
Pull of the moon

"Stop," He said to me using his alpha voice. I turn around angry that he'd stoop so low and use the Alpha voice on me; his mate. I want to stay mad; however the mate bond wasn't allowing it and so I did as I was told. Not that I really had a choice seeing as he used the Alpha voice on me. "Come to me," he then said his voice softening. It was as if a gravitational force had bound me to him and I walked towards him. It wasn't just some gravitational pull though, it was the moon. The pull of the moon is what caused me to walk straight into his open arms. I was totally weak to this pull and no matter how much I wanted to pull away from him i couldn't. I just couldn't. I was stuck here with him no matter how much i didn't like it.

Danielle_king · Teen
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31 Chs

The deal

I woke up to find myself surrounded by doctors who were talking to my mate, who for some reason was angry. I rolled my eyes noting in my head that mates get angry for no reason. I soon became annoyed with the machine beeping every few seconds. I guess they sensed my annoyance because they turned to look at me as I tried to unplug the damn machine.

"You need to lay back down Luna you lost a lot of blood." A woman who I assumed was my doctor said as she tried in vain to stop me from moving. These people were not serious at all. I'm a wolf I heal quickly. I'm not weak.

"Please Luna you need to sit back." Another doctor came to assist the other to hold me down. I laughed at the word Luna. I was a rogue. Who ever heard of a rogue-Luna.

I soon sensed that my mate was becoming angry and so I stop struggling and looked over to him. The way he was looking at me made me calm down and lay back with a sigh.

"I don't belong here. I maybe you're mate but I can't leave the life I had before. I have school and parents who maybe worried sick." i said looking directly at him. He walked closer to me.

" I'd welcome them to the pack and you can go to the pack school a few miles from here." He said almost begging me to agree. I looked at him like he was crazy. Was he really trying to convince me to stay and live with a pack. Worst of all he wants me to bring my parents here.

"We have been rogues our whole life joining a pack isn't something easy for us after years living alone with only each other." I said back trying to explain, reason with him to let me go.

"You could just try it out. Just you. If you don't like it then I would let you go." He said and felt how hard it was for him and his wolf to process the fact he just made a deal to let his mate, the supposed love of his life to leave him forever. I sighed knowing full well when I'm at school I'd be able to escape. I might stay at least two weeks before leaving and not looking back.

"Fine I'll stay. How long do you want me to stay?" I said.

"A month." He said immediately without hesitation.

"Deal." I said crossing my fingers in my head. Two weeks and I'm bolting.

"Deal." he said smiling. I could tell in his mind he was thinking about ways to make me want to stay. Unfortunately for him he knew nothing about me. He doesn't even know my name. He wouldn't know what would convince me to stay.

'Please Athena I don't think I could stay away from my mate.' my wolf says to me through our bond.

'We are rogues. We don't belong as a member of a back furthermore a Luna.' I replied.

' Just give it time please.' she continued to plead but I had already made up my mind and I knew she knew that too.

There was no way I'd stay here away from my parents.