
Psycho's Mine

Author: Raeven_Black
Contemporary Romance
Ongoing · 1.6M Views
  • 213 Chs
  • 4.8
    30 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Psycho's Mine

Read ‘Psycho's Mine’ Online for Free, written by the author Raeven_Black, This book is a Contemporary Romance Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, R18 Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: "What you gonna do? Force your way out?" He smirked.My eyes widened due to his audacity."Y-you a$$hole!" I exclaimed in ...


"What you gonna do? Force your way out?" He smirked. My eyes widened due to his audacity. "Y-you a$$hole!" I exclaimed in annoyance. Why can't he understand the word no? I saw how his demeanor got dark. His already chinky eyes narrowed into slits as he glared daggers at me. His stance grew predatory, and I blanched. He's being scary. "I am what?" He whispered animosity is on his voice. My tongue got tied as I tried to bite back a curt and failed. He was already walking towards me, but I held my place. I'm not going to show him he can intimidate me. We were just mere centimeters apart now, and his scent invaded my personal space again. "You are staying." He mumbled. His fingers traced the contour of my collar bone before dipping at the hollow on my neck. "And you know that we still have that deal, yeah?" He moved his fingers up my neck and grabbed me by my nape before pulling me close to him. His face hunched closer to nuzzle my neck, and then he started pressing little kisses that made my eyes close. He is seducing me... "We're going to seal that deal sooner or later, Lyubov moya. I hope you're ready." He rasped in my ear right before he bit down. --------------------------------------- Wynter McIver, Queen of the Boardroom. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and she always gets what she wants. At 28, her mother pushes her to marry, but she never agreed nor even think about it. She's in her prime life and being tied down is still out of her mind. She had boyfriends before, but none of them could coax her into marriage. But when she met the ruggedly handsome and mysterious Keith Andrew Nagasaki, her thoughts in marriage fled out of the window. At last, she met her knight in an Armani suit, her other half, and she would do anything to have him. But when she discovered his deepest and darkest secret, she didn't know what to do. She was trapped in wanting the man and fearing him. WARNING: R18 Credits to the artist

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“Đưa chân đây… để tôi chữa cho… Cô gái vâng lời …” “Đừng... đau quá.” Nhìn vết thương trên đùi cô đang chảy máu, người đàn ông hôn lên môi cô và dỗ dành: “Đừng tùy hứng, ngoan ngoãn bôi thuốc nhé!“ …… Trì Vi chưa bao giờ nghĩ tới bản thân giàu sang, xinh đẹp, đứng ở đỉnh cao như vậy một ngày nào đó sẽ bị người ta từ hôn đến ba lần, trở thành người phụ nữ trung tâm của sự cười nhạo và châm biếm. Trong cơn nóng giận, cô đã đi ngủ cùng một người đàn ông có khuôn mặt điển trai trắng trẻo ấy. Body 6 múi, cùng với cuộc sống tốt. Thật tiếc rằng anh ta là một kẻ bị bệnh, có thể chết đi bất cứ lúc nào! Vì thế hàng đêm cô đều thì thầm vào tai người đàn ông: “Không được phép chết, nhất định phải đi cùng ta, biết không.” Người người đều nói gã đàn ông ấy không thật lòng thật dạ, Trì Vi cũng đã từng nghĩ như vậy. Cho đến một ngày trong nhà xảy ra chuyện, cô đã bị lừa dối và bắt nạt. Trong thời khắc ấy, nàng cùng Bạch đã mạnh mẽ như một vị vua. Bạch che chở cho cô ấy , hắn đem cô nâng niu trong lòng bàn tay, một lần nữa nói lời cuối cùng: “Bảo bối của ta, nàng là một Nữ hoàng. Một ngày là Nữ hoàng, cả đời là Nữ hoàng!”

