
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

The Battle of Gangnam Begins

(3rd Person View)

"What in the hell are you lot doing with shotguns and all that?" Michael asked the thugs

He had swooped down and beaten them down quite quickly. It didn't take much for him to do so.

One of the thugs grunted in pain as Michael held him down with his boot.

He glared up at him, "You nosy bastard!"

Michael raised an eyebrow, "Sorry, but being nosy is my toxic trait." He said smirking, "But seriously, answer my questions."

Ryuki walked up to them with his hands in his pockets.

"I have information that someone here in Gangnam knows where the weapons are." He said looking at one of the thugs, "I would like to know what you have to say."

Michael nodded, "Answer the man." He said pressing his boot a little harder, "Where are the weapons? And whose side are you on? Mujin's or That Paperbag bastard?"

The thug gritted his teeth, "I'll never talk!" He said, "Vex would kill me!"

Ryuki raised an eyebrow, "Vex?"

Michael sighed, "Vex, huh?" He said, "I don't deal with street-level crime much but even I know that name. Vex is a superhuman that supplies drugs to several gangs in Seoul. Word is she operates in Gangnam."

Ryuki walked up to the thug and crouched down, "So I'm right." He said, "This Vex knows where they're at."

The thug glared at him, "Screw you." He growled

Michael rolled his eyes, "What the hell were you guys doing breaking into and out of this building?" He said

He looked back towards where they ran out of. He found it odd that a member of Vex's group was at a random building. Something wasn't right and he knew it.

Then, he saw a figure come out of the building. It was a shadowy mist shaped like a man.

The thug that was on the ground widened his eyes.

"Fuck!" He said as he squirmed, "He's alive!"

Michael looked down at him and then back up at the shadowy figure that slowly formed itself.

Ryuki stood up and looked back at the man who formed himself back solid. He was an averaged height Korean man who had tattoos on his face. They were random tattoos, nothing too relevant.

He then pulled out a knife and glared at them.

One of the thugs that were on the ground pushed himself off the ground and started to run.

"Fuck!" He said as he bolted

In an instant, the man blurred past them as a gust of wind hit them.

Michael widened his eyes as he looked behind them and saw as the man had formed himself into a cloud of black mist had surrounded itself around the thug, slowing him to a stop. Then a hand was formed, holding the knife and Michael saw as it stabbed the thug in the neck, blood spewing out. The thug's eyes went white and he fell to the ground, dead.

The man then formed himself back into human form and pulled the knife out. He then looked back at them as he wiped the knife clean with a piece of cloth.

Michael glared at the man, "You bastard!" He growled as he released his foot from the thug underneath him, "Who the fuck are you?! I'll crush your bones, you murderer!"

The man merely pressed the flat of his blade against his chin and stared at the Hero with dead eyes.

Ryuki stepped up and sighed, "Not every day you see one of these Superhumans. They call them Shadow Mists." He said, "Very rare types. Able to turn their bodies into dark mists. Quite tricky to deal with."

The man looked at Ryuki without saying a word. He then lowered his arm and pulled out a smartphone. He looked down at it and looked to be texting someone.

Not too long after this, Michael heard tires screeching behind them. He looked back to see several vehicles speeding up on them.

Ryuki saw this too as the vehicles stopped before them and dozens of men suddenly poured out of them and stood in front, forming a type of phalanx. They all held weapons, ranging from bats to swords.

Michael saw this and picked up the thug he beat up by the collar of his shirt.

"Explain this." He hissed at him without taking his eyes from the men

The thug stammered, "T-They're Mujin's goons! Or at least the men from a gang he's allied with!" He said, "Vex told us to kill the mist dude before he launches an attack on Paperbag's convoy. They have some weapons that Vex was meant to guard!"

Ryuki looked at him, "So you know where they at?" He asked

The thug shook his head, "No." he said, "Only Vex knows! She told me that the mist guy is one of Mujin's commanders. He and the rock guy!"

Michael looked at him, "What rock guy?"

Then, before anyone could say anything, a large figure appeared above them.

