
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Battle of Gangnam: Vex vs Zack vs Michael Part 2

(3rd Person POV)

"Shut up, bitch." Vex growled

She pointed her palm at Zack and let out a massive stream of flames at him. Zack widened her eyes at this and covered himself up. The flames engulfed him as they combusted and caused a massive explosion.

Michael then immediately swooped down again but Vex anticipated this. She jumped backward as Michael kicked the empty air. She then pointed a finger gun at him as she held her wrist with her free hand. Michael then saw as the tip of the finger started to glow bright orange again. But this time he saw flames start to engulf it as they grew larger.

"What the-," he said as he flew up to avoid a massive fireball

He watched as the fireball hurled towards the remnants of the explosion that she had hit Zack with. It hit the flames and exploded, this one was much bigger. Michael could feel the heat hit his skin, he felt unsettled by the intensity of said heat.

"Hey, you're gonna kill that guy!" Michael exclaimed

Vex shrugged as she pointed her finger gun at him in the air, "So?" she said, "What's it to you?"

Michael scowled, "No regard for human life?" He growled, "You're amongst the lowest of the low."

Vex then fired another fireball at him, this one much smaller than the one she fired. Michael dodged it as it hit the building behind him, causing another explosion. The hero then looked back as he saw a piece of the building burning up. He wondered if there were any civilians inside and hoped that they weren't hurt.

"Lowest of the low?" Vex said, "Oh please? What do you lot know about me? You fucking heroes know nothing about us!!"

She then fired multiple fireballs at him only for him to dodge.

Michael scowled at this as he kept afloat in the air, "Hey watch where you point that thing!" He said, "Dammit I have to finish this quickly and tend to the fires."

Sirens started to be heard around the streets. Michael could only assume that the explosions caught the attention of the authorities. He had to do something about this pyromaniac quickly and make sure no civilians were hurt in the flames.

"Don't worry, these buildings are empty by this time of night!" Vex said as she lowered her arm, "Oh, and can you get down here so I can burn you?"

Then, out of the massive wall of flames and smoke where Vex had burned Zack, a large figure charged out. Vex saw as it hurled itself towards her.

She widened her eyes, "What-" she exclaimed as she jumped away, "This bastard is still alive?!"

They both watched as Zack was covered in charred and scorched stone. He had used his powers to cover himself in layers of stone to protect himself against the flames. The stones then cracked and started to fall off and both Vex and Michael saw as Zack was still covered in burns. The heat of the flames was still intense enough to burn at his skin and Zack had to get out of them before the stones melted onto his flesh.

He was panting heavily as he glared at Vex, "You stupid whore!" He hissed, "You almost killed me! I'll fucking crush you!"

Vex chuckled, "Oh please." She said, "You've been on the receiving end of an ass whooping this whole time. Do you really think that I am going to be intimidated by you and your 3rd-degree burns? Keep yapping your mouth and I'll burn off your flesh!"

Michael then watched as Zack rushed Vex with impressive speed and swung at her with what seemed like a stone club that formed from his arm. Vex tried to dodge sideways but the stone club was able to hit her in the midsection and it sent her tumbling down to the ground.

She hit the pavement and rolled a couple of times before she hit the wall of a building. She clutched where she was hit and gritted her teeth.

Zack walked towards her, "You pyro-bitch." He said, "It is a good thing that Mujin told us to get rid of you. I really wanted to kill you for all the times you fucked us over with your stupid drug scams."

Vex tried to get up but she then watched as Michael swooped in and hit Zack with a kick to the back of his head, driving him down to the ground. Zack hit the pavement face-first and Michael immediately grabbed him by the back of his shirt and flung him upwards. He let go and in rapid succession, he hit the thug with the back of his fist, sending him flying backward.

Zack hit the street and skidded across, slowing to a stop as he lost consciousness.

Vex looked up at Michael who stood before her, his wings were spread out and the sight of The Archangel with the light of the flames in the background was an intimidating one to see. She started to hear the sounds of sirens draw closer. The authorities were on their way to the scene.

Michael looked at her with a serious expression.

"You're gonna tell me everything." He said


A couple of blocks away, in the middle of an empty street, a large cargo truck stood on the sidewalk. It looked as if whoever was driving was forced to stop there.

Outside the truck and on the street, laid several thugs on the ground who were unconscious.

Ryuki stood next to them with his hands in his pockets. He looked down at them as he walked over to the back of the truck. He then proceeded to open it and saw the multiple chests that contained the crest of House Dreadfyre.

He scanned the chests and didn't say a word. He then closed the doors and walked away, stopping a few meters away.

He pulled out a phone and dialed a number. He placed the phone to his ear and waited as the call rang.

He then heard someone answer the call.

"Yes?" a voice of a man said through the line

"Hey, Corlys." He said, "I got them. I am in possession of the weapons."

"Good." the man said, "See to it that they're taken to the rendezvous point. I'll send for their retrieval."

Ryuki nodded and hung up the phone. He then placed it back in his pocket and sighed.

"Well, that is that." He said, "I suppose your boss expected to have those weapons in his hands, eh?"

He looked over to see the man who turns into mist, he was on his knees and clutching his arm. His face was covered in blood as he panted heavily. It seemed that he was defeated by Ryuki.

Ryuki took a step forward as he smirked slightly.

"Your types are tricky to deal with." He said, "But you weren't. I guess it is because you're not that experienced with your abilities."

Then, he heard the screeching of tires. He looked up and saw a couple of cars headed his way.

Ryuki sighed, "Oh boy." He said,

"They don't stop, huh?"