
Psychopath's RE:Life

~× It’s probably wrong to believe there can be any limit to the horror which the human mind can experience ...and the most terrifying question of all may be just how much horror the human mind can stand and still maintain a wakeful, staring, unrelenting sanity.

Paylor_Sakaki · Fantasy
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5 Chs

I'm an average guy

Going back inside with me now in a much calmer state I wrote all the first events that I could remember on notepad installed in my smart watch.

"Right I should check my Profile too, fingers crossed I hope that my stats is good"

~•× Norman Reedus ו~

HP: 300/300] [MANA: 500/500]

[RANK: E-]

[STR: E-] [END: E-]

[SPD: E-] [INT: B+]

[CRM: D] [LUK: C-]


=×÷ARTS ÷×=


: Intermediate level, tho it's still low you can now hold and use the sword better than before plus the user can now perform or use the following skills.

- sword aura, fast draw.


: A type or form of martial arts that mainly focuses on fist and footwork. allows user to perform clean fast punches that are hard to dodge or deal a devastating heavy and powerful punch that can break any opponents guard.

-user can now also use a high defense that can block attack of F- to C ranks.



:Gain 5% more exp if the said target got it's head blown up or it's beheaded.



:Can persuade woman easily if they're on the same rank or below. the user deals 10% more damage on opposite gender

~`Persuade can be used 2 times, 6 hours CD.



: Allows user to make a better judgement by removing all negative thoughts.

the state "calm" doesn't have time limit, as long as the user have mana this can be used continue sly.

- Takes 10 mana from user every 3 minutes when activated.

『SWORD AURA lvl.1』

: Increases the user's strength and speed by 2x. the skill "Sword aura" doesn't have time limit, as long as the user have mana this can be used continue sly.

- Takes 20 mana from user every 2 minute when activated.


: Allows user to perform a very clean and fast attack that is almost naked to a human eye.

- Requires 50 mana to be activated. the skill "fast draw " doesn't have CD, as long as the user have the "sword" on scabbard it can be used continue sly.

Upon examining my stats one can tell that it is indeed not balance but compared to other characters in this game or this world mine is just average. weird actually.

"I should be fine I played lots of game that requires time and patience but still grinding, I could never get used to it plus this is sort of Real life-ish. if I die I might not respawn unlike in the game where I have unlimited lives"

Closing my profile I opened the browser to check the schedule of the SAH academy's entrance exam which will be starting this week.

"Better sleep now, I'll be needing lots of energy tomorrow so I can practice and get used to this new body I can't slack off. as much as I would love to take my time the exam is just around the corner, there's no way I'll embarrassed myself for failing miserable this early on the story"

Making myself as comfortable as I can in the sofa I slowly closed my eyes.

*Trrrrrrrnnnnggggg ttrrrrnnngg* the sound of the Alarm clock woke me up, the time's 5:00 am. packing all the things I'll be using on my bag I cooked my breakfast wich is a combination of egg, bacon and avocado slice to balance it out, after eating I washed all the dishes and took a shower. when I finished clothing myself up the time is already 6:12 am not wasting anymore time I grabbed my bag and the gray hoodie that I found inside the closet, before heading out I also made sure to lock the door.

Arriving at the train stop I couldn't help but feel this strange emotion me? excited, I can't remember the last time I felt that. And of course I would be lying if I told you I'm not feeling nervous as this will be my first battle experience here.

I've done boxing before in my supposed previous life now, and I'm not surprised I got that as an extra arts here after all my soul got fused with some unknown person not only did I get my name mixed my personality also.

Anyway I haven't picked any weapon yet wich is pretty bad considering it would take if not weeks it would be months for a person to get used to something such as weapon, I'm thinking of getting either a sword, spear or a dagger but punching my way through is kinda badass too, tho it would be a big mistake as I'm not some martial artists master whatever.

I am once again reminded that I'm just me just an average person not exactly a cannon fooder not also as strong as batman, to put it simply I'm half Dandy half Spike broke, baroque.

Finally reaching my destined location I was left scratching my head.

"The ride's quite expensive shit if only I knew that it would charge me that much heck I'm probably still walking my way here right now ah it's fine it's alright at least I got here early"

Mumbling to myself, I dispatched all useless thoughts and made my way to the Hunter association lobby to register.

Walking inside I'm amazed to what I saw the layout the design of this building is something else, yes while I did see this one on the game actually being in here and seeing all this in person is a big difference.

Not wanting to make a scene I continued my walk.

"Hi! how can I help you? sir hmm"

The receptionist woman greeting me enthusiastically.

Backing away a little I didn't care if she finds it rude it's just there's something about people like her that's making me uncomfortable, don't get me wrong It's good to be greeted by that but it's just not for me. well err I maybe just a little bit sensitive.

"hello I'm here to get myself registered and also to buy some stuff"

I said handing her my ID. she then took it and scanned, while waiting for my license to be finished I sat at a nearby couch and checked the list of some low level Gates.

Well if it's your first time reading something like this System-ish game like setting a Gate is like a portal to another dimension or place that is filled with monsters, there are two types of Gate. It is either had been made by humans with advance tech or It's the other one that just randomly popped out.

Oh there's something I almost forgot and it is the Dungeons of course. while yeah they're basically almost the same you see Dungeon is still a bit different we could safely say that Dungeons is on the more natural side, Dungeons are places that's been inhabitated by a much more stronger monsters and Dungeons doesn't shy away from giving handsome rewards.

While scrolling through the web something piqued my interest it's name is Jurlt's library a low level Gate that is mostly centered on Maze type that is filled with deadly traps. while it is almost over at the bottom of the list the rewards for this one is quite good and there's a reason for that.

This Gate have a 4 stars difficulty while it is a low level Gate it's still 4 stars not to mention this awful Gate have 38% completion rate only wich means it's that bad.

After thinking for some time as to what I should do with the said Gate I decided that I would go in there after all combat experience isn't the only one I'm aiming for it's the rewards to be specific it's the Book that allows one to create another mana core, why is it left untouched if the rewards is that good you asked?.

Well you can't take the Book if you finished it in the "NORMAL" way, yes killing the boss means clearing the Gate but there's a problem tho it's that the mfs corpse burns once he was killed and of course in the good ol'fashioned way he's taking the whole damn place with him.

Wich leaves me with another problem that we'll talk about later.

Standing up from my sit it's about time I head back and check if my license is done after all I can't waste anymore time the more I lazed around the less I can go home.

Okay it's me again please give yer thoughts about this chapter and to where I could improve I'd really appreciate it bye. have a good one.

oh and one more thing I suck at naming I already know dat.

Paylor_Sakakicreators' thoughts