
Pure or Toxic Love?

have you ever wondered if your love is pure or toxic?, this story is a story of a Boy in his freshman who is hopeless in love, his past relationships are filled with Toxicity. Now that he's starting to have a new life to a new University. Unexpected Drama,Romance,and trauma will come to his way. Gem a cute chic freshman who went through a lot of bad relationship making him hopeless in love has another break up once again. his relationship doesn't last long whether he dated a man or a woman and everything he does always ends up bad. His 3 Best of friend, Max,Luis and Rosa are always there to support him. the 4 friends are finally freshman having their story begins in the university. As they walk Gem saw a handsome man who is completely surrounded by people made his heart beats fast. Is this fate?. The Man noticed Gem and his friends making him go towards them, but soon after a girl suddenly clinged on him.whats going to happen next?, will Gem get heartbroken again? Trigger warnib: This book contains explicit SA, Toxic , Cyber bullying , Abuse , Etc. This is my first time making a story so hopefully you will like it . (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)I'm not really good at grammar at story description hehe but I try my best

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Chapter 6

When Gem reached his car, he got inside and turned on the ignition. He then took a moment to consider whether or not to actually go to the location.

"What should I do?" wondered Gem to himself. He shook his head and decided to drive to the spot after making up his mind to do so.

He was shocked to find that the Shop was somewhat far from the campus when he first arrived. Gem exited the vehicle and took a few moments to scan the area.

The restaurant appeared small and ordinary from the outside; there was nothing special about it.

Gem walked in the direction of the restaurant.

The moment he entered, he was nervous to face Neil, still remembering what had just happened earlier.

Gem saw Neil, sitting there as he drank some drink looking outside the window.

Before Gem approached Neil, he took a deep breath to calm himself. He proceeded to walk towards where Neil's table is

"Hello Senior Neil, I'm here" Gem said and lifted his hands to show respect with a worrisome look

"Well have a sit" Neil looked at Gem as he responded

Gem hesitated but sat anyways

Neil placed down the cup and leaned closer to the table "Are you okay?, why do you look so worried?" Neil asked as he tilts his head

Gem flinches because Neil leaned in a bit and tried to avert his eyes from Neil "worried?, I'm not worried, I'm just curious how you called me since you deleted my number" Gem said

"well I had to ask Jun, since he did save your number from his phone" Neil said as he leaned back and turned his face to the window

"I see, I didn't even know that Senior Jun saved my number, I thought he only wanted Luis' Number" Gem pondered

"mhm" Neil slyly smiled secretly as he responded.

"Soo uh, oh, earlier" When Gem was about to say something, Neil interrupted him and said, "Don't worry Gem, An and I already talked about it, I told her that you were drunk as I do, we're good now"

Neil stood up and went beside Gem, making Gem turn to Neil.

"but before anything, why do I feel like you're trying to show off?, or am I perhaps wrong that you were drunk at that time?' Neil asked as he lifted up Gem's chin, looking at the red marks on his neck, bite marks on his collar.

Gem Looked at Neil who seems to be not showing any emotions,slaps Neil's hand away and stands up.

Gem tried to cover up the markings as his hands started to tremble "what do you mean Senior Neil, I wasn't showing off, I just didn't notice at all, and yes you are right Senior, I was drunk as well" Gem said as he averted his eyes away from Neil's gaze

Neil stepped back and went back to his sit "well if that's the case, I will forgive you, but if you lie I'll be very disappointed in you" Neil said with a serious look

Gem nodded nervously and tried to look at Neil he wanted to say something but nothing's coming out because he was nervous of his lies.

"well what are you standing there?, sit down, did you eat anything yet?" Neil asked while looking at the menu

"oh it's alright Senior Neil, I don't want to bother you, and besides, you already reconciled and got back with your girlfriend it would be" Gem soon got cut off by Neil "Gem, who says my girlfriend and I reconciled?, we only talked to each other but that doesn't mean we got back, I cheated on her because of last night"

Gem looked guilty as he looked down and fiddled with his fingers when he heard this. As a result, he forgot about what Neil had done to him by making him do something he didn't want to do that night.

