
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Battle of Gangnam: Reinforcements

(3rd Person POV)

"Fuck off!" Vex shouted as she swung her arm and fired a wave of flames at Michael

Michael dodged the flames and immediately rushed Vex. He grabbed her by the face snd slammed her against the wall. Vex grunted in pain and grasped at his arm.

Michael scowled at her, "You can try to use your flames but I've dealt with your type before." He said, "You bear high resistances to heat and flame but it doesn't make you immune. You're more than likely to overheat and suffer consequences. So you can try to burn me, I'll probably will get burned. But Not before I shatter your ribs in a single punch. So don't resist and give me the answers I want."

Vex then slowly released her grip on Michael's arm. Michael let go of her face and quick grabbed her by the shirt and pressed her against the wall.

"Speak, now." He said seriously, "I am loosing my patience."

Vex scowled, "Fuck your patience. You damn heroes think your so high and mighty, huh?" She hissed, "I'll-"

Michael pressed against her harder, "Don't tempt me, woman." He growled, "I will break you. Your body is as fragile as a regular human's, do not get cocky."

Vex glared at him, "Do it." She dared, "You won't get any answers from me. You see, I don't really give a shit what happens to me anyways. Paperbag already paid me. I've done what I needed to do, so I can do as I please. If you decide to kill me, go ahead."

Michael narrowed his eyes, "You're with Paperbag?"

"I thought that much was obvious." She said, "And it ain't just me, there are other gangs in Seoul that were swayed by the money that fucker is flaunting. That and their grudges against Mujin."

Michael scowled, "And you lot want to go to war with that bastard?!" He growled, "Why? You'll involve innocents!"

Vex laughed, "Haha!" She said, "Fuck the innocents! They don't care about people like me, why should I give a shit about them!? I want Mujin dead as much as the next guy. I'm willing to ally myself with a Hero-Killer if i have to."

Michael grabbed her by shirt and lifted her up, rage starting fill his eyes.

"You bastards! How dare you" he said, "What do you have against Mujin!? Why is Paperbag willing to risk himself in order to get to him?!"

Vex smirked, "You know nothing, do you?" She mused, "I did hear you don't involve yourself in street-lvl crime. Only ever going for the top-notch glory. I always see you on tv fighting the big bad guys, Archangel. Allow me to enlighten you: Mujin is a traitor."

Michael frowned, "What?"

Vex laughed, "Oho! You truly know nothing!" She said, "Before your top dog, Apex, beat down the gangs, Mujin was deemed a traitor by the other gang leaders. What he did was so horrible that they all have a deep grudge for him. But because of Apex, they couldn't do anything. Mujin, too, couldn't do much since he got scared by that fucker. "

Michael didn't know what she was talking about. He knows Apex had gone and dealt with all the gangs simply because he saw them as a nuisance. He tried to send the leaders to prison but they were hidden by layers of legal protection. So Apex decided to scare them shitless. He doesn't know what he did to them but it was enough to keep them in check for a while. Michael was told by his colleague that the scare wasn't going to last much longer and the moment any of them tries to act, the others will capitalize on it.

This was it. Michael was starting to understand what he meant. The Hero-Killer known as Paperbag riled Mujin up. This led to the other gangs to act upon the action. What Vex was saying was true. A war was coming. One against Mujin.

Mujin had been quiet as of lately but he was once known as the top criminal of South Korea. He was so fearsome that even superhumans didn't want to mess with him. His reputation was wavering and he didn't want to stand for it.

"Tch!" Michael said as he held Vex, "A war, huh?"

Vex smirked even more, "Oh yea." She said, "And I'll tell one more thing, Angel Boy. Even if Paperbag is defeated, it doesn't matter. The gears have been set in motion. Moves have been made. Bring Paperbag down and the other gangs will pick up where he left off. Mujin is going to fall whether you like it or not."

"What did Mujin do to you anyways?" Michael asked, "I thought some of the gangs that you supplied were affiliated with him."

"They were." She said,"But not anymore. Fuck that asshole."

Then, before Michael could say anything, he felt a cold chill. He then looked back to see a white gust of wind hit the street and the flames as well. The flames that were once raging started to freeze up.

Michael widened his eyes as he saw multiple ice projectiles shoot towards him. In an instant, he let go of Vex and jumped away, avoiding the ice. He landed in the middle of the street and looked at where the ice flew from.

A Korean man started to walk towards him, he wore a suit and had a white scarf on. He had his hair dyed silver white and he wore shades, even if it was night. He had one of his hands in his pocket as his other hand was on the side.

Vex stood up and looked at the man, "Tch! Took you long enough, your highness." She growled in annoyance

Michael raised an eyebrow, "Highness?"

The man sighed and took his sunglasses off, he looked at Michael with his cold light blue eyes. He could only assume he had contacts on.

"You're in the presence of the King of Gangnam." He said with a calm and suave voice, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Archangel."

Michael frowned, "An underworld king?" He said, "Don't tell you've allied yourself with Paperbag. Why?"

The King of Gangnam placed his glasses on his shirt and looked at the hero.

"My goals are none of your concern." He said, "But I will say, It is most unfortunate that a Hero of Purgatory stands in my way. I'm afraid I'll have to dispose of you."

Vex scowled, "Jaemin! Lets hurry up and kill this fucker!" She shouted, "He easily beat Mujin's rock guy."

She referred to Zack who laid unconscious in the street.

Jaemin shook his head, "You must stay calm, Vex." He said as he closed his eyes and shrugged, "Such brashness will be the end of you. No wonder The Archangel had you beat."

Vex glared, "What you say?!"

Jaemin looked at her, "Besides, he's not our only enemy." He said pointing past Michael, "It appears the rock guy has backup."

Michael looked behind him to see a tall man wearing a large coat with a hood on. He could barely see his face but he knew the man was staring at him.

Vex widened her eyes, "When the fuck did he get here?" She said, "Who is this guy? One of Mujin's goons?"

Jaemin sighed, "Mujin, that bastard." He said, "He has a lot of superhuman allies. It is of no surprise he can send more and more. Anyways, the convoy of weapons you were supposed to be guarding?"

Vex shook her head, "Change of plans." She said, "Golden Spear told us to let it go."

Jaemin raised an eyebrow, "is that so?"

Michael narrowed his eyes at this, he didn't like the sound of that. He clenched his fist and looked back at Jaemin who was staring at him.

"Hm.." Michael said,

"This is about to be a long night."