
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

The Archangel Michael

Michael's POV

I landed at the front entrance of Purgatory HQ, something that I have been scolded not to do, many times. Apparently, it causes too much of a commotion when I do that where everyone can see. I mean, It is not my fault that they have the building in the middle of Daegu. Fortunately, the street was not as busy as usual so there wasn't any civilians watching.

As I walked through the doors, the employees that were rushing about looked at me with a surprised look as they made the way for me to pass through.

I nodded at them as I gave them a slight smile, "Morning, people." I said, "How's it going?"

I kept walking past the front desk where the ladies on it smiled and greeted me. I then made my way to the elevators towards the back, the chrome grey doors awaited me as there was a man facing them.

Judging by how everyone in the lobby were in a rush, I suppose today is an important day of some sort. I can only imagine how the top floors are, man those guys stress a lot. Can't blame them, they keep the company standing while we heroes go and do the crime fighting.

I stopped next the man in front of the elevators. He was a rather short guy wearing a grey suit, simple black hair and wearing glasses. He was holding a large cup of what I could assume was coffee.

I heard as he sighed, "Good morning, Michael."

I turned to look at him as I saw him handing me the cup, "Well, Pildo." I said, "I suppose that sigh has to do with me?"

I grabbed the cup and took a sip of it. The strong taste of black coffee kinda hit hard. The taste was easy for me to distinguish.

"Ooh, colombian." I said, "You sure know how to please me, buddy."

Pildo shook his head as the elevators door opened, "We gotta talk, Michael."

We both then walked in to the elevator with the doors closing behind us. I watched as he pressed the button for the 9th floor. I raised my eyebrows, the 9th floor was usually for PR. Perhaps we had some interviews scheduled?

"Care to tell me what you were doing in Texas, Michael?" Pildo asked as I saw him check his watch, "And why you were not in your areas of patrol?"

I shrugged, "I don't know man, was just chilling I suppose." I said as I kept drinking my coffee, "Besides, I did a good thing and saved that town of that pyromaniac."

Pildo did not looked at me but just stared at the elevator door as it was sending us up.

"Hm, I suppose that is true." he said, "But still, the higher ups still want a legitimate answer from you by the end of the day. The CEO has been getting a lot of questions from the press and want her to answer directly."

I grimaced at the thought. She does not like dealing with the press and usually lets her subordinates do that for her. I might need to apologize to her personally later.

"Well, look, I was just doing what heroes do, Pildo." I said, "You understand that, don't you?"

He nodded, "I do, Michael." he said, "But you have to understand that America has it's own heroes. Should have let them handle it."

I rolled my eyes, "Oh please, in that town in the middle of Texas?" I scoffed, "Do you have any idea how large that state is? I think its bigger than this country! By the time any fast hero even got there, the damage would've been very serious. Lives could have been lost. I did them a favor and they should thank me for that."

He sighed again, "The press does not look at that, they care about South Korea's heroes to stay in South Korea even if you're foreigners." He explained, "This will complicate things with the American Hero Association and our International Team will have a lot of paperwork to fill out, thanks to you."

I frowned, "That is not fair."

He looked at me and nodded, "No, it isn't."

I sighed and took another sip of coffee. This whole hero ordeal is really tricky when it comes to international affairs. Can't do anything without the greenlight from HQ but I still do as I please most of the times.

The elevator came to a stop at the 9th floor and the doors opened revealing an empty hallway. Pildo and I walked out the elevator and made our way down the hallway.

"Quick question, Michael." he said, "Where did that pyromaniac even come from? Reports state he appeared out of nowhere."

I shrugged as I finished my coffee, "Beats me." I told him, "He was as lost and confused as the cops there were. Felt like he didn't know where he was or came from. Just focused on burning stuff. Wasn't hard to put him down, though. Took a couple of hits."

"Hmm...." he said

Suddenly, we stopped next to a door that was closed. He looked at the sign on it that read "Interview Room #4"

I looked at it for a bit before looking at Pildo, "What's this?"

He shook his head and looked down, "Jesus, Michael." He said, "Do you have any idea of how busy today is for you?"

