
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasy
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34 Chs


(3rd Person POV)

"Hey, Yujin." Michael told White Ghost, "Are you positive this is from yesterday?"

She looked at him and nodded, "Yea." She said, "Yamato Takeru is in South Korea."

Hyejin sighed and placed her hands on her face, "Just what we needed." She said exasperated, "I thought Ichiryu was keeping the Yakuza inside Japan. We had an agreement!"

Taejoon clenched his fists, "Yamato Takeru...the first son of The Yamato Family." He said angrily, "To think that Paperbag would bring him here. We could handle Tatsuya, but his brother..."

Michael nodded as he stood up, "This is getting out of hand." he said, "We have too many psychopaths running about. We have so much to deal with at the moment. The last thing we need is that monster in our midst. Golden Spear, Manti-Gore, and Wraith.....The public is already in a panic because of them. If Takeru starts with his shit here...."

White Ghost also stood up, "Taesoo told me that Takeru directly dealt with The Cruel Dragon Sect to perform the sale of the weapons to Paperbag." She said, "He said that Takeru was meant to be here when the cargo arrived but he sent Tatsuya instead for some reason. Something tells me Takeru is interested to see what Paperbag has to offer."

Michael shook his head, "Fuck this." he said, "I'll personally handle this, you guys go and deal with Golden Spear and Manti-Gore."

He was about to walk away when Lady Hyejin spoke up, "Wait, Michael." She said, "Do not just rush over and pick a fight with this man. You know how dangerous he could be. Proceed with caution. I suggest you look for House Dreadfyre's messenger and offer an alliance. Work with him to try and deal with them."

Michael frowned, "The guy who helped Taejoon and Amily with Manti-Gore?" I asked, "Where do you think I can find him?"

Taejoon shrugged, "Look for a Japanese guy wearing a black trench coat and wearing the Dreadfyre emblem." He said, "Shouldn't be hard to do so."

He nodded and turned around and walked away.

Hyejin then sighed and got up. She looked at Taejoon who was still sitting in his chair.

"Taejoon, I leave you in charge here." She said, "Deal with whatever trouble arises while I am gone."

Taejoon frowned, "Huh?" He said, "And where are you going?"

She fixed her hair and made her way to the door,

"I am going to retrieve our Fallen God."


About an hour after Hyejin and Lee left the building on a helicopter, Taejoon had made his way to the infirmary where Amily was at.

As he go there, one of the doctors rushed to him.

"Mr. Taejoon!" She exclaimed as she trembled, "Please! Speak to her! She's not listening to us! She got up as soon as she woke up!"

Taejoon widened his eyes, "What?!" He said, "Where is she at?!"

The doctor pointed down the hall, "S-she's at the infirmary's rehabilitation gym...." She stammered

Taejoon then rushed over to the gym, slamming open the doors as he went inside.

There, he saw Amily at the end of the room with his back to him. He saw that she was wearing a white tank top and grey sweatpants. Taejoon then looked past her to see 4 massive punching bags that were wedged against the wall, with several cracks around them.

Taejoon took a step forward and then noticed the massive aura that Amily was emitting. He narrowed his eyes to look at her closely. Her breathing seemed normal and he saw a slight amount of sweat on her body. She looked to be panting a little bit and Taejoon assumed she was winded up a little. But the aura Taejoon felt from her was not something he was used to.

"Hey, Minju!" He called as he walked up to her

Amily's real name was Kim Minju, Amily was an English name that was given to her when she studied abroad in America when she was 10. She was there only for a year before she returned. She decided to use that name as her hero name in honor of the foster parents that gave her the name.

It was rare for any of the other Guardians to call her by her real name, especially Taejoon. The only one that consistently called her that was Energy.

She then glanced back at him which made him stop. Taejoon saw something in her eyes he hadn't seen before, not from her at least. There was a blaze in her eyes, filled with a fiery passion.

Taejoon smiled slightly, "Hey." He said, "Seems to me you're okay....are you?"

Amily then looked at one of the punching bags that were still hanging, then immediately kicked it off its chain and sent it flying against the wall, cracking the concrete and wedging it into the wall.

She then stretched her leg, the one that was shot.

"You tell me." she merely said

She then straightened up and turned to face her fellow Guardian. Taejoon walked up to her and stopped a couple of feet away from her. He looked at her with a concerned face.

Amily saw this and frowned, "Don't look at me like that Taejoon." She said, "I'm fine."

Taejoon chuckled, "Heh, physically, probably." He said, "But what about emotionally?"

Amily shrugged, "I'm good."

Taejoon then shook his head, "No." He said, "I know you're not okay. I could tell when you fought Manti-Gore, your mind was clouded. I could only guess seeing Paperbag shook you up."

Amily then turned around and walked towards another punching bag that was hanging from a chain.

"My mind was clouded?" She said as she held the bag in one of her hands, "You're one to talk. Something clearly held you back. If it didn't, we wouldn't have struggled against either of Manti-Gore and Wraith."

Taejoon's eye twitched, something Amily noticed as she looked back at him. She knew something was up with Taejoon as well.

She sighed, "Look. We're all dealing with something at the moment, Taejoon. That much I know." She said turning back to the punching bag, "I don't know what is up with you and you don't know what is up with me-"

"Minju, your friend is dead." Taejoon cut her off, "I know for a fact that is bothering you."

Amily froze and didn't say anything.

Taejoon rubbed his hair, "I know you're holding that in, we all do." He said, "I know it's a lot to deal with, I understand that."

