
Pub owned by the sin of sloth

The sin of sloth has a pub that connects all realities etc.

septimus_son · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

I hate signs


The author here and welcome to another chapter of "Pub owned by the sin of sloth", because this name is ridiculously long I will from now on be using the abbreviation "PISS". There is no I in the full name, but it's for the memes. Anyway, I want to apologize for not uploading the last few days. You probably will now expect a lame excuse like "My dog ate chapter", but I don't have any excuses. I was simply not in the mood. Now the more experienced readers among us...sorry that was a lame joke...among you will be like "oh no he wasn't in the mood, this novel will get harder dropped than Kuina. No, this novel won't get dropped that fast, I already planned up to chapter 50 and this number will for sure increase. So with that out of the way, enjoy the chapter.


Acedia the handsome deadly sin spent 3 fricking days waiting for a customer and no one arrived till now. If not for him knowing better, it could have been divine intervention. To pass time he did some stuff. For example, he created another room, an arcade. He also created a little office with an amazing gaming pc setup. So what did he do, he played computer games 3 entire days.

But now Acedia was standing behind the counter drinking a "Harp Lager" (it's a beer btw) when our dear mc noticed a sign on the door.


and yes it was a fucking "Its closed" sign. It seems like our mc never opened the pub. BRUUUUUH. So he walked aggressively over there and stood in front of the sign menacingly. He turned the sign around and walked back to the counter. I thought he would destroy the sign or something, nice anger control. That reminds me of a door joke.

What do you call a cute door?


I know that one was pretty bad sorry.

He then resumed drinking his beer while cursing heavily in his mind, but then it happened not even 2 minutes after turning the sign around there was a loud TING-A-LING sound (imagine those bells that ring when you go in some shops, Idk how to describe the sound lol) and a person entered. The first customer of "Siduri" (that's the pub's name btw if you forgot).

And this person was Gon fricking Freecss the main character of HunterxHunter. He was wearing green, who would have guessed lol, and carried his nice-looking fishing rod. And said: "こんにちはイムゴン"

While Gon said that Acedia just thought [FUCK, I can't speak fricking Japanese what the hell...wait I'm practically god I will just make it so in my pub everybody automatically speaks English without anyone noticing. That's pretty genius, note to myself: I'm impressed]

After our little devil implemented this new feature which is honestly pretty smart he said to Gon: "Could you pls repeat that I didn't understand you"

To that Gon replied: "Ahh I'm sorry it seems I spoke too softly, I'm just so excited about leaving my home to become a hunter. My name is Gon nice to meet you." While this cute fellow said that he had a huge beaming smile on his face.

Acedia just replied with: "Cool, my name is MMMMMM *cough*"

Gon said looking worried: "Are you ok, do you need to see the Doctor?"

Acedia tried again saying that his name is Marc but it didn't work so he said: "My name is Acedia, nice to meet you, and no I don't have to see the Doctor but thank you for caring." Not even a second after saying this he screamed in his mind [WTF why TF cant I say my original name!!!! Don't tell me that knockoff of god cursed me or something to make me accept that I'm now Acedia or something. CURSE YOU G]

While this happened in another world god chilled and talked with some beautiful female angels: "Hey ladies wanna hang out with the greatest rapper of all time "Big G"? Wanna hear a sample of my next album called "Cloud 17" the follow-up of "Cloud 16" co-written by "Flyysoulja" and "Kodiyakredd" the makers of the hit "Island Boy", it is a great song with deep meaning." After saying that the Angels just turned around and left in a hurry. God just said to himself: "They are so impressed they had to run away from me"

Back to Acedia. He cursed a lot in his mind, like for real a lot. But then he gathered and said, "You are my first ever customer so here have a drink, but it's not free I try to run a business." Then he made a "Martini" and when he was about to give it to him he said:

"Wait how old are you?"

Gon said while smiling: " I'm 12."

Acedia slowly placed the "Martini" in his hands behind the counter out of the reach of Gon. He took the soda gun out filled a glass with orange juice and said: "You like orange juice right?"

Gon replied: "Wow Mister, how did you know, it's my favorite"

[Wait how did I know that? Is this part of my PP, Pub Powers?]

Acedia didn't know what to tell Gon so he just said: "You could say it's part of my "Nen" powers."

Gon had stars in his eyes, it's weird to see in irl how is that even possible welp anime logic I guess, and said:" So cool mister can I learn this "Nen" from you? Ahh, no wait I have to hurry the Ship is probably leaving soon." He quickly stood up and ran towards the door while screaming "Thanks for the orange juice Mister it was very yummy. I wish you good luck with your business!" After that, he walked out of the door.

Acedia was pretty happy that his first customer liked his drink, even though it didn't have any alcoholic contents. After around 2 minutes Acedia remembered something "FUCK!!! HE DIDN'T PAY!!! My first customer and he left without paying."

Well and that's how Acedia's first day in his pub ended.

So author here this chapter is till now the longest chapter. It's my way of saying sorry for not uploading recently and if u drop some power stones I maybe even upload two chapters tomorrow. The power stone goal is 2 btw. I hope you had fun reading and put suggestions in the comments.

In regards author.

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