
Pure or Toxic Love?

have you ever wondered if your love is pure or toxic?, this story is a story of a Boy in his freshman who is hopeless in love, his past relationships are filled with Toxicity. Now that he's starting to have a new life to a new University. Unexpected Drama,Romance,and trauma will come to his way. Gem a cute chic freshman who went through a lot of bad relationship making him hopeless in love has another break up once again. his relationship doesn't last long whether he dated a man or a woman and everything he does always ends up bad. His 3 Best of friend, Max,Luis and Rosa are always there to support him. the 4 friends are finally freshman having their story begins in the university. As they walk Gem saw a handsome man who is completely surrounded by people made his heart beats fast. Is this fate?. The Man noticed Gem and his friends making him go towards them, but soon after a girl suddenly clinged on him.whats going to happen next?, will Gem get heartbroken again? Trigger warnib: This book contains explicit SA, Toxic , Cyber bullying , Abuse , Etc. This is my first time making a story so hopefully you will like it . (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)I'm not really good at grammar at story description hehe but I try my best

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Chapter 4

Gem was still in a trance from just waking up when he noticed the person besides him with his back exposed with a lot of scratch mark


The girl who was with Gem departed since she couldn't really speak with him because Gem appeared to be crying. It appeared that Gem had become so upset that he was unable to hear anything or anyone.

He asks as he places the glass on the table, "Why does he have to be so fucking mean?"

"Fuck you! Senior Neil! Your personality sucks! It's confusing as hell! You're not making any sense! asshole!!!' Gem continues to drink alcohol while Gem continues to berate him, then all of a sudden

'enough,everyone can hear you because you're so loud" Gem almost fell off the chair when he glanced where he was since Neil is the only one with a sweet, kind, deep voice, a familiar figure stated.

When Gem was about to fall, Neil suddenly grabbed his waist and said, "Seriously, I knew it was you the moment I heard your voice." Neil sighed and took the drink away from Gem, which made Gem feel irritated.

"Hey, that's mine, give it back". Gem spoke up, causing Neil to stumble as a result.

Neil just snatched Gem and hugged him.

Gem regarded Neil while grinning.

'What are you doing here, Senior Neil? Gem stated that despite his eyes appearing to be off-focus, Neil can be recognised.

even when you're intoxicated, you recognise me? Neil smirked and raised an eyebrow.

Gem smiled and pushed Neil back slightly since he recalled Neil saying he disliked being close to him. However, Gem then halted and appeared puzzled.

'Senior Neil, what are you even doing here?' Gem asked again.

"Well, An invited me here to hang out, and Jun is here as well," Neil replied as he turned to face his friend and his girlfriend.

"I'm amazed that you're talking to me like a regular person and not getting angry and all that" Gem stated sarcastically as he turned to face Neil's direction of gaze.

Neil then turned to face Gem, sat down, and ordered a drink, saying, "Oh, you mean how I criticised you at the university?" I'm sorry, but after thinking about it, I was irritated with Jun for using me as a pretext to approach you. He leant his head on his hand and propped his arm against the table.

"Senior Neil, you shouldn't have been acting like an asshole about it. However, even before that!, When I first talked to you, you also appeared annoyed and cold towards me!" Neil is constantly listening to Gem's rants concerning the fact that he can't control his thoughts when he's intoxicated.

'You have so many questions right now, but I don't mind responding because I'm in a good mood, hmm...about that, oh right, you were kind of being nosy that time and some guy nearly hit my friend that time so of course I was angry" muttered Neil. Gem recalls that he was the one who nearly hit his friend that particular time.

'oh sorry about that, that was all me hahaha, I got distracted because I was in a call that time' Gem said as he took a drink of his glass from earlier, making him anxious on How will Neil respond.

('wait why am I suddenly getting scared of Neil?') Gem thought

Neil says, "Oh, so that expensive car that almost hit him was yours then," as his eyes slowly drift to Gem. Neil changed to a serious tone.

Gem narrowed his eyes and tensed; he ordered more drinks because the alcohol had begun to turn his face red.

" Relax, will you"Neil chuckled out of nowhere. Neil stated as he drank up, "I won't do anything to you unless you want me to."

