
chapter one

a new place, any environment, fresh air ,fresh ground to hunt.... I hurried on the Halls I mean you can feel it on your first day of school but I got distracted that pretty neck had me following him without a sense of direction ... it was beautiful..... how I wish I had my hands wrapped around it....

"amethyst I'd like to say that essay was amazing, you really brought out the characters emotions so, I'd like to make a suggestion for you would you like to tutor some of my students?" Mr Hudson my literature teacher stopped me.

damnit now I have lost him.

turning to him I responded" I don't know I'm not sure I can really do that. "

he gave me a smile," but I think you'll be wonderful.".....

I turned to him ,"sir I'm going to be late for class but I'll think about it and give you an answer."

" that's great Amy I'll see you in class," he left

I smiled wickedly that is the last he would hear of me.

the next day I moved States. I learned for one thing when I was younger,,,,, you never stay in one place for too long they going to recognise you.

2 weeks later

"you're not from around here are you?"

"nah I just moved here how'd you notice?"

"I could never miss a girl like you dressed in white. this kind of purity does not exist here."

"haha you're funny you are funny."

"my name is Max what about you I have a feeling we will get along wonderfully."

"amethyst,"I replied with a smile

I found him. the boy with a beautiful neck. so his name was Max. had not really looked at him. he was a sight for sore eyes. he invited me to a local dinner to house some dinner and spent time to know each other. only difference is I knew everything there was to know about him. the news came on. something about a girl who had been ruthlessly murdered.

he looked at me the sparkle in his eyes. he asked if was scared of blood I shrugged he said he would protect me. I laughed at his absurd statement. they reported that there was no evidence that there was nothing to point out who had done this horrible misdeed. but the investigators would do everything in their power to find out who the killer was and bring them to Justice

we finished dining and I left for my home he promised to meet me at school the next week. the little kitten didn't know what was coming for him