
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Pure Mayhem

(3rd Person View)

"What?!" Amily exclaimed, "House Dreadfyre?!"

"Yes and No." The stranger said as Amily panted heavily, "I am the messenger your fellow hero, Engine, met up in China. I was on my way already when he intercepted me. I work for House Dreadfyre but I am not a member of the family."

Suddenly, Manti-Gore stopped his frantic swings and glared at the three foes before him.

"What's this?" He growled, "Fresh meat? Why must you keep bringing me new prey, Taejoon!!"

He then punched his fist together as his body emitted a lot more steam.

Taejoon scowled, "Damn this bastard." He said, "He just won't shut up."

The stranger glanced back at Taejoon, "You are Kang Taejoon?" He said, "The Chief told me about you, he said you are quite skilled."

Taejoon looked at him with surprise. But before he could respond, He saw Manti-Gore lunging at the stranger with steam still emitting from him.

Amily widened his eyes, "Look out!"

Then, before Manti-Gore swung at him, a small but compact shockwave erupted from his face. This staggered him as he clutched his face.

"Agh!" He cried out in pain

Amily looked at this in pure shock.

"What?!" She said, "From that position!? His hands are still in his pockets!!!"

Taejoon, too, was surprised at this. The stranger was still looking at Amily and Taejoon when Manti-Gore attacked. Yet, the stranger attacked him without looking at the mercenary.

The stranger turned to look at Manti-Gore like nothing happened.

"An invisible attack?" Taejoon said in awe, "This guy's no joke."

Manti-Gore then shook his head and glared at the stranger, his eyes filled with rage.

"And who the fuck are you, fresh meat?!" He growled, "You dare strike me? I'll pulverize your bones, puny little man!!"

The stranger merely smirked at the mercenary without saying a word. This angered the beast as he started to shake more in anger.

But before he could do anything, the stranger immediately clutched Manti-Gore's right arm with one hand and collarbone with the other. Then he swiped his leg between the mercenary's legs and slammed him down to the ground hard, causing a shockwave.

This surprised Amily, "Judo?" she said, "I think that was an O-Uchi-gari! I could be wrong though..."

Manti-Gore, who was surprised at this, could only look up at the stranger who stared at him with his dark and menacing eye. He then felt another shockwave erupt from his face as blood splashed from his mouth.

"Ugh!!" He shouted out in pain

Then, the stranger straightened up and walked away from the mercenary.

"As I was saying." He told the heroes, "I am here to retrieve something that belongs to us. The armory. Or a piece of the Royal Order Armory. Our Lord is quite annoyed that it was stolen."

Taejoon nodded, "I saw it." He said, "In the cargo on board a ship belonging to the Yamato Family."

The stranger looked taken aback, "The Yamato Family?" He said, "What in the hell are they doing with our weapons?"

Taejoon shrugged, "Beats me." He said, "All I know is that Paperbag bought them. And also, a member of The Cruel Dragon Sect was guarding it."

The stranger then placed his hand on his chin, "Hmmm." He said, "The Cruel Dragon Sect, eh? Seems The Chief did mention having a run-in with them a couple of months ago...."

"The Chief?" Taejoon asked, "Is that what you call That Guy?"

He nodded and looked at Taejoon, "Indeed." He said, "There is no doubt in my mind that the Sect is involved with the robbery of the armory. Also, why would the Yakuza have them? And why would a man with a paper bag buy them? And where would he get the money to even afford such weapons? They are not cheap."

"Asking the real questions here, man." Taejoon said

Then, Amily lunged past the stranger and hit Manti-Gore with a kick, and sent him flying back once again.

Amily panted, "Geez..." She said, "The stalking of a tiger. I took my eyes off him for one second and he was about to strike you from behind..."

The stranger chuckled as he looked at her, "Heh." He said, "Thanks for that. But yes, it seems our friend here has the tenacity of a Honey Badger. He just won't go down. That and there is a small army of criminals having a battle outside. Your friend is having trouble keeping the police safe. I came here because I heard the man responsible for the stolen weapons was here."

Amily slouched down a bit and clutched her bullet wound. She tried her best to force her muscles to close it but the pain of the bullet was too much for her to handle at this point. The effects of the venom have her body shaken up.

The stranger saw this and frowned, "You don't look so well."