Gem shook his head and realised he had forgotten to inform Luis that Senior Jun wanted his phone number if he hadn't already been asked. Gem began to move, but he was shaky.

Neil looked at Gem and sighed. He then got to his feet and assisted Gem, gripping Gem's arm.

Gem winces and says, "Oi, it hurts," becoming perplexed and concerned about why Neil started to hurt him.

Then, with a soft smile and a giggle, Neil said to Gem, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but tonight, you're really sexy in that outfit."

Gem's eyes widen as he considers what he has just heard ('Is he attempting to flirt with me?, What's up with him because he always gave me horrible looks when I stared at him, and now he's acting this way?!)

Gem rolled his eyes and asked Neil, "Are you drunk? Or do you not realise how uncomfortable you feel with me? Gem mocks

"I didn't tell you about me being uncomfortable," Neil says as he slides his hand around Gem's neck and down till it reaches Gem's chest. Neil's face advances in closer as if they are going to kiss.

Gem sighed and took Neil by the hand." Senior Neil, even if I'm drunk, I still know what's going on. Also, don't you have a girlfriend?"Gem stated in an irritated way.

Neil reaches out to take Gem's hand once more while massaging his chest with the other. "Oh about that, yeah, she's my girlfriend, but she wouldn't mind it as long as it's not a girl," he says. With a tempting expression

Gem went silent for a moment and think ('hes seducing me and I can't resist him') Gem turned around and tilts his head 'youre not even gay so why are you seducing me?' Gem said

For a little while, Gem was silent as she thought, "He's seducing me, and I can't resist him." Gem turned around and asked, "Why are you seducing me when you're not even gay?" Gem stated

Neil then gives Gem a perplexed look before saying, "Yes, I'm not gay or bisexual, but when I first met you, my body reacted, which is why I was harsh to you; I was trying to figure out why my body reacts to you." He appeared to be about to eat Gem as his eyes were filled with hunger.

Gem hesitated for a moment ('screw it,'), he thought then grabbed Neil's head and gave him a passionate kiss. people started to cheer for the couple.

Gem attempted to take the lead, but Neil began to open Gem's mouth and put his tongue inside playing with his tongue. Gem drooled after the kiss and began to breathe heavily.

Gem pushed Neil while panting, "W..wait Senior Neil," he pleaded in a shaking voice.

Neil gave Gem a small smile and wrapped his arm around Gem's waist, drawing him more closer. Neil muttered in a low voice, "I'm not going to wait," and then he kissed Gem again recklessly.

An witnessed the two horn dogs continuing to make out and became enraged when she realised what her partner was doing. She dropped the glass she was drinking. "What the hell is he doing!?" An stated while displaying a troubled expression. She attempted to approach them but ran into Rosa.

Rosa said, "Oh sorry babe hahaha," as she began to stammer.

Rosa was assisted by An, who took hold of her hand and stated, "Oh no, I should be the one who should be sorry for bumping into you." An then looked to see where Gem and Neil were, but was shocked to see that they had disappeared. An then turned to search for them.

'okay thanks but like,you may let go now". Rosa expressed her uneasiness.

An released Rosa right away, calling her a "odd girl," and Rosa continued to enjoy herself.

Jun was then seen, "Jun!" An asked with an unpleasant expression, "Have you seen Neil?"

Jun then tries to scan the area. "No, I have not!," An began to call Neil after Jun yelled, but no one answered. She decided to gather her and Neil's belongings and head home because she was becoming irritated and angry.

Meanwhile (rated 18 ahead)

Neil brought Gem to his apartment, which seems more like a hotel than an apartment because it has many rooms next to one another.

Neil struggled to control himself and said, "Gem, walk properly, I can't unlock the door."

Neil's neck is repeatedly sucked by Gem, leaving red markings all over.

When Neil was finally able to unlock and open the door, he grunted before dragging Gem inside and giving him another kiss while intertwining their tongues.

"Senior Neil, please slow down! " Gem said with a pant

Neil disregarded Gem and began to push him down while lifting his shirt, which caused Gem to shake.

Neil topped him, kissed his chest, and played with his nipple.

Gem trembles because he has never experienced feeling that way when being played.

Suddenly, Neil bites Gem, making him squeal.

'Augh!' As Gem yelled, he bit his own lips.

