

After tragically ending his life, a disillusioned young man confronts the divine, seeking answers for the suffering endured in his mortal existence. Met with chilling silence, he is thrust into a new life, bound by an enigmatic curse that demands he endure relentless torment until his natural end—void of the escape of suicide. The only passing grace he has is that his memory retains even after his Rebirth or was it perhaps because the Divine reveled in his suffering? But why? He does not know, what he does knows is that this world is full of magic, and he must make the one suffer responsible for his suffering, even if it is a God. Disclaimer: [ Its gonna be a bit Dark story and kind of Gory] A/N: If you are looking for an OP Bulldozer Protagonist this, story is not for you. It will be like how things slowly develop in Real Life. Lastly, I want to thank you for trying to read this story as a Writer it means a lot.

Infinitus_Deos · Fantasy
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13 Chs

A Conversation of Love

"Where did you go mother?" Zephyr asked in a low voice as he looked at his mother who just entered their home through the creaking wooden door.

"Oh, mommy just went to the community center to get some work for the day." Grace said while hanging the empty jute basket on a nail next to door and heading to the water tank near utensil rack.

"So? did you find any?" Zephyr asked already knowing the answer.

"Sure, but they said that they will give me payment by the next week." Grace lied through her teeth.

"Is that why you stopped by Mrs. Marge's place?" Zephyr asked while standing in the same corner of the room.

Grace's smile faltered for a moment as she accidentally tapped her hand with the ladle, she was taking out water from the bucket to wash her hands.

"Oh my, Clumsy me." She said as she stuck her tongue out and rubbed the back of hand.

"You are very Bad at putting up an act mother." Zephyr said looking at her with a narrowed gaze. Although he didn't want to do much with his family and keep his distance, He still could not just sit watch when someone insulted a person who took care of him.

"Whatever shall you mean. People tell me I am a great actor." Grace said with grin, obviously attempting to change the topic.

Despite knowing that speaking too much might make him appear overly mature for his age, Zephyr was usually careful not to initiate conversations on such sensitive topics. However, today, after witnessing what transpired a few minutes ago, he found himself unable to hold back.

"Mother, you really shouldn't ask the neighbors for food at the end of month, you know." Zephyr said bluntly, obviously not taking the bait of the topic change and continued, "I will rather stay hungry than let some outsider hurl insults at you for asking a few morsels of food."

"Aren't you a bit too young to talk about not eating your food properly young man." Grace said while walking to Zephyr and trying to flick his head, he held her hand with both his hands and said, "Mother Isn't dignity and pride important to you? You don't need to get insulted by those pitiful fools."

She sighed and put her hands on her knees.

"Gosh, why have you become so grown-up all of a sudden? Where did my little dumpling go, the one who used to look around curiously and absorb all the information I taught, just like a sponge?"

Zephyr continued to gaze at her without a word.

"You see Dumpling. Dignity is very Important in life and so is the pride. But what good does' dignity do to a bunch of starved and dead people?"

"As I said, I can take hunger just fine, rather than Letting someone throw insults at you I might as well starve myself" Zephyr said crossing his arms.

Grace smiled at him and slowly lifted him up from his chair.

"Let's say my dumpling that you can survive hunger just fine, Which I will definitely not let you." she added with a wink while making him sit on her lap, "What about Your sisters? Will you let them survive like that? "

"OfCourse they can do this much for their mother-" Zephyr started but was interrupted by Grace saying, "But I will not let them. Not as long as I live."

"But why? Wouldn't it be more effective if you fulfil your needs first from the money you earn Your will have three less stomach to feed? Its Inefficient and plain stupid to do so much for children who can't even return the value of your investment in food." Zephyr blurted out in confusion remembering the words of his Ex-mother.

"I agree, Its extremely stupid." Grace said nodding her head.

" Then, why?" Zephyr asked.

"Because mommy loves the three of you more than I can ever love myself, and that's just how stupid love is my cute dumpling. It's so stupid that it makes you care unconditionally care for the ones you love, it's in possession of an unreasonable ability to make you do things you normally won't." Grace said making zephyr even more confused.

"But why would you love me?" Zephyr asked even more confused because of the experiences of his previous life.

"OfCourse because I am Your mother silly dumpling." Grace said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world, which threw Zephyr into even more confusion.

For Zephyr the word mother since his previous life held a completely different meaning than a normal person, for him all he ever knew in the place of a mother was a drug addicted woman who didn't have a husband, who just took out her frustrations on her own child going as far as physical abuse, didn't give him proper food, Sometimes even starving the child for days and even taking the miniscule amount of money he earned from part time jobs.

From that to this. All of this felt so confusing to Zephyr. Even if he wasn't cursed this was one of the reasons, he never got very close or open to his new mother, who showered him with such affection and care that it felt overwhelming to his broken heart. Even his sisters took care of him since he was a child feeding him changing him and loving and caring for him. Then there was his father although Leif stayed out of town for many days that didn't mean he cared any less about his family.

Considering it all into the factor, Zephyr was still very reluctant to open his Heart to anyone. Why? Well because till now the only thing curse put him through was destitute conditions, but he had this strange nagging feeling that as soon as he got the age of awakening magic his curse might- no, will definitely- flare up and as he didn't know what kind of suffering he was fated to suffer, He needed to be distant enough from them. Not only for his own good but also for their good as well.

While they were talking the Door opened again and his sisters stepped inside their house followed by a man with black hair and Brown eyes, this was Zeph's father Leif.

"Mom, dad picked us on his way to home and look he even brought us some monster meat."

Grace stood up and put zephyr down on the chair she was sitting on before, and went to her husband saying, "Oh, honey you are back early I thought you were delayed by two weeks, and you will return next weekend only?"

"Yeah, the commander let us off the duty early due to a temporary peace treaty, only the ones with duty of manning the castle are still there." Leif said as he gave Grace a hug giving her a big Jute bag and proceeded to ruffle Zephyr's hairs. "How has been my Smart man, have you been a good boy?"

"I am doing good." Zephyr said.

"Oh Dear! is this the Bael Ox's meat?" Grace said as she looked inside the bag with a beautiful smile.

"Yes, we hunted one along the way back, more like it attacked Our caravan into a suicide attack alone. Probably was an old leader exiled from its herd. My platoon delivered the final blow, so we called dibs on its meat. Although its heart was taken by captain." Leif explained.

"That solves our food problem for a long time. to be honest I was worried as to how I will manage it. But it seems like the gods are still smiling on us." Grace said grinning from ear to ear.

"Ava, Zeph and Bella, Go and take bath in turns, we shall be having Delicious and filling steak tonight" Grace said as she pumped her fist in the air, filling Ava and Isabella with energy of having a good meal too.

After bathing Zeph watched as he saw his mother light up firewood with her magic and carefully grilled the Bael Ox's meat and true to her word Grace cooked up an extremely Delicious and filling Dinner that night, which was accompanied by laughter of everyone and booze for Leif.

And even Zephyr let out a rare smile, feeling strangely at ease, as though the chains of his heart was freed. The chains that bound him to his previous mother and his former life.

Guys If you comment. I might feel that someone is reading my hardwork !

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