
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Battle of Gangnam: The Battle Star Arrives

(3rd Person POV)

"How many of you thugs are there?" Ryuki said

He stood over the unconscious bodies of dozens of thugs that had tried to ambush him. He had easily defeated them after they had arrived and rushed him.

He looked around, he noticed a couple of explosions around the area. He could only assume there were other thugs trying to cause some commotion. He heard dozens of police sirens and fire trucks as well, he figured the night was going to be busy.

He then patted his trench coat and turned around.

"My time here is over." He said as he headed to the truck, "I had one job and it's done. The Chief will be disappointed that he won't be able to come here himself but what can he do about it. He should book a vacation to Jeju Island if he really wants to visit South Korea."

He walked towards the truck but he then stopped as he noticed the headlights of a vehicle behind him. He then turned around and saw an SUV pull up next to the vehicles.

"What now?" He said annoyed

He watched as the doors opened and saw more men in black suits walk out. Behind them, he saw a man walk up with a cigarette in his mouth.

Ryuki narrowed his eye at this man as he sensed an abnormal amount of Ki coming from him.

"Huh." Mujin said as he grabbed the cigarette from his mouth, "Who are you?"

Ryuki looked at him, "That's my question."

Mujin looked at the unconscious bodies of his men laying on the floor.

"You really did a number on my men." He said as he exhaled some smoke, "I suppose you're a strong one."

Mujin then looked at him, he noticed the crest of House Dreadfyre on Ryuki's coat.

"House Dreadfyre, huh?" He said, "Well this is not good."

Mujin then tossed the cigarette on the ground and stomped on it. He looked at Ryuki with a serious scowl.

"I'm going to need you to hand the weapons over." He said

Ryuki smiled slightly, "No can do." He said, "These are property of House Dreadfyre. I suggest you stand down."

Mujin sighed, "If that's how its gonna be.." he said before looking at one of his men next to him, "Guess you'll have to be skewered for it."

He nodded at one of the men who merely looked at this and then faced Ryuki.

He opened his palm and suddenly, a bright purple light flashed. He was then holding a large spear in his hand as he took a step forward.

Ryuki raised an eyebrow, "Oh? That's nice." He said, "An conjurer superhuman. A spear huh? You know how to use that thing?"

Without saying a word, the man lunged and thrust his spear at him.

Ryuki then effortlessly sidestepped and drove his foot on the top of the spear tip, forcing it to hit the ground. He then pressed his foot hard on it for the man not to pry it free.

The man had a look of shock on his face as Ryuki smirked slightly.

"Unfortunately you have no ki to back your spear up." He said, "And against a master like me, you're at a disadvantage."

Then, a shockwave erupted from the man's face and he was sent flying backward.

Mujin saw this and raised an eyebrow.

"Invisible attacks?" He said, "I see. He's not someone to be underestimated."

Ryuki kicked the spear away to the side and looked at Mujin. He then started to crack his knuckles.

"I suppose I won't get out this without having a good tussle." He said, "No problem. I've had my fair share of street brawls in the past."

But before anyone else said anything, a figure crashed down between Ryuki and the others. Ryuki narrowed his eye in annoyance at this. He was not liking the constant newcomers.

He then saw someone with his back faced to him. He saw as it was a man covered in some sort of armored suit of sorts. Looked somewhat metallic and was blue and white.

"What the?" Ryuki said

The man straightened up, his face covered by a helmet that had a golden star in its front. He was wearing some sort of battle suit, his entire body was metallic, with another golden star in it's chest.

Mujin scowled at this, "Not this clown." He muttered

The man then struck a pose, crouching down slightly and straightening both his arms upwards to his left.

"It is I!!!!" He bellowed, "The Armored Hero!!! Battle Star!!!!!"

Ryuki only looked at this with his eye widened in surprise.

Mujin and the rest of his men looked at him with slight disgust.

"Tch." Mujin said, "What is this loser doing here?"

Battle Star straightened up and pointed at Mujin.

"This loser is a High Rank Hero of Purgatory!" Battle Star exclaimed, "Mujin, Dragon of Busan!! Prepare yourself!! You shall he defeated by me tonight!!"

Mujin gritted his teeth, "Kill him." He told his men, "And get me those weapons."

His men drew their weapons and took a step forward.

Ryuki also took a step forward but Battle Star stretched his arm outward, gesturing him to stop.

"No need to concern yourself with this." He said seriously, "I shall handle this. You take that truck and get out of here. CyberKnight filled me in with the details. I, Battle Star, shall hold them off."

Ryuki looked at him with surprise, "Are you sure?"

Battle Star nodded, "I may not be a Guardian..." He said as he readied his fists in a stance, "But I am not weak enough to be defeated by these thugs."

Ryuki hesitated, "But-"

"Go." Battle Star cut him off, "This fight doesn't concern you. The night has just started. The heroes that are responsible for this city will now take part in this. Tonight, we bring down Mujin."

Mujin saw this and merely scoffed, "You wish." He said, "Get him."

The men then lunged at Battle Star with tremendous speed.

Ryuki watched as they swung their weapons only to hit nothing but air.

"What?" He said aloud in surprise

He then saw a flash as the thugs flew backward. Ryuki saw as Battle Star landed in the ground wheee he stood. The thugs landed on the ground, unconscious.

"What speed…" Ryuki mused, "This guy's no joke. But he isn't human. I sense no ki from him. Is he a superhuman."

Battle Star struck another pose, "Indeed!!" He bellowed, "I, Battle Star, am the Armored Hero!! I shall now engage in battle against Mujin, the criminal!!'

Ryuki chuckled and nodded, "You'll be alright." He said as he turned around walked towards the truck, "I'll leave you to it."

Ryuki reached the truck and got in it. He turned it on and pulled off, driving away.

Mujin merely looked at this without saying a word. He then sighed and gave Battle Star a menacing glare.

"You stupid clown of a hero." He hissed,

"I'll kill you."