Gem tried to make an excuse by and looked at the time, it's already 6pm. "oh Senior Neil I should really be going now, I have to go to my friend's house, goodbye" Gem said as he raised his hands and showed respect and immediately left.

Neil couldn't even say anything and watch him leave making him smile and laugh. he the rest his hand to the table and glances to the window and looked at where Gem is "Gem if I didn't have these feelings for you, I wouldn't have been this cruel" Neil said as he placed his head against the window

Gem went to his Dorm running and went to get a shower. while showering he remembers what had just happened earlier, the moments when he got embarrassed at the university, the event that happened at the nightclub. he suddenly punched the wall as he yelled "AUGH! I SHOULD HAVE REFUSED WHAT WAS I THINKING!?, THEY ARE LITERALLY THE VICTIMS HERE NOT U GEM". He did not even feel the pain from the punch. he could only feel guilty

When Gem stepped out of the shower he looked at the mirror and was horrified at what his body looks like. his memory from last night was still vivid. His face flushed red the moment he try to remember last night. it was hot and steamy making him turn on abit as if he wanted to do it again.

He slap himself and pulled himself together.

As he finishes getting ready.he went to drive to a milk tea shop and ordered. he texted his friends

"I'll be on my way" Gem texted

his friends gave him a thumbs up reaction

"Be here quick or we're going to eat every grain of rice and meat" Luis replied

Gem smiled as he message back "Oh then no milk tea for you" and snap a photo of the milk tea and sent it to the group

"I was just kiddingg Gem, come onn there's tons of food" Luis immediately texted back

Gem chuckled and went to his car and drove to Luis' place.

Gem arrived, The house is small yet feels so comfortable and warm. Luis may be rich but his family doesn't spent to much money.

As soon as He got out of his car Luis tackles him

"Gem!!!, what took you so long!?! we've been waiting for you for like 3 WHOLE hours!" Luis said as he shook him

Gem felt really dizzy and almost dropped the milktea

"AY SHIT LUIS! stop!" Gem yelled

Luis backs off and grabs the milktea "punishment" Luis said and sticks out his tongue

Gem places his hand to his head and looked annoyed

"anyways, let's go in there's a lot of things we need to talk about Gem, also mom and dad isn't here they went to the Philippines to take some vacation" Luis said as he removed his shoes and walked inside

"ah I see, tell me when they get back I'll visit them here" Gem responded as he followed Luis

Luis placed their shoes to a shoe rack and gave some slippers to Gem "Rosa and Max are in my room" Luis said

as soon as Gem wore the slippers "Luis are you perhaps still mad at what had happened earlier?" He said hesitantly

Luis went silent and looked at Gem and sighed "Eh don't worry about it Gem, I mean that's also the reason why I invited you guys to hang out here, since it's much more private"

Gem placed his hand to Luis' upper arm "alright" and went to Luis' room

when Gem opened the door Rosa and Max looked. As soon as they saw Gem they looked worried

"Gem come here" Rosa said as she pat the floor near her

Gem looked and walked towards where Rosa patted and sat down

"Gem, I'll be straight to the point, Rosa and Luis told me of what happened, Gem, you are really in the wrong, You shouldn't have slept with him or made out with each other, we already know that you werent drunk at that time, even if you were you still know yourself you can make choices" Max said with a serious face as he grab some snack to eat

"Max I know! I know I was in the wrong! even when he initiated it first! I should've rejected it!, i don't know why I did it but I just did!!" Gem said as he hugs his knees feeling dejected as he clench his fist

"Gem! this isn't the first time it happened!,this is the second time already!, the first time it happened was with a girl from Senior high! and you said the exact thing! they initiated first but are you sure you're not the one who started it first!?" Rosa said with a raised voice

Gem began to tremble. "Yes! Why even would I lie to you guys; don't you believe me? Why do I feel like I'm never in the right? When it originally happened, I made an effort to oppose! Even though I made an effort to avoid her, she persisted in bothering me. and also this time! I attempted to reason with him, but I!" Rosa and Max were astonished by Gem's unexpected tears and gave him a hug after he went silent and started crying.