"No?" I said

He looked at me and pointed at the door, "Inside there is a journalist from Daegu Hero Reports. Remember? The ones that are constantly on our ass for anything that you guys do?" he said, "You had a scheduled interview with her that you are 40 minutes late to. I, for one, do not look forward to see how bad she chews your ear out for that. Oh and I am 100% sure she will have some questions regarding your little journey to America, something that was not planned whatsoever. Oh and do not forget that you have lunch with Taejoon and The CEO. And later this afternoon, the charity event we have in order to partner up with several music companies in order for their groups to have some sort of protection. Come on, Michael, get it together."

I shuddered, "Oh man, that is bad news." I said, "Do I have to do this?"

He smacked my shoulder, "Yes!" he scolded, "And be careful of the words you chose to say to her. These people are sensitive and will slander us at any given chance."

I sighed and slouched my shoulders, "Shit."

Pildo raised an eyebrow, "And watch your language." he said, "She is aware of your little potty mouth."

I looked at him, "What is her name?"

"Jung Seohyun." he said, "She is one of their top journalists, so be on your best behavior. And do not make us look bad. Good luck, now go!"

He opened the door and pushed me inside.

I stumbled into the room and looked around. The room was a simple one with grey painted walls, a questionable choice, and just two chairs facing each other next to a window.

In one of the chairs, a korean woman sat as she looked at a notepad she had in her lap. She had short Burnette hair and was wearing one of those suit dresses, it looked nice. It was beige.

'Oh geez, Burnettes are a handful.' I thought to myself

I walked up to her, "Hello there." I greeted her

She looked up at me with a serious face, "Hello."

I offered to shake her hand, "I am Michael."

She grabbed my hand and shook it, "Seohyun." She said, "Take a seat."

I sat down in the chair, trying to make myself comfortable.

"So...." I said, "You probably have not heard of me. So let me properly introduce myself."

She looked at me with an even more serious look, "No need, I know precisely who you are." She said, "Michael, The Archangel. Hero of Purgatory, most notably of The Ten Guardians."

I smiled, "Oh so you are aware..."

"It is hard not to be aware of a man whose popularity in this country is on par of that of BTS." she said, "Especially since he is a foreigner."

She was not joking. Somehow, this hotshot of a man is constantly battling those studs for a seat at the head of the popularity table. Not my fault I am so awesome.

"Hehe, no need to state that." I said as I nervously scratched my neck

She then narrowed her eyes and looked past me.

"Where are your wings?" she asked, "It's kind of hard for a man whose superpower is having large wings of his back to go by unnoticed. And well, I don't see them."

She was right, it is hard to go unnoticed, normally.

"Oh, well, the thing is.." I said as I stood up, "They're actually retractable. They go back inside my body. Really convenient if you ask me. Wanna see them?"

She shook her head, "No, I do not think its good for you to do that in here, perhaps in a bigger more open area." she said before taking out a pen and raising an eyebrow, "And how does that work? Your wings just force themselves into your body and they're just there? Burrowed into your back?"

I shrugged and sat back down, "Honestly, sometimes its best to not question superhuman abilities. Especially those with body mutations." I said, "I know I don't."

She nodded and wrote something down on her notepad, "I see. I suppose it is." She said, "So let me ask you a couple of questions before we discuss the real stuff."

I nodded and gestured for her to continue.

"What is your actual name and where exactly do you come from, Archangel." She asked, "According to Purgatory files, Your real name is unknown and origin is also unknown."

"Well, first of all, what is the point of a hero name if the press still want to know our identity." I said, "Second of all, Michael is actually my name, which is why I have no need for a mask. That and I hate masks, completely covers my good looks. "

She kept writing stuff down, "Hm." she said, "And were exactly are you from? America? Europe? You certainly do not look any form of Asian."

I looked at her, "You know, Miss Seohyun." I said, "There is a reason my origin is unknown. I suggest we move on to the next question, please."

She nodded without any change in expression, which kinda unsettled me.