"That was hot and it looks like you're really feeling it," Neil said as he gave Gem a tiny smile. he began to touch Gem after unbuckling his belt and taking down his pants.

Gem then raised in and got on Neil's lap, started to kiss him, and took off his shirt, leaving him topless. Gem then glanced at Neil's pale body, admiring his muscular chest and six-pack abs.causing him to touch it and feel his body with his fingertips.

Neil shudders. Having pushing Gem, he got to his feet, grabbed him by the arm to pull him up, and then threw him against the wall making him face it. Neil nipped Gem's nape as he began to lick it.

'ouch! Brother Neil, why do you keep biting me? Gem stated as he attempted to gaze at Neil (creator's note: The term "brother" is a courteous phrase for individuals who are older than them).

Gem was startled when Neil began to press his crotch towards his butt, asking, "wait, am I going to-" Unexpectedly, Neil strips Gem of his underwear and grabs his hot, throbbing rod, beginning to stroke it up and down.

'ah!' Gem's knees began to weaken, and he began to tremble.

Then, as Gem shivers, Neil kisses him and leaves bite marks on his back.

him love and bite marks making Gem shivers.

Gem tried to face Neil 'Brother Neil, ah.. I can't...' Gem pleaded

Neil began to chuckle softly before suddenly shoving his fingers into Gem's mouth and getting him to lick them.

"Oh, Gem, I see you know what I'm about to do." Neil said, softly touching his butt and sticking his finger into Gem's

'ah! Ouch! take it out!' Gem began to shake and clench his teeth as he begged.

Neil turned a blind eye to what Gem said and began to forcefully wiggle his finger, saying in a calm voice, "It's tight, relax yourself."

Gem made an effort to relax, but his body only clenched up more.

Neil sighed and gave Gem a kiss while using his other hand to get her to look at him.

"mmm." Gem groaned

While Neil began to play Gem's entrance up until he could get in with three fingers, Gem began to relax. Neil forces Gem to face him when three fingers can fit and unbuckles his pants. His stiff rod seemed to be about to explode.

As soon as Neil took off his underpants, Gem looked and attempted to feel it, and his eyes began to grow larger and put on a troubling expression.

"There's no way it will fit!" It's too huge, Senior Neil, let's stop ple-' Gem attempted to converse with Neil, but Neil abruptly grabbed her thighs and held them up as he pointed his rod in the direction of Gem's entrance.

Gem nearly fell over, but he put both of his hands on Neil's shoulder.

"Hold on, Brother Neil!" Please! I-' Without even attempting to be gentle, Neil abruptly put the head of his cock in Gem's orifice

'Ah!!, It hurts! Gem yelled with a pained voice.

Neil remarked, "Shh, stop being noisy, the walls here are thin, they might hear you," as he began to move further and Gem began to bleed. Gem screamed, and Neil covered Gem's mouth with his hand.

Gem's eyes started to water as he felt so nauseated due to the discomfort.

Even though I prepared you, you're still tight, Neil murmured in a low voice as he increased the movement of his hips. No! Hurts!, Be patient! Gem muttered, attempting to keep his voice quiet.

Neil suddenly carries Gem and moved to where the bed is and throws him there

In an instant, Neil moves to where the bed is and throws Gem there.

Gem started to fear Neil, as if he were about to get raped. Neil managed to hold Gem's legs as he attempted to flee, forcing him to lie down and spread them widely.

Neil pushes through Gem's orifice once more, causing him to gulp and groan, saying, "You asked for it, so here it is."

("I hate this!" I hate this! Gem pondered as he moaned.

They did this for four complete rounds before Neil turned aggressive towards Gem, slapping and choking him until Gem became worn out and passed out.

Neil drank some water and kept an eye on Gem till he fell asleep. Gem has red, bruised, and bit marks all over his body. Neil thought as he watched Gem.



Gem recalls everything, including what he did, their conversations, and what took on the previous evening. When he finally sat down and raised himself, he felt numbness in his ass and exclaimed, "Fuck my ass hurts, it's not stretch is it?," Gem asked, "What even is the time?" before even realising what his physique looked like. He looked for his phone, and when he turned it on, there were more than 50 missed calls from the gang. Gem said to himself, "Ay shit."

