
Pubg Nightmare Player System

Ye Lang traveled to the parallel world and obtained the PUBG Nightmare Player System, which made him a nightmare for all players in the PUBG game.And eliminate other players in the game and complete system tasks can also get nightmare points and other special rewards.“Ding, get nightmare value +555”“Ding, get sniper rifle mastery skills”“Ding, get a Lamborghini sports car”….In addition to the game field, the entertainment circle, martial arts circle, and financial circle all have the legend of Ye Lang.Ye Lang: “Although I can do everything, the biggest advantage is that I am handsome!” .... Note : nothing here belongs to me, all the credits go to their respective owners.

EternalDragonO0 · Games
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36 Chs

Chapter 26: The Daily Life Of The Actress

"I haven't eaten breakfast yet, I'm almost starving to death when you cook."

Ye Lang ordered a few dishes she liked at the Chou Tuan takeaway, and then helped Ye Tan'er order some she liked.

It cannot be said that the efficiency of Chou Tuan takeaway is high. After half an hour, Ye Lang received a call from the takeaway brother.

"You see how convenient it is to take out. You have to do it yourself, buy groceries and wash the dishes. It's not worthwhile.

After Ye Lang finished speaking, he changed his shoes and prepared to go downstairs to get takeaway.

"Oh, how could I have such a lazy brother, my goodness!"

Ye Tan'er said with a look of lovelessness.

Knowing that his sister is a great dramatist, Ye Lang ignored her and ran to the gate of the community.

Soon I saw a yellow electric car and a little brother in a yellow jacket next to him.

After picking up the takeaway in the past, Ye Lang went to the cell phone shop at the gate of the community again. Due to time constraints, he didnt have to make more choices. He picked up his cell phone and said to the female salesperson in the shop, "Just find a cell phone like mine. The model must have the highest configuration."

"Does a handsome guy buy a mobile phone for his girlfriend? How happy."

The sales girl seemed to be only seventeen or eighteen years old. Seeing the handsome Ye Lang walking in with a double takeaway to buy a mobile phone, she subconsciously thought it was for the target.

Ye Lang said, "No, my phone is out of power. I plan to buy another one."

Female sales: "...?????"

"Hurry up, please, I'm in a hurry here, the takeaway is almost cold."

Ye Lang thought to myself that I just bought a mobile phone. What do you mean by asking so many questions and staring at me?

"Sure enough, this is one of Shuai's troubles."

Ye Lang sighed, there will always be some little girls who can't help peeking at themselves wherever they go. Hey...Can't you look at the inside of your brother?

Hearing Ye Lang's words, the female sales did not dare to delay, and immediately put the phone in the bag, and Ye Lang left directly after paying the money.

The saleswoman looked at Ye Lang's leaving back, her eyes blurred and said: "If I have such a handsome little brother as my boyfriend, I will slap myself in the fight."

When I got home, I saw Ye Tan'er sitting on the sofa and watching TV. Ye Lang lost interest in an instant and didn't want to complain.

"The domineering president, come here?"

"What are you looking at?!"

Ye Lang said, shook the phone in front of Ye Tan'er.

"Have you got a new phone?"

Ye Tan'er asked curiously.

"No, I already have it, this is for you."

Speaking of throwing the phone to Ye Tan'er, Ye Lang smiled and said, "My brother is okay."

"I don't want it, you take it and return it."

Ye Taner immediately put the phone back into Ye Lang's hand: "Although you have made some money now, you can't spend it randomly."

"Furthermore, the live broadcast industry is also unstable. You have to save up money, and you won't be hungry if the live broadcast room is blocked in the future." Ye Tan'er said half-jokingly.

Ye Lang's family is just an ordinary family. It was not easy to support two college students. Although Ye Lang graduated, he didn't make much money before, so Ye Tan'er is usually very frugal.

"No, your brother has money now, just take it."

Ye Lang was determined, and then said with a smile: "If you don't want it, then I can only give it to other girls, maybe I can find you a sister-in-law."

Hearing Ye Lang's words, Ye Tan'er snatched the phone back immediately: "Don't even think about it. You still want to pick up girls with your phone. I think you have been floating recently."

Then Ye Tan'er asked nervously: "By the way, do you have a girlfriend now?"

"No, I'm in the rental house all day, so I don't have time to find a girlfriend."

Ye Lang opened the takeaway and put it on the table: "Hurry up, or it will be cold for a while."

Hearing that Ye Lang had no girlfriend, Ye Tan'er showed a subtle smile.

After the two of them finished their meal, Ye Tan'er started playing with the new mobile phone. She just said no, but now she is happy like a little girl.

"Don't order takeaway at night, I'll cook."

"The takeaway is not tasty at all, and it's so expensive."

Ye Tan'er said while playing with her mobile phone.

"It's not delicious and you still eat so clean?"

Ye Lang saw that Ye Tan'er's takeaway had been eaten cleanly, and he hadn't finished it himself.

"I didn't want to waste it. For the sake of buying me a mobile phone, I will make you what you like tonight."

After Ye Tan'er finished speaking, she curiously asked, "By the way, didn't you say you were a game anchor? What game did you play?"

"Eating chicken, have you heard of it?"

Ye Lang answered.

"Of course I have heard that my best friend plays this game all day long, she doesn't know what's fun, she doesn't accompany me shopping."

Ye Tan'er has certainly heard of the chicken game. It is now at the peak of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. There are millions of people online almost every day. This game can be said to be unknown to everyone.

Ye Lang suddenly asked curiously: "Did you have a boyfriend at school? You can't find those messy people."

He thought to himself that his younger sister's appearance in the university could be regarded as a school girl. There must be a lot of boys chasing her. If she is targeted by a scumbag, it will be a disaster.

"I don't fall in love. The boys in school are not as handsome as you, so I'm not interested."

Ye Tan'er said proudly: "My requirements are very high."

Ye Lang curled his lips: "If you want to find someone as handsome as me, it might be a bit difficult. You probably won't find it in your life."

"You're less stinky."

Ye Tan'er snorted coldly and said, "There are many handsome guys chasing me, but they are all greedy for my body, so I won't let them succeed."

Ye Lang was originally a little afraid that his sister would meet a scumbag, but thinking of her character, it should not be enough.

The two stayed like this for an afternoon. Ye Tan'er loved the new mobile phone Yelang Yelang bought her. Although the mobile phone she used before was better than Yelangs original Shandong pear, it has been used for a year or two. There has been some lag.

Of course it was incomparable with the latest Huawei mobile phone in front of him. After playing for a while, he opened Weibo.

"Across the hills and meet the nineteen-year-old me"

Suddenly, there was a singing voice in Ye Tan'er's phone, which made Ye Lang's heart jump. Isn't this the "Cross the Hills" that he sang yesterday?

He must have sang it himself, because this song does not exist in this world, and the song he sang yesterday was out of print...

"Unexpectedly, you found out..."

Ye Lang spoke lightly.

"What did you find? How did you talk to yourself."

Ye Tan'er rolled his eyes and said, "You listen to this song pretty well, and the lyrics are also very good, I don't know who sang it."

Ye Lang black question mark face: "Don't you know who sang it?"

"How would I know that what I saw on Weibo is the third most popular search today."

Ye Tan'er explained and took the phone in front of Ye Lang.

Ye Lang saw it really so...

Not only is it over the hills, but serious snow is also on it.

"This word is so sad. People who don't have any life experience can't write it."

Ye Tan'er sighed while listening to the song.

Ye Lang: "..."