
Psychopath's RE:Life

~× It’s probably wrong to believe there can be any limit to the horror which the human mind can experience ...and the most terrifying question of all may be just how much horror the human mind can stand and still maintain a wakeful, staring, unrelenting sanity.

Paylor_Sakaki · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Norman Reedus:

The so called extra.

short dark ash grey hair, black eyes and a height of 170.18 cm.. Norman the guy who likes to knit!! anyways Norman is who you call "Average" looking person someone you'll forget the very next day.


~•× Norman Reedus ו~

HP: 300/300] [MANA: 500/500]

[RANK: E-]

[STR: E-] [END: E-]

[SPD: E-] [INT: B+]

[CRM: D] [LUK: C-]


=×÷ARTS ÷×=


: Intermediate level, tho it's still low you can now hold and use the sword better than before plus the user can now perform or use the following skills.

- sword aura, fast draw.


: A type or form of martial arts that mainly focuses on fist and footwork. allows user to perform clean fast punches that are hard to dodge or deal a devastating heavy and powerful punch that can break any opponents guard.

-user can now also use a high defense that can block attack of F- to C ranks.



:Gain 5% more exp if the said target got it's head blown up or it's beheaded.



:Can persuade woman easily if they're on the same rank or below. the user deals 10% more damage on opposite gender

~`Persuade can be used 2 times, 6 hours CD.



: Allows user to make a better judgement by removing all negative thoughts.

the state "calm" doesn't have time limit, as long as the user have mana this can be used continue sly.

- Takes 10 mana from user every 3 minutes when activated.

『SWORD AURA lvl.1』

: Increases the user's strength and speed by 2x. the skill "Sword aura" doesn't have time limit, as long as the user have mana this can be used continue sly.

- Takes 20 mana from user every 2 minute when activated.


: Allows user to perform a very clean and fast attack that is almost naked to a human eye.

- Requires 50 mana to be activated. the skill "fast draw " doesn't have CD, as long as the user have the "sword" on scabbard it can be used continue sly.


Henry Blakeley:

The MC of the novel where Norman got reincarnated.

Light blonde hair, beautiful golden eyes and a height of 182.88 cm.. A kind young man that refuses to leave anyone that needs his help. Henry is said to have a look that surpasses the face of a superstar.



Lawrence Glyn:

The arrogant young master from the 2nd powerful guild he has a Red long hair, Red eyes that look like it will burn you if you stared long enough and has a height of 187.86 cm. tho Lawrence is talented man he's blinded by his so called "bloodline superiority" or being a noble thus making him believe that no one can beat him having a strong arts that has been passed on by his Grandfather.



Celynn Merseburg:

Blessed by a Goddess of Mana "Child of light" is what they often call her. Blond hair that shine like sun, pafic blue eyes and a height of 167.64 cm.

Celynn is only 6 years old when she started using magic making her the most youngest human to ever did it taking the whole world by surprise. having a huge amount of mana on her body "villains" made many attempts to kidnap her but it all failed and so fast forward years later. Celynn finding it hard to trust another person she built a wall that made her cold towards others Wich is really reasonable but of course Henry being the main character that he is "somehow" managed to melt her cold heart making him Celynn's first real friend.



Ophelia Sonthears:

Daughter of Alastair Sonthears guild master of the strongest Guild. Ophelia being an only child, high expectations is placed on her making the poor girl to act like an adult she's not allowed to make mistakes they want her to be the next perfect Guild master. silver long hair paired with two beautiful white eyes that can capture a heart of any men, a body that is so well made that makes other woman to get jealous of her and she have a height of 175.26 cm making her taller than Norman. Ophelia is the perfect girl kind, smart and rich but behind the smile she always wears there's another "Ophelia" a very dangerous girl, she will do everything to make sure the boy she fancied' fall only for her.



Beatrice Slevsor:

They call her "Skull splitter" not really suitable title for woman with such a beautiful name but you see Beatrice is not a "Normal" girl Beatrice with a height of 185.42, jet black hair that she likes to tie bun, gray eyes that makes you think that she's a wolf looking down on it's prey, tanned skin and a very well built body not too muscular just a perfect size for a woman who wields Buster sword thus what made her very hard to approach as everyone gets scared, despite her looks Beatrice is one of the most beautiful girls in academy.



I'm so bad at describing characters oh right my naming also sucks.

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