

In a world overrun by the undead, Elias Blackwood, nick named 'The Nightshade', a lone psychopathic serial killer, thrives amidst the chaos. Concealing his true nature behind a facade of normalcy, he manipulates and preys upon unsuspecting survivors, reveling in the opportunity to indulge his darkest urges. As he stalks his victims through the night, leaving a trail of blood and terror in his wake, Elias grapples with the shadows of his own past. But in this unforgiving world where survival is paramount, Elias will stop at nothing to claim his rightful place as the ruler of the darkness.

Darkking_101 · Horror
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11 Chs

Entry 9

Dear Diary,

Today, as the sun cast its harsh light upon the desolate landscape, I bore witness to a scene that stirred memories long buried in the recesses of my mind. Two zombies, their grotesque forms twisted and contorted, feasted upon the decaying corpse of a fallen survivor.

The sight sent a shiver down my spine, triggering a flood of memories from a time before the world was consumed by chaos. I recalled a similar scene, years ago, when I crossed paths with a cannibalistic serial killer who took pleasure in the eating of his victims.

I remember it vividly—the stench of blood and the sound of nawing flesh, the look of madness in his eyes as he tore into his vicitm with savage abandon. It was a scene straight from the depths of hell, a grotesque display of humanity's capacity for cruelty and depravity.

And so I stuck my knife between the back of his throat while he was busy eating, and cut pieces of flesh and stuffed it in his mouth. I was left thinking to myself, if he loves human meat so much, why not eat his own? Haha!

End of Diary Entry.