Rosa embraced Gem and said, "Okay okay Gem, we trust you okay!?, Luis is definitely going to kill us once he saw you crying like that."

"who's going to kill who now?" Luis said and saw Gem crying

"OI SHITHEADS DIDNT WE AGREE TO NOT SAY SOME SENSITIVE SHITS TO GEM!" Luis yelled as the three flinches making them turn where Luis is

"Yeah! We are aware of this Sorry, Gem! We need to have considered everything carefully first!". Rosa said in a nervous and concerned voice. "

We truly regret what we said! Considering that we are your close friends, we were simply worried for you!" Max said

Rosa and Max's heads are smacked by an enraged Luis, who also shoves the two away from Gem and yells, "Reflect on what you said! Gem already knows I'm in the wrong! Why are you just throwing salt to his wounds, can't you see?!" Luis muttered while glaring at them.

"Now raise your hands and reflect!" Luis added as he keeps on looking at them

Rosa and Max followed Luis' order and raised their hands while sitting looking at each other eyes as if they regretted it

Gem wipe his tears away and sigh "Luis it's alright, I talked to Senior Neil earlier, remember when I said I had an appointment? I met with Senior Neil earlier" Gem said Giving the three a surprised look

"wait really Gem!?, did you tell him?" Luis said

Gem shakes his head "No, I couldn't tell him the truth, I would tell him but he said he will be disappointed if he knew I was lying to him"

Luis closed his eyes and frowns, placing his hand to his own face "Ay shit Gem, I mean I understand you, very!, I wouldnt also tell the truth if I were you, id be scared!" Luis said with a serious tone

"thinking about it, I would also wouldn't be able to tell the truth but wouldn't it be better to tell him? cause if you won't the guilt is going to grow Gem" Rosa said as her body started to trembling because of her hands being raised up

"Gem if you can't do it alone, we can go with you,like we have said before, if one goes down everyone goes with him because that's how our friendship is about" Max said as he smile at Gem giving him a reassurance

Gem looked at them and sigh and smiles back "alright but give me some time, I still need to figure out how to face him and Senior An" Gem said as he leaned back to rest on Luis' bed

"well our first day of class is totally shitty huh hahaha" Luis said as he laugh

Rosa and Max put down their hands and laughed with him

"yeah but, question" Gem said with a serious look

"w-what" Luis looked at Gem feeling nervous

"how Big is Senior Jun?" Gem said as he smirked

"AY Gem!" Luis said as he stood up to grab a pillow and throws it to Gem.

The two started to fight and bicker making Rosa and Max laugh.

the 4 friends had a fun night, after a while the 3 went home.

as soon as Gem went to his bed and closes his eyes, his thoughts immediately thinks about Last night


( Gem was facing down clenching the sheet of Neil's bed while being tied up painfully moaning

"Neil! Senior Neil!, Ah!" Gem said still trying to suppress his moans

Neil stopped moving and lifted Gem's upper body. Neil played with Gem's hard nipples while licking her neck.

Gem bites his lips after moaning "Ahhh." Gem began to shudder.

Neil suddenly went in deep reaching Gem's prostrate

Gem suddenly trembled and his knees went weak, making him collapse to the bed.

Neil changes Gem's position by making him look at him.

Neil spread's Gem's leg apart and started to move roughly as he grab Gem's neck choking him "Gem! mmm" Neil moaned as he call out Gem's name)

Gem started to get a turn on and started to touch himself.

he stroke his rod up and down as he uses his other hand to play with his Nipple.

"mmm" Gem grunted.

Gem can't help but think of the repeated hard strokes of Neil's hand made on his body. He started to miss Neil's touch despite the fact that they had only ever slept together once. It does not contest the fact that Neil is more skilled than He is. Even though it had happened to him before, this time it was different for him because he had never before experienced the excellent feeling of being penetrated.

As Gem finally reached his peak, he started to clean himself and thought, "This is bad, the more I think of him, the more I wanted to." Gem stopped shook his head, covered himself with the blanket, and then tried to go asleep.


