

Sehun's POV


*crash* The glass hit the floor as I struggle to get up, my vision absolutely blurry and the music from the club ringing in my ears. "Hey Sehun are you alright, I thought you could handle your drink." said Chanyeol

He was sitting away from me with his legs crossed and he smirked at me. "What the hell did you do to my drink, I only ordered wine." I said Before I could say anything else I felt myself falling backward. Chanyeol get's up and catches my body as I feel him carrying me out of the VIP room and outside and the cold air hit my lungs hard as it felt like I was getting stabbed.

"Our manager is going to be pissed, you know this right?" I said letting out a distraught whimper

"What he doesn't know isn't gonna hurt him right." Chanyeol laughs a bit I get thrown into the backseat as I felt the car move and I completely blacked out.

*Time Pass*

"Wake Up!" said Chanyeol Boiling water was splashed on to my skin as I wake straight up. AHHH!!!!!! "W-what the hell...what the hell!" I growled I was about to get up but I felt super weak, Chanyeol had his knee between my legs as he lifts up my chin crashing his lips with mine, while his free hand wondered under my shirt forcefully.

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into." I said "Obviously you don't either, I had to work hard to get you drunk and carry your heavy ass out of the club...my plan is for you to be my little toy." said Chanyeol

My skin was turning red due to the hot water, I finally got up and limped out of the bedroom and locked the door.. please say this is a fucking dream..Chanyeol can't be trying to top me like this.

*pukes in the trash*

I blacked out again and when I finally came to, I was in the studio and all the members were looking at me like I was crazy.

"Y-you made a mess all over yourself Sehun, I don't know what you were dreaming about but it must've been terrible." said Minseok "I-...I need to go home now." I look down embarrassed as Kai gently pats my back. "Here I'll take you home and you can tell me about what happen ." Said Kai We walk outside to the van and I get in the front seat and Kai in the drivers seat starting the Van up.

"Chanyeol tried to top me in the nightmare, he pored hot water on me calling me his toy but before that he got me drunk at a club.." I said


"I don't think Chanyeol is capable of that, you had an awkward dream that's all, you need a shower and to rest well." said Kai "I don't need sleep I just need to shower." I said

Being drunk by someone else is the most horrible experince

Nana_jihucreators' thoughts