
Pubg Nightmare Player System

Ye Lang traveled to the parallel world and obtained the PUBG Nightmare Player System, which made him a nightmare for all players in the PUBG game.And eliminate other players in the game and complete system tasks can also get nightmare points and other special rewards.“Ding, get nightmare value +555”“Ding, get sniper rifle mastery skills”“Ding, get a Lamborghini sports car”….In addition to the game field, the entertainment circle, martial arts circle, and financial circle all have the legend of Ye Lang.Ye Lang: “Although I can do everything, the biggest advantage is that I am handsome!” .... Note : nothing here belongs to me, all the credits go to their respective owners.

EternalDragonO0 · Games
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36 Chs

Chapter 22: An Anchor With A Story

After the crisis in the Dinosaur Park was resolved, Ye Lang and Tuantuan began to search for supplies.

After licking the boxes left by the people who had just been eliminated by Ye Lang, the two were already rich.

Ye Lang wears a Class III armor with a Class III head on his head and a Class III backpack behind his back. A 98k sniper rifle with an M16 assault rifle can be said to be a full-body magic outfit.

Tuantuan's equipment is slightly poor, but it is completely sufficient.

After searching the materials here, the two were about to leave the Dinosaur Park.

After searching, the two quickly found the vehicle outside the Dinosaur Park.

A snowmobile appeared in front of them, and Tuantuan volunteered: "Brother, let me drive, I can."

"Are you sure you can?"

Ye Lang is deeply suspicious of Tuantuan's technology.

"Of course you can, little brother, don't look down on people!"

Tuantuan was anxious when he saw Ye Lang didn't believe her.

"Okay, then you can drive."

Ye Lang reluctantly promised, seeing Tuan Tuan so eager to try, he was too embarrassed to refuse.

After receiving a positive reply from Ye Lang, Tuantuan immediately ran over to sit on the motorcycle and said to Ye Lang, "Brother, hurry up and ride!"

"What kind of tiger-wolf word is this!"

"Horrible, Tuantuan is so proactive!"

"Hahaha, Tiger Wolf 666!"

Tuantuan realized the ambiguity of his sentence after seeing the barrage in the live broadcast room, blushing and said: "No, I said sit up!"

Ye Lang's face was black.

"No, no... I was talking about riding on a motorcycle."

The more the Tuantuan explained, the more chaotic the audience in the live broadcast room was amused by her.

Sitting on the back of the motorcycle, Ye Lang said dumbfounded: "Okay, I know what you mean, hurry up and drive."

"Mmm Good."

Tuantuan immediately drove the snowmobile on the snow-covered snow, the sky gradually darkened, and now it was the night of the snow map.

"Little brother, look at the aurora above so beautiful."

Tuantuan said excitedly.

The snow map is based on a city in Northern Europe as a sample. In addition to the snow in the sky, the aurora can be seen at night.

It can be said that this map has gained the hearts of many girls, including Tuantuan.

Seeing such a beautiful scenery, Tuantuan's mood improved a lot. The embarrassment just now resolved instantly, and he started to hum a song.

"Ride on my beloved scooter~ It will never get stuck in traffic~ Ride on my beloved scooter~ I will be home soon~"

This song Tuan Tuan can be said to be very familiar, because she often sings during the live broadcast. Although the lyrics are simple, but with Tuantuan's cute voice, it suddenly seems very brainwashed.

After the group sang, they said to Ye Lang behind: "Little brother, you sing so well, let's have a song too."

In the afternoon, Ye Lang sang the song "Cross the Hills" which made Tuan Tuan very amazing. Now I am a little looking forward to Ye Lang singing again...

After hearing what Tuan Tuan said, the audience in the live room also showed interest.

"Anchor, you have a song, I really want to hear it!"

"Yeah, I have all the presents ready, so I'm leaving you to sing."

"As long as my elder brother sings well, if he is there, I will fall."

"Upstairs, you guys who pick your feet, don't talk!"


"Brother, let me have a song." Tuantuan said pretentiously when Ye Lang didn't agree.

"Well, then I'll sing a song casually."

Ye Lang did not pretend, and immediately agreed.

For him now, singing is nothing at all.

If he was replaced by his previous five-tone incompleteness, he now specifies not to speak.

After thinking about it, a very suitable song will soon come to mind.

After recalling the lyrics, Ye Lang immediately spoke, and a melodious song came out of the game.

"The snow is so deep... it's so serious..."

"It reflects my scars lying in the snow... It's quiet at night... That's love..."

The slightly sentimental lyrics combined with Ye Lang's deep singing skills and rich feelings immediately brought everyone into it.

As if I were the boy who stood in the snow and was hurt by love...

The song Ye Lang sang was Lao Xue's "Serious Snow", and it was also a song he liked very much in his previous life, otherwise the lyrics would not be remembered so clearly.

The live broadcast room, which was still noisy, became quiet instantly after the singing.

Tuantuan was also immersed in it, and at the same time, he was even more shocked. What is the sacred little brother Ye Lang, and he is not lost to a professional singer.

Even in the grasp of emotion, it is more sincere than professional singers.

"Please don't wipe my tears away..."

"After all, that's my favorite woman..."

"After all, I was the one she loved so much..."

After the singing fell, Tuantuan's eyes were reddish, what did the little brother go through to be able to sing such a sad song.

Some girls in the live broadcast room even cried into tears.

"I was crying by the anchor again, you pay for my tears!"

"Uuuuu...I think of my first love..."

"Why I cried for some reason? I have been single for more than 20 years."


After singing, Ye Lang glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room. He was still very happy. He didn't expect that he would have a day of crying others.

"Brother, did you write this song yourself? What's its name?" Tuantuan asked very curiously at this time.

Ye Lang then remembered that there is no such song in this world, so he could only answer: "This song was written by a friend of mine, and the title of the song is "Serious Snow"."

"Friends out of nothing?"

"The friend you are talking about is yourself."

"It seems that the anchor also has an unbearable relationship."

"Understanding, there are some things I don't want people to know."


Ye Lang:? ? ?

The imagination of these people is too rich, but what he said is true!

What does the song written by Xue Zhiqian do with Ye Lang?

"Brother, you have such a good voice, you sing so well, you are so talented, and you are so good at playing games..."

Tuantuan praised Ye Lang to be embarrassed, and then said: "Why are you such a good person, your ex-girlfriend has to break up with you, I don't know how to cherish it!"

Tuantuan thought that the man who could write such lyrics must be hurt by love.

Ye Lang:? ? ?

Where is all this?

I just sang a song, how come these people arrange it...

Add drama to yourself!

After singing this song, Ye Lang found that the number of people in his live broadcast room was rising...

Soon the popularity exceeded 400,000...

It's almost like riding a rocket.

At this rate, I am afraid that it will exceed one million popularity in two days!

"I have confirmed the singing, this is an anchor with a story!"

"I have wine, and the anchor has a story, just right!"

"I can sing and cry a person who has never been in love, which shows the anchor's deep affection."

The audience who just came in immediately raised a barrage in the live broadcast room.

Ye Lang wants to cry, can you stop playing me?