
Psycho's Mine

"What you gonna do? Force your way out?" He smirked. My eyes widened due to his audacity. "Y-you a$$hole!" I exclaimed in annoyance. Why can't he understand the word no? I saw how his demeanor got dark. His already chinky eyes narrowed into slits as he glared daggers at me. His stance grew predatory, and I blanched. He's being scary. "I am what?" He whispered animosity is on his voice. My tongue got tied as I tried to bite back a curt and failed. He was already walking towards me, but I held my place. I'm not going to show him he can intimidate me. We were just mere centimeters apart now, and his scent invaded my personal space again. "You are staying." He mumbled. His fingers traced the contour of my collar bone before dipping at the hollow on my neck. "And you know that we still have that deal, yeah?" He moved his fingers up my neck and grabbed me by my nape before pulling me close to him. His face hunched closer to nuzzle my neck, and then he started pressing little kisses that made my eyes close. He is seducing me... "We're going to seal that deal sooner or later, Lyubov moya. I hope you're ready." He rasped in my ear right before he bit down. --------------------------------------- Wynter McIver, Queen of the Boardroom. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and she always gets what she wants. At 28, her mother pushes her to marry, but she never agreed nor even think about it. She's in her prime life and being tied down is still out of her mind. She had boyfriends before, but none of them could coax her into marriage. But when she met the ruggedly handsome and mysterious Keith Andrew Nagasaki, her thoughts in marriage fled out of the window. At last, she met her knight in an Armani suit, her other half, and she would do anything to have him. But when she discovered his deepest and darkest secret, she didn't know what to do. She was trapped in wanting the man and fearing him. WARNING: R18 Credits to the artist

Raeven_Black · Urban
Not enough ratings
213 Chs


"Go home Kate, you're pregnant with your second child, you should be resting."

I frowned at my twin sister whose currently slouching at the sofa in the far corner. She barged in in my office twenty minutes ago, demanding me to stop spoiling Nexus, her eldest son.

I could not think of a reason why she's saying this to me. The little kid is a genius and absolutely brilliant. It's like having a child of my own.

Fvck, where did that come from?

My frown deepened even more at my thoughts, it was too weird to even think about things like that. I didn't even want to settle down, not after all that bullshit I've been through.

"Oh shut up, you're like Warren. Telling me this and that, bla bla bla... Like what the hell? I'm pregnant not dying." She scoffed and absentmindedly rubbed her tummy with a smile creeping into her face.

"We have a lot of enemies Kate, you should be careful. We don't want another kidnapping episode after Katrina." I pointed out. My face immediately hardened when I remembered our little sister's kidnapping. Well, she's not little anymore but she still is, for me. She will always be little in my eyes.

"And about Nexus, that was just a simple gift, no harm on that."

"Keith, giving him a real helicopter when he asked for a toy is not just a simple gift at all." She replied, rolling her eyes heavenwards.

"I'm not guilty. I was just giving in to my nephew's wishes. Anyway, a real helicopter is so much better than a fake toy, he can't use it." I reasoned out.

"He's just 6 years old Keith, he can't use that either." She replied.

I zipped my mouth, there is no point in arguing with her anyway. We will just go in circles again and again.

Just then, a soft knock on the door got both of our attention before Felice, my secretary walked in with a phone in her hand.

"Sir, a certain Wynter McIver is at the lobby." She greeted.

Kate sat up straight as she regarded Felice with utmost curiosity.

My forehead creased at the familiarity of the name, yet I couldn't decipher who she is.


"Ms. Wynter McIver of McIver Holdings is at the lobby sir, she said you're expecting her." She replied.

Just then, a memory struck and I remembered immediately.

McIver Holdings huh.

"Send her up, tell Antonio to escort her in," I ordered before sending her out.

Wynter McIver...

So it's a she.

"Guess this is my cue to go home, I smell trouble. I don't like trouble." Kate announced as she stood up from the couch. She gave me a kiss on the cheek before she made her way to the door.

"Be nice." Was her last words before she went out of my office.

I snorted. Nice? I'm never nice. Especially to those people who don't deserve it. So what if it's a woman?

I reclined back further down my swivel chair, rubbing my lower lip with a pinky finger. My mind drifted with the thought of someone, Wynter McIver.

I frowned, I can't believe it's a "she" after all. A woman just made fun of me, how did she manage to convince them?

The rapt knocking was heard before Antonio walked in.

"She's here sir."

I nodded at him before he opened the door wide enough to let the woman in. Still distracted, I didn't look at the woman who walked in not until her scent pervaded my nostrils.

"Good Afternoon Mr. Nagasaki, I'm Wynter McIver. Pleased to meet you." A voice greeted.

My eyes swiveled at the owner of the voice.

I expected an older woman with wrinkling eyes and sophisticated aurae. Instead, a very attractive woman greeted my eyes.

Ah, so that's how it is.