"I'm fine." Amily simply said

Manti-Gore then stood up, once again. He glared at them and started to tremble. He knew this was in no way an easy fight. There was Amily who he defeated but somehow came back and hit him with a devastating attack that he is still feeling. Then there was Taejoon who did the most damage to him without even getting touched much.

Then there was the stranger, who Manti-Gore considered the most dangerous. He had heard of the martial artists that reached the realm of invisible attacks but never went up against them. That is why he was surprised at Amily's first one before he defeated her. Taejoon also displayed something similar but he knew that Taejoon was using swordsmanship skills beyond his comprehension.

But this stranger's invisible attacks hurt too much. Manti-Gore was only hit by two and it did as much damage as Amily's second flurry of invisible attacks. His body may have been regenerating his wounds slowly, but the damage was still there.

"I'll kill you!" He hissed at the stranger who only looked at him

He took a step forward before he heard a massive crash above him. He glances upwards to see the glass ceiling shatter and a figure crashing down and land beside him, causing a shockwave that sent dust flying everywhere.

Taejoon waved the dust away from his face, "What now?"

The stranger then widened his eye as they all felt an incredibly ominous aura. Amily took a step back and started to tremble as she clutched her leg. Taejoon clutched the handle of his sword and readied a stance as a bead of sweat ran down his face.

Manti-Gore merely stared as the cloud of dust was dispersed by a hand.

Then, They all saw a woman standing in the middle of the small crater caused. She was a somewhat short woman, wearing black jeans and a grey tank top. She was an attractive woman with short black hair with icy blue eyes and looked to be in her mid-thirties She took a step forward and stepped on the piece of concrete that was sprouting from the ground, her black combat boots shining due to the sunlight. One of the most notable features is the scar on her exposed mid-riff.

The heroes and the stranger felt her ominous aura. What they felt wasn't her ki or anything else. No, what they felt from her was pure bloodlust. It was suffocating to them.

Manti-Gore turned to face her, "You..." He said completely unfazed, "What are you doing here, Wraith-"

The woman then flashed towards him and ran her fist through him. Manti-Gore spat out blood as he glared at her and clutched her arm. Her arm had gone through his chest with ease.

This completely shocked the three who were fighting the mercenary. They were not sure of what was unfolding before them.

Manti-Gore started to growl at her, "Wraith!" He said with pure anger, "You dare attack me?"

Taejoon then froze and widened his eyes even more.

"W-What? What did he call her?" He stammered, "Did he say-"

"Wraith!" the stranger interrupted him, "The Rampaging Titan!"

Wraith looked up at Manti-Gore who still glared at her. She then gave him an unsettling smirk.

"Heh." She said as she pulled her arm out

Manti-Gore then grabbed her head with both of his arms, "YOU STUPID LITTLE GIRL!!!!" He bellowed, "YOU DARE ATTACK ME, THE BEAST OF DESTRUCTION?!?!"

Wraith then grabbed both of his wrists and pried them off her. She then squeezed her hands and all of the sudden, the beast collapsed to his knees yelling out in pain.

"AHHH!!!" he bellowed

Wraith then let go and all the others could see was the massive arms of the mercenary they fought completely crushed.

Without saying a word, Wraith then kicked at his face with such speed one could only see a blur.

Amily trembled with shock as she saw a piece of Manti-Gore's head was gone. The mercenary's eye that was left went white as he collapsed fully on his back.

The stranger looked at Wraith who had her back to them, "This is not good." He said, "She killed him."

Hearing this, Wraith looked back at them. Her icy stare pierced right through them. This caused them all to freeze. They merely looked back at her with what seemed like fear.

This was Wraith, The SS-Class Criminal, and the most wanted superhuman in the world. She is currently a criminal with the highest known body count.

She has killed nearly 500 people, that the reports know of.

She has a flee-on-sight order. No hero or anyone related to any government is allowed to engage her without permission from their superiors. Even in Purgatory, The Ten Guardians are advised to not engage her if there are not at least 2 of them together and at full strength. The only ones that Lady Hyejin allows to engage her alone, momentarily though, are Energy and Apex.

As for Taejoon and a beaten-up Amily, engaging her is not entirely ideal.

Wraith looked at this sight and then she smirked wickedly.

"Heh..." she said,

"Guess I'll have some fun with you lot."