"Next question." she said as she looked at me, "What is your relationship with the other Ten Guardians of Purgatory. Oh and before you answer that, let me revise what the Ten Guardians are to see if I got it correct."

I raised an eyebrow. What kind of structured interview is this? Keeps asking and asking questions.

She flipped a couple of pages of her notepad and started reading out the contents.

"Purgatory has its heroes divided into a High Rank and Low Rank, with their abilities and strengths are taken into account." she said, "The Ten Guardians of Purgatory are ten heroes that stand atop of both divisions and all vary in their value and strengths. You, The Archangel Michael, are one of the Ten Guardians."

I nodded, "Sounds about right."

"Well, I suppose you can answer the question." she said

I exhaled, "Well, my relationship with the other nine, eh?" i said as I leaned back, "It's good, I guess."

She nodded, "I see." she said, "That's pretty much it? Not to elaborate further?"

I shook my head, "Well it's kinda complicated, you know. I don't know much about them, personally." I said, "All I know is that they're my fellow comrades. Yea, we have fought together on various occasions but that is pretty much it."

That is a lie. I know each and everyone of them on a very personal level. Not even joking, I am good friends with them.

She wrote it down on her notepad

"I see." she said, "Next question; why were you in Texas? And why were you not in your jurisdiction?'

I sighed, "Oh well that..." I started, "The thing is.."

"You are aware that by being in America and fighting a superhuman there, you have complicated things with the AHA, once again." She said, "And I know this is not your first time this year. We have Los Angeles in January, Boston in March, Seattle in April, and now Texas in May. It's like you do not like to be here in South Korea. You are a Purgatory Hero and Purgatory is a South Korean Hero Organization, by that logic, its heroes should stay exclusively in this country. Or am I wrong?"

I stared at her. Pildo was right, I have to choose my words carefully here. She is not messing around by the looks of it. She had to bring up my actions in those other cities this year. I had to say something that doesn't antagonize her.

"Ah man, cut me some slack." I shrugged, "2020 so far is kinda calm here in South Korea. 5 months of peace and quiet. Not too many crime and superhuman attacks. Don't get me wrong, I think that is actually good. But as a hero, I kinda have to make sure everywhere is also safe, you know?"

"As a hero based in South Korea, you have to stay within the limits of the country." She said, "The people will start to think you are loosing interest in protecting them."

I frowned, "But you do understand that I was saving and protecting people, right?" I asked her, "I was doing my job."

She wrote something down on her notepad, "Your job is here in this country, not overseas. America has its heroes, let them do their job."

This. This is what bothers me the most about the damn press.

I scoffed, "Oh please." I said, "What does that have to do with anything? We are all heroes no matter where we are based in. I mean come on, Atlas goes around and saves people from fires and floods and nobody is batting an eyelash but when I save people from superhuman attacks, everyone is loosing their shit."

She raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me?"

I looked at her, "Nobody said anything when Gunslinger when down to Mexico to handle business with those lowlife scum druglords." I said, "And when Swift Demon ran to Paris to fight Manti-Gore everyone cheered for him and thanked him. The AHA didn't tell them shit and the world was very happy with them. I am over here doing my duty as a hero, it is what I am supposed to do. Save people. No matter where they are. If there is danger in Japan right now and their heroes cannot do anything about it, you bet your ass I'll fly over there and help them out. Why? Because I am The Archangel Michael, it is what I do. And I could care less what the press thinks of that. They got a problem with that, that's too damn bad."

She stayed silent as she kept writing in her notepad.

I stood up, "You keep writing there, Miss Seohyun." I told her, "I think we are done here. Thank you for your time."

I then walked out the room.

This is what bothers me the most. I cannot be doing what I love doing without people breathing down my damn neck and telling me what to do. To stay in my jurisdiction and follow the rules that were in place. To hell with all that.

I am a fucking Hero, for crying out loud.

Hello, Readers. I hope this introduction to one of my main characters is up to your satisfaction. I will do these introductory chapters for the some other heroes for the next couple of chapters. Three more at most and then we can get to the real stuff.

Thank you for reading

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