
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasy
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34 Chs


Taejoon's POV

Well, this is not what I expected my morning to be.

After the news were given to us, I expected an outrage from the press. I was not wrong. There was dozens of phone calls by the hour and to make things worse, the public were started to panic a little.

Cannot blame them, three of our heroes were murdered in the same night and we don't even know who the hell did it.

I merely stayed in one of the conference rooms, I found one so I can sit by myself. Did not feel like talking to anyone, especially because of my hangover. I had asked Pildo to send someone with food because I hadn't even had breakfast. He told me he will send some burgers and fries, something I could have right now.

I stared at the ceiling, wondering what the hell is gonna happen.

"Oh man..." i said aloud, "Why can't there just be an attack as usual?"

I thought about #6, it was his brother that was killed. And right after the event at that. Man, I cannot imagine what he's going through right now. He was so excited to be partnered up with his idols, Twice. The joy in his face was like that of a kid in his birthday party. Poor guy, I should check up on him.

I felt my phone buzzing, I was getting a phone call. I pulled it out of my pocket and checked who it was; It was my mother.

I answered, "Hello?"

"Taejoon, where are you?" She asked

"HQ" I answered, "You?"

"Seoul." She said, "I am trying to get the Vampire to go to HQ for the meeting."

"Good luck, he never wants to leave there." I said

"I know." She said, "I will fly over to Incheon to break the new to Amily. The chopper is getting refueled as we speak. Where is Michael and Aanya?"

I shrugged, "Somewhere in the building." I said, "They have a couple of bodyguards sticking to Michael, they don't want him flying away. Aanya is probably in the gym punching some bags."

I heard her sigh, "Oh well." she said, "I sent CyberKnight to call Energy and Apex. Engine is currently in Jeju Island taking care of his business. The last one is gonna be tricky because she's good at hiding from us. But the news will definitely reach her and she'll come to us."

"Yea, but what then?" i asked, "You really think they're gonna sit still? We don't even know who did this."

"I know, but lets save that for the meeting, Okay?" she said, "Just sit tight and I'll be there in a couple of hours."

She then hung up.

I sighed and placed the phone on the table.

"Man, I am hungry."


(3rd Person View)

The news of the deaths of the heroes reached all over the country in the matter of hours. People were starting to worry because there was no identification of the murderer.

A crowd started to form in front of HQ where people were demanding to know what exactly was going on. To them, there could be a killer roaming around and it could be anyone. There were plenty of bodyguards in the front, keeping the people from getting in the building.

One of the staff was telling the people to calm down and make their way home, that news and update would be announced when available.

Things were going to get out of hand if not handled right. Purgatory had to do something because nothing like this had happened to them.

Somewhere in the skies above Busan, one of CyberKnight's drones made his way to what seemed like a bright shining light. This drone in particular was much larger than the other one he used to speak to the others back at HQ.

As the drone reached the light, It stopped and its bright red eye darted around as it looking at each ray of light.

"uhm, mind toning that down?" CyberKnight spoke, "I can barely register anything else than that solar radiation."

"Well, that's because you use your cheap drones to come to me." A voice said from within the light

The the light started to fade away as CyberKnight saw a woman look at him as she floated in the air. She was around 5'9 with short hair that was dyed yellow with some brown streaks. She wore what seemed like a black and gold leather body suit. Her brown eyes stared at the drone as it floated right in front of her. One might say she was highly attractive, Cyberknight definitely found her attractive.

"Ah, Energy." he said, "You, my beautiful friend. You are a sight for sore eyes. Your people might need you to console them down there. You've been spending an awful amount of time up here."

This was Energy. South Korea's current Titan. She was one of the Ten Guardians of Purgatory and considered to be one of the most powerful heroes in the world.

She frowned, "What happened?"

"Three heroes have died." Cyberknight said, "Murdered by someone. We still don't know who and why."

Energy's eyes widened with shock for a brief moment before narrowing them as she looked at the drone.

"What do I do?" she asked

Cyberknight floated towards her, "Well you could start by helping me find him." He told her, "I am aware that you are the only one he lets approach him, with both of you having a history of sorts."

Energy scowled, "Well with that sort of intrusion on your part, there is no wonder he doesn't let you approach him, you scoundrel." she said obviously bothered by the fact, "Bet you haven't recovered from the injury he gave you for what you tried to pull."

"Hey now, that's not fair of you to remind me of that." Cyberknight complained, "It still hurts, you know."

Energy shook her head, "Serves you right." She said, "And you really can't find him?"

"Apex has his ways of avoiding my digital gaze." Cyberknight stated, "But we really need him to attend a meeting. Lady Hyejin has made the call. All Guardians to report to HQ, no exceptions."

Energy crossed her arms, "Well, I suppose it's fair if I go fetch him for you." She said, "But you are gonna take credit. I don't want you rubbing it on people's faces that he and I have a history, okay?"

"But of course, dear." Cyberknight's drone stopped floating in front of her, "So, any idea where he could be hiding?"

Energy nodded, "I got one." She said, "But I go alone."

"By all means." Cyberknight agreed, "The sooner he gets to HQ, the better."

The drone then turned around and flew away.

Energy watched as it left and then looked down and sighed.

"Oh well." She said,

"Time to find you, Apex."

A Titan is the Classification of Superhuman. They are considered the pinnacle of physical type superhumans. They possess flight, superstrength, super speed, and invulnerability. (Basically the Superman of this world)

Some Titans have a different ability that separates them from the rest but they are still in the same category. Energy is a Titan and is considered to be the strongest hero in South Korea.

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