
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

The Daegu Cache

Third Person POV

Mujin walked over the unconscious bodies of men who were wearing white suits. He scowled at some of them while he avoided a couple of blood pools.

"Filth.." he muttered, "They got their own colored suits, huh? This some way to mock us?"

He made his way to the front of an abandoned building somewhere in Daegu. Several of his men who wore black suits were lined up in front of the building. They had just finished up a battle with men who were supposedly with Paperbag.

Mujin had tricked Aanya in order to make her think he was in Busan when in fact, he was already on his way to Daegu. As soon as he reached the location of his sabotaged cache, his men had dealt with Paperbag's and were waiting on him before going inside the building.

He walked up to one of them, "Is it all there?"

The thug nodded, "Yes, boss." he said as he wiped blood off his knife, "Untouched, they did not take anything."

Mujin pulled out a cigarette and lit it up, "Well, lets go see it then." he said as he placed in his mouth, "And get rid of these cockroaches."

The thug nodded as he looked at the others, "You heard the boss, dispose of these fuckers." He told them, "This way, boss."

Mujin followed him as the thug opened the door to the building and they both walked inside. They made their way down a long hallway where Mujin saw several bloodstains on the walls.

He frowned, "This..."

"Our men that were stationed here, boss." the thug said, "We could not find their bodies."

"Tch.." Mujin muttered, "Damn that scum..."

They then reached a door and the thug opened it and walked inside a large room. Mujin followed him and saw that nothing inside was touched. This was the cache that Paperbag claimed he seized from Mujin's men.

All over the room, there were crates filled with bags of marijuana, cocaine, meth, and other forms of narcotics. This was one of his caches were he stored a portion of his massive supply of drugs he sells.

Mujin took out his cigarette out of his mouth and exhaled a cloud of smoke, the smell of tobacco filling the air.

"A little portion of my supply..." Mujin said, "Even if its not much of a loss, it is the message that mattered to me. I could not let a shitstain that could barely walk this earth without my help do something as insulting as kill my men and take one of my caches. That little cockroach, he will pay."

He was right, paperbag seizing his cache, even if its not much for him, could put a dent in his reputation. And said reputation was already a bit banged up ever since Apex humiliated him and the other bosses.

Mujin put the cigarette back in his mouth and looked at the thug, "Lock all this place up when we leave." He said, "And are you sure there are no heroes or police around?"

The thug nodded, "yessir." he said, "Junho told us that according to his information, Taejoon and Amily were in lockdown at HQ. And for some reason, hero patrols are light in this area. He also paid off some police in order to avoid this block. No way anyone heard the fight."

Mujin exhaled some smoke while cigarette in mouth, "Well.." He said, "That's somewhat reassuring. We must go and plan our next move. Call Sebastian, tell him to meet me up at the mall two days from now at noon."

Before the thug could respond, a small drone came into view. The thug saw this and pulled out his gun and aimed at it.

"Oh, do not shoot good sir..." Cyberknight's voice was heard from the drone, "If you do, this drone will detonate and will ignite this whole room with napalm."

Mujin raised his arm, gesturing the thug to lower the gun. He then looked at the drone and took off his shades, revealing his stone cold eyes.

"Guardian of Purgatory, Cyberknight." he said, "To what do I owe the pleasure? That makes two of you that I speak to tonight."

The drone looked at Mujin, "This is the only chance we give you, Mujin." Cyberknight said, "Other than this, you are on thin ice."

Mujin raised his eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"Who do you think leaked the information of Amily and Taejoon to your spy?" Cyberknight said, "And why do you think the police actually accepted the bribes?"

Mujin took the cigarette out his mouth and threw it on the floor in order to step on it. He exhaled a cloud of smoke before scowling at the door.

"That was you?" he asked, "Why?"

"I needed you to take this stupid cache back." Cyberknight said, "And amidst the ruckus of the fight your men had with the white suits, I came inside to see if there was any information relating to the murderer of the heroes. I had to make you think that you were in the clear so you could actually go through with this. That's why I had this block cleared of heroes and police. But don't worry, I made it for your spy to take the credit."

"Heh, that's quite smart." Mujin said, "So? What kind of information did you take?"

"So far, an alias." Cyberknight said, "Paperbag."

Mujin scowled even more, "You're humoring that stain of the earth?"

"And I pretty much confirm that there's a connection between the two of you." Cyberknight continued, "Whatever your beef is with him, I must actually warn you. Keep your claws away, Mujin. You must not start any sort of war. I am aware of the weapons that were confiscated in Busan. Whatever you are planning, You have to think twice. One slip up and its prison for you."

Mujin glared at him, "Mind where you interfere, boy." he growled, "You do not want to stand in my way."

Cyberknight chuckled, "Well, well, well." he said as the drone hovered around Mujin, "The Dragon of Busan has finally emerged from the hibernation that was forced upon him, eh? You're the only one of the bosses Apex was sure would defy his warnings. Guess that scare he gave you lot didn't last that long."

The drone hovered above the head of Mujin who didn't care to look up at it.

"You see, Mujin..." He said, "You underground criminals are the worst of the bunch, I tell you. Villains, well, they're bad too but the thing about them is that they want attention. They go on and make some flashy incidents, break some buildings, rob some banks, pick a fight with some heroes. But you lot, you are the scum of the earth. You people stay within the shadows and do despicable things. Your drug trade, your murders, your sabotages, your trafficking, all of that is what Apex despises the most. Villains are bad, yes, but you are just worse. And the worst thing is, we cannot touch you unless you seriously mess up. You slimy bastards got yourselves all lawyered up and exploit the law to your advantage. That is the one reason we haven't cleared this country of you. But trust me, your time will come."

Mujin looked at the drone, "Listen well, junk." He spat, "Apex is no longer in the country. So don't go thinking you can use his name to scare me."

"Oh?" Cyberknight mused, "So you got your information network? No wonder your balls are a bit heavier these days. You found out Apex isn't here. Well you are correct, he is not. He is overseas and will be there for a good amount of time. I am not aware of his exact location though..."

Mujin smirked, "So, you now know that you'd do best to stay out of my way."

The drone then hovered directly in front of him.

"I think not." Cyberknight said, "This is the only warning you get. Go back to your little hole you crawled out of in Busan and stay there. We will deal with Paperbag, not you."

Mujin glared at him, his eyes sparking with anger, "Listen here-"

"Apex isn't here. I know of that." Cyberknight interrupted, "But you are a fool to think we need him in order to keep you lot in check. Apex is one of The Ten Guardians, one of them."

"There are still nine more where he comes from."