
Puppet without strings

JK716 · Fantasy
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1 Chs


I held my breath and stared at the man in front of me with abominable eyes. The fact that he was a wretched demon who was encased in a shell of a faithful believer was revolting… I still couldn't believe it. 

"Inès, look at me."

Will bitterly commanded as he twisted the corners of his mouth slowly.

"I don't belong here, so I want to leave with you."

"Of course, a noble and pure Pristine like you wouldn't even want to interact with a Mortal like me."

"What do you mean Mortal, you're way… And we don't look down upon Mortals, we treat them as our equal-"

Will lazily smiled and cut me off in a second.

"That's the bullshit the higher ones created, we both know that very well."

"I'm you and you're me. You can never run from me Inès… Even if the situation appears appalling."


It was the day where the fog whipped the cold cobblestones and drizzling rain covered the whole city with drops of water. People were busily crowding the streets, and I was one of the many who passed vigorously down the avenue. I really needed to go back before sun rise to give out my prayers... I guess I was too excited as I was only allowed outside once in three months. I fingered my flushed cheeks from the cool air and quickened my pace.

'It's way too slow. I'm actually going to be late."

In that fleeting moment, I bumped into something and fell down. From the shabby basket that was made by hand, the scented candles and the crystals fell out and scattered all over the floor. 

What is this…!"

A handsomely tall but very thin young man was staring at me, who also fell along. Looking at his threadbare clothes, he was a wanderer of the streets... But his appearance made up for it. Ebony hair that could represent the night sky and delicate feminine facial features were exquisite, however, his blue eyes were out of focus and cloudy.

Soulless eyes. Paper-thin body. Ripped clothes.

'This person needs my salvation, this is the revelation of Gamiel!"

"May Gamiel's blessings be with you…"


Pfft? How dare this person laugh when I was referring to a holy name, it made no sense. This surely was my imagination. 

"I have no interest in your religion, why don't you find someone else to bother?"

The man sarcastically remarked with a dry tone. 

I trembled from humiliation. It was an embarrassing thing to waste my time on this kind of man, when I could have spent my time to be a step closer to nirvana and the truth. 

'I should leave quickly.'

The moment I was about to leave while grasping the mark of Karia, the man rapidly grabbed my arm with shaking hands. His veins were showing through his pale skin.

"You… No, madame… Where did you acquire this pendant?"

"It's none of your business."

I snapped. Firstly, this man mocks the Karia, and rudely grabbing a lady's arm? I had every right to not answer his inquiries.

I swiftly shook off his hold on me, and turned around, all set to leave this offensive situation."


A desperate voice rang by my ears. 

"I'll join your cul-religion, please take me with you."