
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

The Demon Leg Amily

(3rd Person View)

Incheon, one of South Korea's largest cities, is known to give birth to several heroes. One of them is the Nation's Titan, Typhoon. A Hero with a legendary status that has protected the nation for 20 years.

He is not associated with Purgatory as he is more of a solo hero. As of 2017, He has retired due to personal reasons and has not been seen since. Every year, people in Incheon celebrate in honor of his tenure as South Korea's Hero. Despite that, the people of the country did not lose hope for them since Purgatory was establishing itself as a powerhouse in the Hero business.

And nowadays, Incheon is now known for being the homeplace of one of The Ten Guardians.

The Demon Leg, Amily.

Out of the sports that are popular in South Korea, one wouldn't think Taekwondo is one of them. But that is because it should not be treated as a sport but as what it is, A Martial Art. It is meant for combat purposes rather than sporting events.

Born to Taekwondo Black Belt parents, Amily was bred for Taekwondo and ever since she was a small child, she has trained to her upmost limits. One could comment that is not right to put a child through the rigorous training that she went through and while that could be true, she did not care one bit while doing it.

From day one, Amily's sole purpose was to be the best. And she did in fact become the best. There is a term that describes people with born talent to do something better than the rest.

A Prodigy. That is what she is. A prodigy. And now she is considered Incheon's pride and joy as she is the strongest Taekwondo practitioner even at her young age of 25.

It is not an exaggeration that she is the strongest. She is in fact the strongest. A 10th degree Black Belt and last checked, it usually takes 10 years to achieve that rank. And even among the other 10th degree black belts, she is still superior in terms of technique and physical ability.

She is The Demon Leg Amily, One of the Ten Guardians of Purgatory.


Somewhere in Incheon, there resided a building. It was a rather popular building as it was the dojo where Amily trained and is usually seen at. Despite that, she does not spend too much time there since she does not want to attract criminal attention to it.

But today is different. Inside the building, there was nobody to be seen. The training sections were empty and every light was off. This was odd because it was the middle of the day on a busy weekday.

Inside a room, there was nothing but a mat where a young woman sat. She was wearing the traditional taekwondo gi with the black belt. She had long black hair tied back in a ponytail. She was wearing a red headband for whatever reason. As you probably guessed, this was the Hero and Guardian Amily.

She was facing the wall as there was a picture of a man. The frame was surrounded by flowers and there was some candles that were lit up. This was some sort of shrine honoring the person.

She had her eyes closed and hands in a praying position. She was in deep thought as her pale skin reflected the light of the candles.

She then opened her eyes, "Grandfather." she said, "Today marks 17 years since you passed away."

The picture of the man was an old one of her grandfather whom she loved very much when she was child. He was not a taekwondo practitioner rather a simple fisherman who worked hard for his family. It was his son and Amily's father who walked the path of martial arts.

Amily looked at the picture with a serious look, "I only wish you were here to see me." she said, "I am a Hero. Something you wanted to be despite not being a superhuman. Well, here I am, Grandfather. One of the 10 best heroes this country has. I hope that wherever you are, you are watching with pride."

She looked down and set her hands on her laps, "I have a lot of juniors looking up to me." she said, "The pressure is unbelievable and I do not know if I can do it. Father says to stay strong and to not stay from the path i chose. I chose this path because of you and today I ask for guidance. Despite my peers, I am but a Human. A strong one but a human regardless."

She looked back up at the picture, "Am I still up to the task of being a Hero?"

Then, she felt a presence.

Before she could react, she heard a voice.

"You are up to the task, Amily." a voice of man told her

She looked back to see who spoke to her. She widened her eyes to see who it was.


Hello, Readers. This is a rather short chapter and I apologize for it. I just have a busy day with work and everything. Again, I apologize.

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