
Puppet of the Supreme

Apocalypse - a science fiction genre? The genre of prophetic writings? One of the most popular rock bands in Europe? Just one of the words often used in everyday life, often interpreted in a different sense than it was given to him from the moment it was born? - Once I also did not use this word for its intended purpose, but from the very day when my native world changed dramatically, I radically changed my attitude towards it ... On the day when those who nobody came to our world really didn’t believe, I lost everything ... or were these just my thoughts? Guesses? Excuses? Judgments? Maybe someday I will find out, but when? On the verge of death? The day before the end of this callous world? Who knows...

DisappearLife · Fantasy
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Chapter 1

Apocalypse - a science fiction genre? The genre of prophetic writings? One of the most popular rock bands in Europe? Just one of the words often used in everyday life, often interpreted in a different sense than it was given to him from the moment it was born? Or is this one of those words that should not be thoughtlessly used for other purposes, for example, as in the case of the "Female Apocalypse", during which the representative of the fair sex, not knowing what to wear on a date with a guy, creates an imitation of a local apocalypse in in my room ...

If now, one of the few surviving and mind-preserving people would ask me - What is the Apocalypse? I would give a clear answer to this question ... - This is a terrible period in my life, during which I lost almost all my relatives and friends. - Well, even I, even a person who also successfully survived this Hell on Earth, would give exactly the same or similar answer.

Now, in my native world, crowded with evil spirits and fantasy monsters of various kinds, the number of survivors is, at best, 3% of the previously 7 billionth planet's population.

After a ride in 2020, the Corona virus, which reached even the deepest and most isolated bunkers built by mankind, on the fireball of death, more than one and a half billion people, whose age exceeded 55 years, died. Of course, although there were so many mourners and cursing in this terrible world, no one saw any serious problems in this. With the exception of those several thousand entertainment centers, specially built around the world for the elderly, no one suffered losses, and some, for example, government bodies, on the contrary, benefited from this.

But who said that the corona virus is the only trouble that will fall on the heads of the inhabitants of the Earth in 2020?

Before a month had passed, after the terrifying virus-crown, which had passed all over the world and washed the whole earth with human blood, he came - the Most High, whose strength and power were unlimited ...

[Spineless insects clinging to life with all my strength, I came to this world to punish you for the sins committed by you and your ancestors. Get ready to fight for your life or calmly lower your head, allowing me to interrupt your miserable existence, which you call life.]

Such words were heard in the heads of almost all people living on planet Earth. It doesn't matter whether you slept or were awake, worked or studied at school, sat behind the wheel of a car or flew an airplane - you heard this voice anyway.

But, as always, there were exceptions. Several people, the exact number of which I could not find out over several years of my life in this new world for me, heard completely different words ...


It was the most ordinary, gloomy and cloudy Monday. The day of the week that no one loves, except for the children of wealthy parents who do not need school or work. On this unpleasant day, I, like my classmates and elder sister, came to school by bus because of heavy rain on the street to spend part of my life on useless teachers who talk about how important their subject will be and will need in the future, instead of reading this very subject. Having greeted my friends and went with them to the math room, I sat successfully at the last desk and laid my head on my hands.

Now I wanted only one thing - to sleep off for a sleepless night, during which I did something that I pulled up in one of the recently released shooters ... Yawning, I, accompanied by raindrops, beating either against the iron sills of the roof, or against glass , covered his eyes, wanting to take a little nap ...

- Agafonov ... - But I didn't have time to really relax, when the school bell rang and the teacher, sitting in the classroom from the very beginning, picking up the list of students, started the roll call.

- There is... - came the voice of my old friend sitting nearby. Being a diligent student, he immediately informed the teacher, and the rest of the class, of his presence. Further, according to the thumb, the teacher of mathematics walked along the rest of the surname, until mine broke out of her mouth.

- Wright... - All in the same voice, not foreshadowing anything good, said Natalia Volodimerovna my last name.

- There are... - I answered, and now, with a calm soul, I closed my eyes...


Having successfully dozed off for a couple of minutes, I woke up not so much from the shocks of a friend or loud speeches of a teacher, but because of the desire of my body to clear itself a little. Barely restrained, I, having blown up from my place, ran out of the math room, having thrown one last one - I need to go out. - Having successfully flown out of the office and reached the toilet, which was successfully located on the third floor of my lyceum, I ran into one of the booths and relieved myself, exhaling in passing with relief ...

- Fuh ... - Having stood over the urinal for more than a minute, I buttoned my fly, leaving the booth, exhaled once again. "Just a little more ..." Looking at the window installed in the men's room by brilliant designers, I spoke quietly, under my breath. After spending several minutes tracking a man smoking on one of the balconies of a high-rise building, I headed to the washstand, wanting to cheer up a little and basically wash my hands.

[You are the chosen one]

But my uncomplicated singing, under which I washed my hands, was interrupted by a voice that can only be described in two words - Senile and arrogant. - Without giving this voice special significance, I decided to devote it to my face. Having brushed the water off my hands and wiped them with a paper towel, generously installed in the school toilet due to the imminent arrival of the check, I slightly stretched my head forward and looked closely at my eyes... Red. Okay...

- Today, I think I'll sleep off... - I grinned crookedly, reopened the tap and collected some water in my hands, washed my face, when suddenly an old voice came through my head.

[From this day, you will become one of the leaders from whose decisions will depend on whether your nation survives or not.]

Once again, having heard this voice, and also having understood the words spoken by him, I was astounded. More recently, just a week ago, when there was a psychology lesson in our class, I involuntarily heard about auditory hallucinations, which often, due to simple ignorance, are confused with some kind of schizophrenia or something else. At this moment, I thought about how much my brain is loading during night gatherings in video games and how many times my sister or parents told me to tie this up...

- ... From this day I tie to play at night... - Once again dousing myself with cold water, I said dryly under my breath.

[Stupid child ... From this day on, You, chosen by one of us - the Supreme Being - will rule this vicious world of people. Your one word or movement, will decide the fate of a person, your only squeak or sloppy throw of paper will lead to the war and the death of millions ... If you only want to, any man or woman will bow their heads before You, allowing you to do everything that Your soul needs to do with them. whatever ...]

But no matter how much I tried to come up with excuses, the voice of the arrogant old man, who became quieter and quieter with each new sentence, continued to sound in my head, preventing me from even thinking a bit about what had happened.

[From today, any rules that previously bound You are invalid. From now on, there will be five main rules that you have no right to violate ...

1) As a Ruler, You should never bow your head; otherwise, You will be punished by heaven itself.

2) Being the Ruler, Your word is the law. If someone dares to go against Your words, this person must be executed - otherwise, You will be punished by heaven itself.

3) Being one of the Chosen ones, You do not have the right to kill other chosen ones, otherwise, You will be punished by heaven itself.

4) Being one of the Chosen, you can unite or subjugate the other chosen ones, for this, none of the above rules will apply to You or the other chosen ones.

5) Being one of the Chosen by heaven, you can go out of your way against any living or dead creature. There are no restrictions.]