
Purgatory's Apex

In the modern era of a world with Superhumans, Purgatory is a Hero Organization based in South Korea. One night, a tragedy befalls Purgatory, one that plunges them into chaos.

Drive_Night326 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Battle of Gangnam: Michael vs A Weak King

(3rd Person POV)

"Whoa!" Michael said as he dodged more ice projectiles, "Almost got me!"

He flew around the air as Jaemin, The King of Gangnam, swung his arms at him, sending icicles flying at Michael.

Michael tried to swoop down at him to go for an attack but Jaemin merely summoned a whirlwind of Ice to keep him at bay. The chill was great enough to slow him down and back him up.

Michael knew this was going to be troublesome.

As they did this, Vex jumped around the street as the hooded man lunged at her multiple times, swinging his arms at her.

Vex fired fireballs at him but the man dodged them as well.

"Fuck!" Vex exclaimed, "This is annoying! Fucking stalemate we're in! Hey Jaemin, wanna switch?!"

Jaemin shook his head as he swung more icicles at the hero who dodged them.

"No." He said

Michael then swooped down again, faster than before. He reached Jaemin and swung his leg only for the king to jump away, shooting a stream of ice at him. Michael instantly dodged to the side and watched as the ice exploded.

"Tch!" He said, "First fire and then ice. These guys are troublesome. Nothing like the pyromaniac i took down back at Texas."

Jaemin then rubbed his hair, "If you do me a favor and let yourself be frozen in place, that'll be nice." He said, "I really have to make this quick so I can go and kill Mujin."

Michael rushed him and went for a punch. Jaemin then raised his forearm and summoned ice on it, creating a shield. Michael punched the ice, cracking it, but immediately pulled back. He saw as his fist was steaming and felt the chilling burn on his skin.

Jaemin smiled slightly, "My ice isn't bad, huh?" He said, "It's too cold for the bare skin of someone who isn't resistant to it."

Michael scowled, "Shut up." He said as he shook his hand, "You won't be smiling for too long."

Jaemin pointed at him, "Oh but I will." He said, "Paperbag promised me I get to kill Mujin."

Michael looked at him, "What's your deal with him?" He asked, "What did he do?"

Jaemin then glared at him, "That is none of your concern.." he said seriously

Jaemin then waved his hand and sudden large ice swords appeared above him. He reached out and grabbed one.

"I'll make sure your face is left after I'm done with you." He said

Michael raised his eyebrow, "Oh we're looking to finish this up?" He said, "I haven't done much."

"I'm not known for long fights." Jaemin said as he grabbed the handle of his ice sword with both hands

He lunged at Michael and swung the sword. Michael dodged away and saw as a large column of ice appeared behind him, running along the side of a building. Jaemin looked to his side to see Michael rushing him.

He released the grip of his sword and blocked Michael's fist with his hand, almost buckling to the force of the punch.

Michael raised his eyebrows, "Oh? You're sturdier than you look."

Jaemin smiled, "I was blessed with a strong body alongside my powers." He said simply, "But I do wonder, Archangel.."

Michael then felt his hand started to get colder. He saw as his fist was starting to get covered in ice. He then tried to pull back but it was stuck to Jaemin's own hand.

"Why would you think close quarters would benefit you?" Jaemin asked the hero

Jaemin then pointed the ice swords, the ones that were floating above him, at Michael. Michael saw this and gritted his teeth.

"Its over for you." Jaemin said

The swords then flung themselves at Michael but to his surprise, they stopped short. Jaemin widened his eyes at this. He saw as they started shaking in midair as if they struggled to move. Something was resisting them.

He then looked at Michael who smirked slightly.

"Telekinesis?" He said

Michael nodded, "Yup."

Michael then hit Jaemin with a headbutt to the face, sending him backward. The hero broke his hand free as ice shattered and flew around. Jaemin hit the ground as he looked up and saw Michael rush him again.

He was disoriented, preventing him to summon ice again to shield him from the hero.

Michael grabbed him by the collar and flung towards the wall. Jaemin hit the wall hard and fell down. He hit the ground and clutched his side.

"Gah!!" He cried out

Vex, who was still fighting the hooded man, looked at this and widened her eyes.

"Jaemin!" She exclaimed, "Shit! That bastard should've kept him in a distance!!"

The hooded man then kicked Vex in the chest which sent her flying and crashed against one of the burnt vehicles.

Michael turned and looked at this.

"Now to deal with this." He said before he dodged an icicle out of instinct, "Huh?!"

He turned back to see Jaemin crouched down while glaring at him.

"I am the King of Gangnam!" He growled, "I will not be humiliated by this!!"

Michael frowned, "You're just a lowly gangster, you're no king." He told him, "How about I give you a nap?"

Jaemin glared at him even more, "You dare insult me!?"

Michael then sighed but before he could say anything, he noticed a blur flash by him. He saw as the hooded man rushed Jaemin and hit him with a kick and drove him through the wall of the building, causing a massive cloud of dust.

Michael then scowled at this, "Hey we were talking." He said

As the cloud of dust cleared, the man turned around and removed his hood.

Michael then widened his eyes. He recognized him.

The man was a foreigner. He looked American. He had black hair and brown eyes. He had a massive scar on his forehead, one that Michael knew where he got it from.

He gave Michael a serious look.

Michael looked at him with a serious look as well.

"I was wondering where you were lurking." He said,
