

Ava, a hardworking young girl, finds herself in a real dilemma after her mother, a drug addict, took out a large loan from loan sharks and fled, leaving Ava to clean up her mess. Ava has one week to pay off her mother's debts or she will be forced to become a mistress to the loan shark, which forces her to sell her virginity to Mason. Mason, on the other hand, wants more than just her virginity; he wants her to be his wife.

Gina_rites · Urban
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297 Chs

Tell Her

As Stan led drunken Jason to his car, Jason suddenly turned around.

"Where are you going?" Stan asked pulling him back by his hand.

"On second thought, I think I need to go and look for that guy and give him a piece of my mind, he needs to know I love...."

Stan didn't allow him to finish talking, he grabbed him by the waist and carried him off the ground.

"Let go of me, man! I already told you I don't do men!" Jason yelled causing the guests who were outside to all turn and look in their direction.

"If he doesn't want to be with you, let go!" An elderly woman said hitting Stan with her umbrella.

Stan swore under his breath ignoring the old woman and every other person who thought he was gay and was forcing Jason to be with him.

"You heard the woman, let me go!" Jason shouted at Stan.

Stan got to his car, opened the passenger's door and threw Jason inside.