered and we saw a couple of men exiting the building and running away at a rapid pace. I noticed one of them held a shotgun in his arms. He must have ties to the underground, considering firearms are illegal in this country.

I narrowed my eyes and sighed, "That'll have to wait, buddy." I told Ryuki,

"Guess I got work to do."