Luis finishes his shower and sat down to his chair and started to open up his laptop

as soon as he opened up his Facebook he checked his friend request list, there he saw Jun, trying to friend him

Luis couldn't believe his eyes that His senior tried to add him so he decided to accept his friend request.

immediately Jun started to message him

"Hey there baby boy" Jun said

Luis looked disgusted by what Jun said

"if you don't want to get blocked Senior Jun stop that instant" Luis replied

"no!, don't block me! you already blocked me on your phone number! I wont do that again 🤐😭" Jun replied

"why are you even trying to flirt with me? we just met and we had a one night stand" Luis replied, looking impatient

"Can't I do that?, I fell for you honest! cross my heart ❤️😁👌" Jun replied

Luis sighed and doesn't believe Jun "what a bunch of bullshit" Luis thought

"but you still took advantage of me, that's not really what you want to do for someone you actually love" Luis replied

the chat box went silent for a bit but Jun started to type

"Yes I know it was bad of me🥹, but really! I wont do that again! I swear!, I just wanted to be close to you! and like y'know get to know each other?" Jun responded

Luis placed his hand to his chin and sighed once more

"even if I slept with many men before, you shouldn't have taken advantage of me still, y'know even if you wanted to know me" Luis replied

"oh come on! just give me another chance! is there any ways that I could make up to you?" Jun replied

Luis sighed thinking on what he should say, and it occured him that Senior Jun is friends with Senior Neil.

"okay I'll give you a chance but on one condition" Luis said

"😧🤔" Jun responded

"there will be no any secret between us okay?" Luis said

"alright!" Jun responded

after a while they talked to each other

Luis took a screenshot and sent it to his friends

"Oh shit, I swear if something went wrong I'll literally scream" Rosa replied

"I'm going to be honest I'll do the same thing" Max replied

Luis smirked "yeah I would as well, if they ever try to embarrass Gem again I'll flip" he said to himself

"Okay thanks, and I still won't really 100% given you a chance yet only like 1%" Luis said to Jun

and turned off his laptop and went to bed and slept

The next Day

Gem does his usual morning route, fixing his bed make breakfast,shower,brush his teeth,drive his car and go to the University

Gem turned on his phone and saw a lot of deleted messages, Gem raised his eyebrow in confusion "hey what's up with these deleted messages guys, y'all not be sending your nudes" Gem sent to his group chat and started to smile

"oh morning, and yes and I'm proud with my big dick" Luis responded

" -_-, Is it really or you're just pretending to have a big dick" Gem replied

"Haha, very funny but we all know who has the biggest dick among us" Luis replied

"mhm, a certain someone who hasn't say anything" Gem replied

"oh, you're complementing my dick to much guys" Max replied

"what In the hell are you guys sending early in the morning" Rosa replied

Gem started to giggle. He looked at the entrance of the university and started to have a detour since he was too early.

As he walk people started to look at Gem, looking disgusted and whispering to each other

Gem looked around and sigh as if he already knows that they will started to have rumours about him for what had just happened yesterday.

His classmate ran towards Gem looking panicked "Gem! did you see at the front page of this group!?" His classmate said as he started to look concerned

Gem didn't join in any Group so his classmate showed the post. "This Junior has the audacity to have a date with His Senior who recently broken up with his Girlfriend #Juniorsgotnoshame" with an attached photo of Neil lifting Gem's Chin.

Theres alot of hateful comments about it

"Oh what!,how did he even manage to take Senior's Heart like that on the first day!"

"augh gross I feel so bad for those people who tried to flirt with Senior Neil but ends up getting rejected"

"wait this Guy goes to where my class is, uh oh"

"be careful girls He might even try to snatch your boyfriend's ahha"

Gem couldn't believe on what he's seeing right now and clenched his fist, looking super angry he walked towards to where Neil's building. The Law building

He entered the building and looked around, he walked all over the place to find Neil but he couldn't but the person he found is His Senior An, getting out of the woman's bathroom.