My eyes trained on her heart-shaped face scouring expressive eyes, an upturned nose, and a luscious Cupid's Bow which is stretched into a sultry smile. It slid down from the column of her slender neck to the tempting ample flesh that was peeking at her dress and traveled down her hourglass figure and wandered some more to the alabaster skin of hers all the way to her long slender legs that seemed to run forever.

A surge of energy struck me in the gut and I silently cursed. Hell, this is not good.

My eyes went back at her face that etched right into my brain, she looked strangely familiar.

"Ms. Wynter." I acknowledged. Hardening my facade instantly.

I cocked my head at the side and asked,

"Have we met before?"

A small smile played on her lips, mirth is clearly dancing in her eyes.

"Have we?" She replied almost playfully.

I narrowed my eyes at her, this woman charmed my client's loyalty from me, she's certainly tricky. Now I know how she managed to hog them all, she's a vixen after all. A very attractive vixen.

"You snatched my investors," I stated. Hitting the issue right in the eye, there is no time for dwindling around the bushes.

"Can I at least sit? If you don't mind." She replied coolly.

I sighed and motioned for her to sit in front of me, she nodded her head side to side in disapproval.

"I'll take the sofa." She said before she gracefully sat at the futon. Her cat-like eyes looked at me and gestured at the lounge chair in front of her.

"Could you please sit here so we could be acquainted much better?" She drawled.

My jaw flexed in anger. What is she playing at?

I stared at her coldly and she stared back at me squarely, not heeding.

"C'mon Keith, I'm not going to bite." She said in a teasing voice.

I narrowed my eyes at her and stood up, she thinks she's in charge, eh?

I trudged in her direction, not breaking the eye contact, and sat down on the lounge chair.

She leaned back and smiled in triumph.

"There. Much much better..."

This set up made us closer, and her scent swarmed me. Suffocating me until all my senses are now only aware of her.

Fvcking hell...


Wynter couldn't wipe the smile off her face. She had just succeeded in making Keith sit in front of her!

Ah, what an achievement...

I looked at his profile that seems to be carved in stone. He's so much more handsome up close, even though he's sitting there like a block of ice.

I frowned, can't he even be speechless even just for a second after seeing me?

A while ago, when I watched him sizing me up and down, I willed myself to not be fazed by his calculating gaze. It was as if I am being examined under his scrutinizing eyes. My knees almost buckled in fright, good thing I held my ground. If not, I would surely be sprawled like an idiot on the floor.

I was knocked off by his amazing looks, he is just so fvcking magnificent that it's painful to stare. I feel like being blinded as I stare a the sun.

"You stole them." His voice almost fizzed me with its coldness.

"Oh that... Well, I did." I replied, staring at his onyx eyes.

His left eyebrow rose up as he regarded me.

"You think this is funny?" His deep voice was laced with dissatisfaction.

"I think it's hilarious."

He suddenly morphed into an aura of danger and I inaudibly gulped, but I kept my composure.

"Don't play with me Ms. McIver, you don't want me as an enemy." If his voice gets any colder, this room will freeze and I'll die of hypothermia.

Of course, I don't want him to be my enemy, I want him to be mine.

"Wynter. Call me Wynter." I said, desperate to hear him say my name.

"I don't call first name basis with an enemy."

I laughed at him despite my growing anxiety.

"I'm not your enemy Keith, I claim no harm. This is merely business. I did what I need to do as a businesswoman." I reasoned out.

"And that's how you do it? Playing dirty?" He pointed out at me.

"I don't like being fooled Ms. McIver, you may be attractive but that didn't give you privileges to toy me. I am more experienced than you and much more powerful, I can destroy your company to debris." He stated.

A flare of defiance struck me and made me leaned closer to him.

"Try me," I replied, eyes blazing in fury.

At the same time, a warm fuzzy feeling slithered in my spine after I heard him say I'm attractive.

So he finds me attractive.

"You want to play my game then Ms. McIver?"

Keith's face suddenly brightened like he just thought something good. He flashed me a harsh smile as his eyes glinted like knives.

"The winner gets what they want."

My eye twitched at his underlying tone. A game huh.


He smiled triumphantly as he leaned back on the chair. He had that look of a man who already won.

"The one who could convince the Gold Partners to invest with them would win." He said already grinning from ear to ear. "No playing dirty." He added.

"Deal. If you win, you'll have my company..." I trailed as I gazed at him.

I heard him snorting at my words like he was hearing a joke. I couldn't help but be offended, I know my company doesn't match up with his but c'mon! Even though it's comparatively smaller than the Nagasaki Corporation, it's still in the top 5 in the country.

"And if you win, you'll have mine."

My lips twitched at the sides.

"I don't want your company Mr. Nagasaki..." I replied, toying with the loose tendrils of my hair.

His brows cocked up and he looked at me in inquiry.

"Then what do you want?"

A bright smile appeared on my face and beamed at him.