"Michael!" Ryuki shouted

Michael and Ryuki both jumped out of the way as a massive stone boulder crashed right where they stood, causing a massive shockwave. Michael used his wings to hover several meters above the boulder, holding the thug in one of his arms. Ryuki managed to jump upwards and towards the wall of the building next to them and was hanging on to a large pipe that ran across it.

Michael then noticed a figure atop the boulder, he saw a man pulling his arm out of the boulder. He was a young Korean man with short brown hair. He looked up at the hero with a scowl.

"Oi, Hyung!" He called out to the man who turns into mist, "Why the hell is a Guardian here?! Thought we were gonna kill Vex and her gang?"

The Shadow Mist looked up at Michael and sighed, "We kill him first, Zack." He said, "He's going to be a nuisance."

The man known as Zack smirked, "Not every day you get to kill a Guardian." He said, "This will probably get me promoted!"

Then, before he could say anything, Ryuki had dropped down next to him atop the boulder. Zack looked at him with surprise but Ryuki had already kicked him in the chest, sending him flying across the street. Zack hit the wall on the building, cracking it. He fell but got up almost instantly. He looked up and glared at Ryuki.

"Who the fuck are you supposed to he?!" He growled

Ryuki had already lunged at him and hit him with an uppercut, sending him flying and crashing through the top of the building, debris flying out everywhere.

Michael saw this unfold in awe. He knew Ryuki was strong but didn't expect him to perform this well against superhumans.

Michael then looked down at the crowd of thugs, they were all shouting at him as they waved their weapons around. He could only assume they didn't have any firearms otherwise they would've tried to shoot him down.

The thug in his arm tugged at him, "Hey he's coming-"

Before Michael could react, there was a cloud of mist surrounding his arm. He saw as a knife was plunged into the chest of the thug. Michael saw the eyes of the thug, filled with horror as the life faded out of them.

Michael's eyes filled with rage, "YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!!!!"

With his free arm, he grabbed the cloud of mist which was forcing itself to form back into a human. The man who turned into mist looked at him as Michael glared at him. Michael then let go of the thug's now dead body as it kept floating in the air; He was using his telekinesis to keep him afloat.

Michael glared at the man as he reeled his fist back.

"How dare you take two lives in front of me!" He growled

The man tried to pry himself free but could only widen his eyes in shock.

Michael then drove his fist on his face, sending him flying towards the ground as he released his grip simultaneously. The man hit the ground hard with a thud and bounced off and hit the wall of the building. He grunted with pain as he spewed blood out of his mouth.

Michael kept glaring down at him, "I'll invoke justice on you." He hissed with anger, "You bastards make me sick. Thinking you can kill as you please. Do you think you have control of the lives around you?! I'll make sure you rue the day you decided to take the path of crime!"

Ryuki looked up at this, "Hey. Since you're up there." He said, "Check on that boulder guy. I'll deal with the foot soldiers. It's a wonder they haven't attacked yet. Are they stupid or something?"

Michael scowled at him, "What?!" He said, "That's your guy!"

Ryuki shrugged, "I didn't claim him." He said

"Then why'd you attack him?!" Michael exclaimed

"You took too long to." Ryuki said, "So I figured I would."

Before Michael responded, a vehicle approached, opposite the crowd of thugs. It then stopped and a woman came out from the back carrying what looked like a rocket launcher.

Ryuki raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Whoa."

The woman, who was a short Korean with her hair dyed red, walked up in front of her vehicle and crouched down, aiming the rocket launcher at the crowd of thugs.

The thugs all looked at this and immediately scattered, yelling out in shock and panic.

The woman smirked and pulled the trigger, firing the rocket.

Michael widened his eyes as the rocket flew towards one of the vehicles, hitting it and causing an explosion. The explosion hit the other vehicles and caused chain explosions.

Ryuki saw this in awe as he partially covered his face from the light of the explosions.

Michael then looked down at the woman who stood back up. She tossed the launcher aside and spread her arms outwards as flames sprouted from her palms.

She smirked maniacally at Michael, "Oi, Archangel!!" She bellowed,

"Let's light this candle!!!"