
Psycho's Mine

"What you gonna do? Force your way out?" He smirked. My eyes widened due to his audacity. "Y-you a$$hole!" I exclaimed in annoyance. Why can't he understand the word no? I saw how his demeanor got dark. His already chinky eyes narrowed into slits as he glared daggers at me. His stance grew predatory, and I blanched. He's being scary. "I am what?" He whispered animosity is on his voice. My tongue got tied as I tried to bite back a curt and failed. He was already walking towards me, but I held my place. I'm not going to show him he can intimidate me. We were just mere centimeters apart now, and his scent invaded my personal space again. "You are staying." He mumbled. His fingers traced the contour of my collar bone before dipping at the hollow on my neck. "And you know that we still have that deal, yeah?" He moved his fingers up my neck and grabbed me by my nape before pulling me close to him. His face hunched closer to nuzzle my neck, and then he started pressing little kisses that made my eyes close. He is seducing me... "We're going to seal that deal sooner or later, Lyubov moya. I hope you're ready." He rasped in my ear right before he bit down. --------------------------------------- Wynter McIver, Queen of the Boardroom. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and she always gets what she wants. At 28, her mother pushes her to marry, but she never agreed nor even think about it. She's in her prime life and being tied down is still out of her mind. She had boyfriends before, but none of them could coax her into marriage. But when she met the ruggedly handsome and mysterious Keith Andrew Nagasaki, her thoughts in marriage fled out of the window. At last, she met her knight in an Armani suit, her other half, and she would do anything to have him. But when she discovered his deepest and darkest secret, she didn't know what to do. She was trapped in wanting the man and fearing him. WARNING: R18 Credits to the artist

Raeven_Black · Urban
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213 Chs

I Actually Need A Man Now

Important people from society gathered around the great hall of the Diamond Hotel. Sweet music filled the air, accompanied by the distinct chattering of the crowd. People are either smiling or laughing while they talk with one another.

Everyone is enjoying the party but Wynter.

She only speaks if the topic is only about business. Would answer if asked, and smiles if it's needed.

She's not enjoying the party at all. More like, she's starting to regret why she attended. Unlike before, she was once called the life of the party. Wherever there is a gathering, she is always invited.

"So Miss McIver, what can you say about the ball?" Inquired Mr. Alferez who is smiling at her expectantly. He was accompanied by two men and a woman, crowding her.

She threw them a glance and smiled, "George! Thank you for inviting me, this ball is so lively. I am enjoying every second of it..." She then flashed them a fake smile that she mastered since birth.

"I'm so glad to hear that! Well, gentlemen, this is Wynter McIver, the woman I talked about and the one who broke my heart." He said, introducing her to his companions.

She inwardly cringed.

Well, about breaking his heart...

George courted her a long time ago but she turned him down because like what she said, he's not her type. And he's already 50 for Pete's sake! He could pass as her grandpa already.

The three of them smiled and greeted her which she returned though deep inside, she just wanted to leave.

"Miss Wynter, the tabloids, and the rumors are true. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever met, it's my pleasure to meet you..." The man with a mustache professed as he kissed the back of her hand.

"Surely you jest! Nevertheless, thank you..." She almost replied sarcastically. She also felt like rolling her eyes heavenwards, but she restrained herself.

Men and their smooth talks...

Damn it, is there anything entertaining that would happen at all? Like a group of clowns or something, this is just too boring. Hours spent glamming up myself was not worthy at all

After a moment of nonsense chattering and sarcastic remarks, she finally excused herself.

Halfway through the floor, a woman bumped into her. Spilling their drinks on her dress.

"Fvcking hell..." She mumbled inaudibly.

"Oops, that was really unintentional." Declared the woman who was smiling coyly at her.

A nerve ticked in her head when she discerned who the b-tch was. It was no other than her college ex-best friend, Kate Nagasaki.

Funny, they used to be so close until she believed the rumors about me sleeping with his boyfriend.

What an untrusting b-tch...

"Oh it's fine, I still look pretty when I'm wet anyway." She careened. Then she snatched a glass of champagne nearby and spilled the contents at Kate.

