
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Lee's Information

Taejoon's POV

"What do you think Paperbag is up to?" I asked Cyberknight

His drone hovered and faced me, "I am not sure." he said, "I am still working on it."

It was the day after Mujin seized his cache back from Paperbag, an alias that is very stupid, if I say so myself. But whatever, that is all we got on him.

We were in one of the offices at HQ, this one belonged to Lee. He was on his way back from a meeting with the Daegu police department. According to Pildo, the detectives on the case are zeroing in on some leads on some accomplices and some information regarding the case.

"Whatever it is he's up to, it isn't good." Cyberknight said, "Mujin is also getting involved, you should know. Which is never a good thing that he of all people will act."

I nodded, "Yep." I said as I leaned back on the desk chair i sat on, "We relied heavily on the trauma Apex gave him and the other bosses. Now that he is getting his bearings back, we should be on guard. He isn't a man to be underestimated."

I then felt a presence behind me.

I sighed, "Yujin...." I said turning the chair to face the wall, "Don't sneak up on us like that, we've told you."

Standing in front of the wall stood White Ghost, who was wearing her hero costume. A white full body suit with a hood and cape. The hood managed to cover the top part of her mask, not like you can see her eyes anyways.

"Oh Taejoon, always so boring." She said as she slowly walked by me, "I was called by Lee for a mission briefing."

I watched as she sat down in one of the couches in front of Lee's desk.

"You going for another reconnaissance mission?" I asked as I looked at her

She nodded, "I suppose so." She said as she leaned back, "Lee always relies on me for information."

"Ahem, excuse me?" I heard Cyberknight's drone hover above us

White Ghost looked at the drone, "You know that I meant information acquired on the field. I am a field operative, CK. I don't hide behind little robots to get what I want."

Cyberknight stayed quiet at this.

I shrugged, "Now's not the time to insult the guy, Yujin." I said, "He is the real mvp so far. He's been making moves, good ones at that."

Yujin looked at me, "And what moves have you done, Taejoon?" She asked, "Are you seriously listening to Apex's orders? Pfft, you kidding me? The Great Kang Taejoon is listening to that grunt? What has he done in the midst of this situation, anyways?"

I narrowed my eyes, "Careful, Yujin." I said, "That grunt is our top hero. And I am only listening to the CEO's orders, not his."

Yujin badmouthing Apex is nothing new at this point. She tends to talk a lot of smack about anyone that doesn't show up to meetings. The last time we had a meeting, Engine didn't show up because he was busy on the other side of the planet on a mission. He did not hear the end of it for an entire month.

"Hmph, telling us to sit still." She said, "I know Blood Drive would gladly do that, the guy never wants to leave Seoul and when he does, the people feel seriously uneasy. What kind of heroes are we if we aren't roaming the country we are sworn to protect?"

Cyberknight hovered towards her, "I am aware that you are not fond of both Blood Drive and Apex these days, White Ghost, but they are without a doubt our strongest fighters." he said, "A bit of respect for them would be ideal."

"The only ones I respect is Energy and Taejoon, CK. They're better heroes than the rest of us. Energy is constantly patrolling the skies and Taejoon is always there making the people feel at ease." she said without hesitation, "All the rest of you are alright, I suppose. Amily and Aanya are too plain for me. I mean they're physical fighters. Kicking and punching. That's all they do. Is that really it? In this age of heroes, where abilities are so abstract and all."

I rolled my eyes, "Here we go again..."

Whenever she goes on a rant, she doesn't seem to stop so easily. It's always the same with this woman. Always has to speak her mind when it comes to her peers.

"No, seriously." she said waving her arms, "Why are most of the Ten Guardians completely physical fighers? With the exception of CK, Engine, and myself..."

"Energy has her energy manipulation.." Cyberknight said, "And Blood Drive has his abilities too...."

I shrugged, "Hey I use a sword. I am a physical fighter too but I am a really strong one."

She shook her head, "It just doesn't make any sense to me."

"Michael also has his telekinesis." Cyberknight added

"Oh but its so weak!" White Ghost exclaimed, "Not even worth mentioning since it's nowhere near my level. And don't get me started on Apex, I tell you. His abilities are the worst."

I raised my eyebrows at this. She always had a knack to rant about us Guardians. It's as we aren't good enough for her. Oh man, if Apex heard her say all this.

Before she could continue, the door opened and Lee walked in.

"Good, you're all here." he said as he made his way to his desk, "I'll make this really quick."

He sat down in his chair and reached for something in the drawer.

"White Ghost, head for Incheon, there is a contact there that is about to give us information on the current case." He said, "And be careful, some superhuman activities have been seen recently."

White Ghost stood up, "That it?"

Lee took out a file from the drawer and offered it to her, "Take this, give it to the contact."

She walked up to the desk and took the file, "I am not your courier, Lee." She said annoyed, "This better be worth the while."

Lee shook his head, "Don't worry, I trust that you will get more information that they will provide." He told her, "Now go, time is of the essence. The sooner we can stop this Paperbag, the better."

Without saying a word, White Ghost walked away. I didn't even get to see where she exited, either the door or through a wall.

I looked at Lee, "What do you need us for, then?"

Lee looked at me and cleared his throat, "I asked Cyberknight to be here in order to discuss something with him in private. It regards security, of course." he told me, "You are here because of this..."

He pulled out a photo from his drawer and handed it to me.

I looked at it. It was a picture of a boat. A cargo ship to be in fact. It didn't seem significant, if I have to be honest.

I frowned, "What am I looking at?"

"According to some intel that a friend of mine gathered, this boat is on its way to Busan and will arrive tomorrow night." He said, "It is coming from Japan, apparently. I want you to be there when it arrives."

"Okay? And what does it have to do with us?" I asked

Cyberknight spoke up, "Some logs at the cache that Mujin took back said something about a shipment arriving on that ship." he said, "Paperbag will definitely be there."

I looked at the drone. Clearly this is something he should've told me earlier. I think I know why Lee wants me to be there. He wants me to take down Paperbag.

"Alright, why me?" I asked

"Because you're the only one that can." Lee said, "Or the the only one that can do this efficiently. We need this man alive and in a condition to talk. If we send anyone else, we won't have that. Amily, Aanya, and Michael will definitely act upon their emotions. Engine cannot possibly do such a task, the way he is. Energy is out of the question since he is apparently human. Blood Drive will not leave Seoul and White Ghost will be preoccupied."

I sighed, "Why send her to Incheon if you are sure I will deal with this tomorrow night?"

"There isn't a for sure thing, Taejoon." Lee said, "If there is a possibility of him being there then I want our best there. I have great faith that you would be able to handle him. White Ghost's mission will prove useful if we don't get him. Hell, even if we get him, something tells me that it won't end there. We cannot take chances."

They want me to end this tomorrow night, eh? Cyberknight says that he would be there for a shipment he thinks is important enough to get Paperbag to personally be there. Lee wants the best on it? Please, if Apex was here, he would've definitely begged him to do it.

"Do be careful though." Cyberknight said, "According to records, that ship ties back to the Yamato Family."

I gritted my teeth, "Oh that's just great. Those guys." I groaned,

"Damn yakuza."