Gem abruptly stood up and silently grabbed his clothes in an effort to keep Neil from waking up. He looked around as soon as he had fixed himself. It doesn't appear to be a fancy place, is smaller than his dorm, and is actually the same size as his room at home. Gem ignored it and left the building.

Gem ordered a taxi to take him back to the night club so he could grab his car because he didn't know where he was. He called Luis while in the taxi.

*Ring ring*

📱 'GEM YOU WONT BELIEVE OF WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO ME BUT BEFORE THAT WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO!?' Luis said seeming quite concerned about his friend

As soon as Luis answered, Gem moved the phone away from his ear.

'Okay, so are you actually concerned about me? When you were out having fun, you were fuckless about everything. You might not have noticed that a girl kept making attempts towards you! Gem scoffed.

'jeez, I mean you were like that too!, Enough about this! It's not about me! It's about you disappearing!' Luis responded

Gem took a brief pause before continuing, "Well Brother Neil was there and we made out and slept together." Gem told Luis about it without even hesitating.

📱 'oh what a coincidence! Remember Senior Jun? Yeah! I also slept with him! I don't even remember!' Luis said

📱 'wait really!? I mean it makes sense that Senior Jun is there since Brother Neil is there as well' Gem stated in a collected tone

Gem jumped a little as a hump caused him to feel discomfort in his ass.

📱 'augh fuck!, My ass hurts!' Gem said with a pained expression

📱 'wait did senior Neil fucked you? I thought you don't bottom after what happened to you before' Luis said as he sound confused

Gem then flinches about it

📱 'dont tell the others' Gem responded with his face flushed red

📱 'of course I won't don't worry, actually were experiencing the same thing, my ass hurts, I don't even know if my asshole is still close or not' Luis said looking serious

📱 'haha well at least it didn't bleed for you, cause gosh damn my asshole feels like it's torn' Gem said sarcastically

As they talk, the driver seems to be concerned on what they are talking right now

Gem finally arrived at the nightclub and went to grab his car, and drove to the University

Gem looked at the time and it's already 8:30am

'i can't believe I'm going to class with the same clothes, I smell like shit as well' Gem said to himself, as he grabs some Perfume and sprayed it to himself.

Gem went out of his car and immediately went to his building.

('is it just me or people are staring at me') Gem mutters as his eyes looks around.looking uncomfortable because of the stare ('so this is what Brother Neil was feeling, getting stared at and all').

Someone whistles 'Dang Gem, who got yourself roughed up you looking like that?' His classmate said teasing Gem as he look up and down

Gem looked confused why he said that but he just shrugged it off 'its a senior, but that's just going to be our little secret haha' Gem jokingly said

Gem then went to his class and slowly sat down since it's still painful for him.

Gem clicks his tongue and he finally felt the pain all over his body.

Gem decided to rest his head to the table, feeling tired and made a long sigh

The person then looked at the slim figure 'its our first day of class and you feeling tired already?' the person next to Gem said

Gem faced where the person is 'well, it's kind of an idiotic choice of mine for having a one night stand knowing I have class today' Gem said with a low voice

His classmate raised her eyebrows in a surprise and didn't ask more questions about it.


Rosa and Luis started to talk to each other of what happened last night while having a class

'so you're saying, after we partways Senior Jun went to look for you?' Rosa said with a whisper trying not to get caught from not concentrating on the class

Luis nodded 'well that's what I remembered, and when I woke up I was already in Senior Jun's place, and look' Luis showed his neck and there's some red marks all over his neck

Rosa tried to rub it off thinking it was fake but she believed him 'have you talked to him?' Rosa asked

Luis shakes his head 'no, I left when I woke up' Luis said

Rosa looked away and leans back 'its best to talk to him, ask him why he slept with a guy like you' Rosa said as she slightly smiled

Luis uses his elbow to hit Rosa's shoulder feeling offended 'i don't know if you're insulting me or not' Luis said as he made a weird face

Rosa just chuckled and tried to concentrate on their class.

After a while, it's finally their break time

'hey I saw some street food outside the university you guys want to eat those instead some rice?' Max texted to the group. As Max waited for the message A Tall figure approached Max at his behind, tapping his shoulder 'Hey, I want to talk to you'. The tall figure said