"You don't understand anything." Amily said seriously

Taejoon shook his head, "I understand that you have so much more going on with you. The pressure you're feeling these days. You just joined The Guardians a couple of months ago. The anniversary of your grandfather." He continued, "I also know that before he left the country, Apex met with you."

Amily then looked at him with a serious look. Taejoon knew he must've struck a nerve.

Nevertheless, he continued.

"What did he tell you?" He asked her, "What did you and Apex discuss?"


Somewhere in the country, inside an abandoned warehouse, a meeting took place.

On the outside, the warehouse looked torn down as if nobody has bothered to fix it. On the inside, however, it was different. The place looked as good as new. The walls were standing, the lights were working, and the floors were clean.

In the middle of the room, there were couches set up across from each other with a glass coffee table between them.

On one of the couches, Paperbag sat, leaning forward and looking at his watch.

"Where...is she...?" He said aloud, "She...is late....."

Behind Paperbag, standing in the shadows, stood Manti-Gore. He had bandages wrapped around his chest and his head. Despite being brutalized by Wraith, He seemed relatively healthy. Next to him, a blonde-haired man stood. He was holding a massive golden spear. He was wearing nothing but black jeans and boots. He was not wearing a top but only a necklace.

This was Golden Spear, The S-Class criminal. His strength is on par with Manti-Gore.

Paperbag kept looking at his watch and before he said anything else, he heard footsteps approach.

He looked up to see a blonde woman approach the couches across from him. She wore a black dress and a white fur coat and a pearl necklace. Behind her, followed two men in suits who wore sunglasses. They seemed to be her bodyguards.

Paperbag looked at her, "...Aurora..." He said, "You're...late..."

Aurora merely sat down on the couch and crossed her legs, she then gestured something at one of her guards who stood behind the couch. One of them then pulled out a box from his pocket and opened it, pulled out a cigarette, and handed it to her. She then put it in her mouth and turned to the other bodyguard who pulled out a lighter and lit the cigarette up for her.

She then inhaled as she pulled the cigarette out and she exhaled some smoke, "Relax, boy." She said simply, "You say I am late. But here I am before the others. Where are they anyways? Those fucking psychopaths?"

As in cue, one of the doors to the room slammed open and two men walked in. The one in front had dark black and messy hair, he walked with his hands in his pockets as he wore a wicked grin on his face. The one behind him had slicked back hair that was brown with blonde streaks. He wore a suit with a fur coat over it. He looked younger than the one in front.

Paperbag looked at them as they reached one of the couches, "Ah..." He said, "My...friends...Sons of The Yamato Family...Takeru and...Tatsuya..."

Takeru, the one that was in front, merely sat down on the couch while his brother Tatsuya stood behind him.

Takeru then looked over at Aurora and sneered, "So...you're her, eh?" He said, "The one that funded this crazy paper bag-wearing bastard."

Aurora looked at him and nodded, "Indeed." she said, "What of it?"

Takeru chuckled, "You're awfully good-looking..." He said, "Why don't I show you a good time?"

One of Aurora's bodyguards pulled his hands out of his pockets but Aurora waved him away as if telling him not to do anything.

"I have heard of your lustful urges, First Son of The Yamato Family.." She said as she looked at Tatsuya, "And I also heard of that one's murderous urges as well. Seems the two of you are a handful. Did Tokuno'o have nobody else to send for this deal?"

Tatsuya didn't say anything as he stood there. Takeru then leaned forward and looked at Paperbag.

He smirked, "Oi, Paperbag." He said, "We're here, now. Now get on with it."

Paperbag nodded and clapped his hands once, "Yes..." He said, "Let us...begin...our plan..."

Aurora raised an eyebrow, "So you do have a plan?" She asked, "Here I thought you intended on causing chaos. Tell me, boy, what is it you intend on doing with The Dreadfyres' Royal Order Armory?"

Paperbag looked at her, "There...a couple of...weapons that...would benefit...us..." He said, "One...specifically...could help our...useful...mercenary..."

He gestured towards Golden Spear who merely leaned against a wall and said nothing.

Takeru looked at him, "Him? He looks strong." He said with a smirk, "Oi, punk! How about you and I spar? I would like to test your strength."

Manti-Gore then glared at him seriously, "You little brat." He growled, "We're not paid enough to bother with the likes of you."

Takeru cackled, "Ha! The behemoth speaks!" He said as he stood up, "I have heard of you, Beast of Destruction. Say, what is up with those bandages? Who was strong enough to rip through you?"

Manti-Gore then took a step towards him, "Mind your damn business, you scum." He hissed

Paperbag waved him off, "Enough..." He said, "Takeru...please...take a seat..."

Takeru looked at him, "Oi, bastard. You don't order me around." he growled, "I should show you how to show me respect."

Tatsuya then cleared his throat, without saying a word. Takeru stopped and looked back at him who merely closed his eyes and shook his head. He then sat back down and crossed his arms.

Aurora then raised her eyebrow, "Hmm..." she said, "Say, Takeru, have you not gone to 'meet' any girls in this country?"

Takeru shook his head, "Nah." He said, "I came straight to business. Oi, Paperbag! You know why I am here! The only reason why I bothered with the damned armory. It was risky involving those western bastards as it is, now Ryuki is here looking for it."

Paperbag nodded, "Yes...." He said, "I...knew...one of those...weapons would....interest you...It is peculiar...I do...not know...how House Dreadfyre is capable of...doing what they do...but...their weapons are...strong...One of them...is the one...you want..."

Takeru sneered at him and shook with excitement, "Oh yes...." He said, "The reason why I didn't bring my sword...Because it is here...one of the Muramasa blades that were taken by House Dreadfyre!"

"The Chikage!!"