"Not going to say the same for you though. You look like a wet feline..." And laughed.

Kate's eyes widened as she gasped. She then narrowed her onyx eyes at her.

"You slut..." She uttered venomously.

"Well, this slut don't give a sh-t." I replied.

"This is a nice place for a reunion but I have more important matters to attend than talking to you. If you would excuse me..." She responded then strutted off the banquet hall and walked out.

It was only after she was already out of sight that she breathed a sigh of relief and leaned at the wall in the hallway.

She looked down at herself and frowned, her dress is ruined. The material was sticking at her skin and felt really uncomfortable. She can't help but to swore, that wench!

Well, she obviously needed to clean up in the restroom...

She lifted herself off the wall and measured the length of the hallway with her eyes, trying to guess where the bathroom could be.

The hallway was dark that she could only see faint figures, including the paintings and some decorations that sparkle. As she turns around the corner, she collided with a wall. No, not a wall, but a man.

She caught herself by grabbing the man's sleeves or she would smooched the ground.

"This is my worst fvcking night ever!" She snarled, teeth grinding in frustration.

She heard a grunt right after she said that. Wynter then stood straight up and glared daggers at the brute who collided with her.

"Ladies shouldn't swear." The man stated.


"You devil!" Her face turning red. "Don't you know how to look where you're going?! What if I didn't catch myself? You didn't even try to catch m--"

Wynter's words wavered as she saw the man's face. It was dark earlier so she couldn't see him well, but the light from an overhead lamp caught it and she doubled. Her mind went blank as she stared at the man who's been camping in her mind ever since.

"Look here lady, it's not my fvcking fault if you almost kissed the ground. Don't blame me with your stupidity." He chagrined before shoving her aside and walked away as nothing happened.

Wynter was still gaping even after he was leaving. She was shocked. The man was already handsome from afar but up close, he was mouth-watering.

Her mind then recovered from the shock and his words echoed in her head.


Did he call me stupid?

She glared at his retreating back, eyebrows twitching and fist clenching. Truly annoyed by his insult.

This was their first meeting and it was already unpleasant. The man has the nerve to insult her!

After a while of murdering the man in her head, her lips twisted in a cunning smile. Oh, she's stupid all right. Because after that incident she finds herself wanting him more and more.

It was the first time that her beauty didn't faze someone, or made them glib-tongued.

Her mind flashed back on her conversation with Althea and smiled. She finally found him.

A man worth chasing for...

Keith paced the concrete sidewalk as he took his time approaching Guerrero's abode. He was taking his time, mind racing with plans. Coming up with many ways to punish the traitor.

As he neared the place, he spotted several of his men hounding outside. Guarding like the trained assassin they are.

Dante stepped out of the shadows and bowed.

"We already secured the place, he won't have an escape route."

Keith beamed, "Record everything, I want to let everyone know what happens if they fvck with a Nagasaki."

Dante shivered at his words, he then opened the door for him, letting him go inside first before he followed.

As he stepped inside the room, he flashed his joker-like smile. His piercing onyx eyes fall at the man kneeling in front of a leather love seat with a Berreta gun pointed at his head. He was tied up and gagged, shivering on the floor in fright. He wasn't even dressed properly.

The gun was held by a woman in a long body fitting red dress, occupying the love seat, wearing a seductive smile.

"You're late." She greeted, casually crossing her legs. "I was getting bored."

She then touched the side of Guerrero's face, it made the man more frightened. "I was starting to feel like gutting him you know..." She said chuckling.

Guerrero paled even more and was sweating like a pig. "Hmm! Mmm hmmm!" He couldn't even utter a single word because of the cloth stuck in his mouth.

The woman was his twin sister, Kate Nagasaki.

"Why is your dress wet?" He inquired, noticing the wet patch on her red dress.

Kate's eyes looked down at herself and smiled, "I met a cat at the ball. It was really wild..." She said, eyes twinkling with mischief.

Keith didn't probe further, instead, he focused his eyes on Antoine Guerrero.

"Long time no see Antoine."

Guerrero's eyes looked at him wide-eyed and paled like a sheet of paper as he recognized him.

"Did you miss me?"