Khanh Điểm Giang Sơn · Urban
1314 Chs
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From Julie_Aldridge ----------------------------------- This story is a hidden gem, a big one, and I'm scratching my head, wondering how no one saw it... First off, none of the ideas in a story can work unless they're expressed well. Not only are the author's ideas interesting, but what I've read so far is written at a professional level. Easily. I'm honestly shocked there aren't more readers. The grammar is flawless and it's written with a descriptive, & distinct style. Wtf does that mean. Everything worth describing is done beautifully, without effecting the pacing and progress of the story. Plus, we get to enjoy 2 POV’s, the FL’s & ML’s It’s a great approach. Even symbolic in a way to the genre. We understand the characters more deeply, which creates attachment without us realizing it. (I can relate to the FL’s inhibited behavior/ i’m cray too!) A “contracted” romance is a common plot device that is commonly (always) between a domineering CEO type ML, who also creates the contract entirely, proposing (or demanding. or threatening. Rawr.) the contract between him & the FL; A timid, naive, abandoned or abused, & easily intimidated character. Almost every fictionalized attempt to make the “contracted” romance a compelling narrative- Have all been sh*t 😒 The idea is alluring in a very devious way. Controversial. Taboo. & se*ual in nature, naturally- bc of the characters themselves, who are always young adults, attractive, whatever! The entire concept of a “contract” that entitles one character to “own” or possess another hints at slavery, human trafficking, etc. It’s a fv**ing bold concept...w/ so much potential bc of the “fantasy factor” (pervs 😏) & this is the first story I’ve read (illustrated & written) that has approached such a bold concept like it should be; BOLDLY! The author even made the “contract” more provocatively interesting by making it clear the contract is about S E X, bc that’s how babies are made. screw the stereotypes. Finally, a contract- & a s e x contact at that! Was conjured up by our FL; A woman who possesses characteristics a female who would do this should. She’s capable, self sufficient, exudes confidence, shameless enough, is a s e x loving goddess (not in a thottish way), & in my head- is a lil off, in the best way possible tho. She’s not a basic b i tch. Basically. She’s a baddie ;) You need to be such a woman to propose this type of Agreement to a stranger of the opposite s e x- a stranger she handpicked. & that is capable of making her wet with one stare. go get em! That’s a fantasy I would love to indulge in! Not being a student-Turned-maid, who was blind to how perverted her new wealthy employer is. Unfortunately, it takes getting r*ped by him to realize she fv cked up. It’s so refreshing to discover such an uninhibited approach to a plot device that should have never been explored timidly, which would take away from the allure & interest. While the dull creators of every other story that incorporated the same devious plot of Someone owning another person LEGALLY (haha it’s so Fv cked up!) decided to step their foot in the water. The other half didn’t even make it out of the kiddie pool. This glorious Author cannonballed in. Not stopping with the initial fantasy- but making it even more tempting, & Wild. S e x. Violence. Mafia. Guns. Underworld. Amazing s e x. Dangerous Vibes. Dangerously sexy vibes. Money!!! I’ve just begun reading & I felt compelled to hand down some credit! & write this. My first review, too. I’ll give more praise as to why all these ideas work so well; The Author is an incredible writer. Descriptive enough, the visual imagery is there. Grammar is flawless. I enjoy the sense of dry humor sprinkled throughout. Often expressed through the vulgar thoughts or words of one of our thoughtfully created characters. And although very detailed and composed tastefully, the story feels rather simple at times, when needed, & doesnt linger too long. The pacing is enjoyable- & hints at the budding emotions and feelings that will eventually be developed. Something to look forward to as the story unravels. Along with the underworld related drama & moments our alpha ML shines his gun 👌🏼 You wont be disappointed 👌🏼 GoodLuck Author!


I love how the author introduced the main characters! I also love how things were described! As I read further into the chapters, I thought I was watching a movie 😂😍 The grammar is perfect and the flow of the story is smooth! Great job author 🌻


I love this story so much...I love how everything is progressing...once you start to read it you'll want more...I want to see how Keith the ML who is used to getting everything he wants struggle with the FL who is feisty...I can't wait to read more...




Keep the update daily. that is required. and the first 2 line of your synopsis the word should disagree but you have written digrees correct it


Excellent and creative writer. So wish you would continue this book. It is one of the best on Webnovel I would love to see it completed.


First time i read about a female making a deal, usually it’s the male lol ❤️ it! Boy, this book is hot 🥵 hot like steaming hot 😅😝. it’s interesting and im loving it . Great job author and keep it going!


Gotta say that I’d binged reading this book for the last few days and it’s progressing very well. I wonder when and what will happen if ML knows about FL ‘stomach bug’...


👌👌👌👌👌nice 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


C.o.m.p.e.l.l.i.n.g and immersive! Great written contemporary romance. Very well written character leads and great storyline. Hot and sexy story. I find the writing here is up to the professional standard, little to no grammar mistake. I like the writing style and the dialogue writing is fresh and enthralling. Story development is great, the anticipation and guessing keeps me at the edge every time. I really like this Wynter and Keith, they're nowhere near perfect but they complement each other well. Lovely couple. Wynter is such a hot and sexy female lead 😤 It's very nice reading experience, one of my favourite books. I'm looking more of your stories and well, good luck!


this story is so so amazing I thought I was watching a movie. I like how the author describe the characters. I like the flow of the story the plot.


I love this book very much...the female lead at least is not a poor girl who gets mistreated by Male lead and then realises his feeling thereafter. Wynter knows exactly what she wants and goes for it. I can't wait to see how the story goes...I'll follow till the end...


This story is becoming more and more interesting... I just can't wait for more... I'm in love really...Addicted to be precise because I want the time to move faster so that I can read again...


This book is amazing... characters are awesome... main female is a little looney but I was too when I was young and always went after what I wanted,.. I am older now so I know how to handle things better... great read thus far


I love this book very much...the female lead at least is not a poor girl who gets mistreated by Male lead and then realises his feeling thereafter. Wynter knows exactly what she wants and goes for it. I can't wait to see how the story goes...I'll follow till the end...


the details of characters a beautiful ....i liked the story line .nice and interesting .thank you author for such a nice story .keep writing more ....






this is gooooodd... FL is a sassy bitch but I loove it. she knows what she wants and also has her bottomline. ML is hot like a Greek god I think... it's good. 😎 Purrfect! 👍


I liked te way you started to story. Thats cool. But we wonder where she reach.. story needs really more updates. Keep on it please ! I want to see what will happen in the future


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