
Psychic Inventor In Cultivation World (Hiatus)

The Cultivation World is filled with countless treasures and heart shaking mysteries but even the most holy places are built above bottomless darkness this is a world where strong eats the weak, the strong rules and the weak is ruled, weak have no rights and that's how it always had been until he made is debut Ye Tian was a cultivator with an average innate talent but he was born with a rare defense type physique and for him it was like a poor man treasuring a jade ring, betrayed by his own first love and the master he respected like a father he tried to escape as far as he could but his destiny was not that simple At the brink of death Heaven showed mercy on him and the dormant mystery hidden in his soul got released...he got his memories from his past life when he was a Peerless Genius on Earth although those memories still belongs to the time when he was a mortal named Rex Andrews but memory was not the only thing he got from his past life Ding.... [System’s requirements met] [ System initializing 1%..2%…10%…30%….80%..99%..100%] *** Discord: - 1) https://discord.gg/wu5jWHF 2) https://discord.gg/fTVyP33

Deleted_Account_00 · Fantasy
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402 Chs

Chapter 367 : : The End Of The Trip

A few days later…

Today was the day for the three ships to finally reach Corentis, and as expected Ji Biyu and Sung Lee willingly came to sign the contract early in the morning.

Rex happily helped them to go through the procedure and sign the contract. He now had two forces under him, coupled with the new clones, the expansion speed of the Frozen Flame was going to skyrocket.

After they left his ship, Rex had a big satisfied smile plastered on his face.

[The Maze Defense Soul Seal has been modified according to your needs, should we go and install it in them right now?]

'No, the severed soul inside them hasn't completely stabilized, it takes time for it to nurture itself, after going back I will refine one Soul Tempering Pill for both of them, we will place the soul seals on them once their soul is strong enough,' He thought.

The two clones had Absolute Loyalty towards Rex just like those Undead Zombies from before, they can never betray him even if they died. If someone tries to soul search them then it wouldn't be possible because they don't have a true soul so it would most likely break under the pressure and if the opponent really has a way similar to Mind Arts then the clones would choose to self-destruct rather than revealing anything.

But it never hurts to be extra careful, that's why Rex decided to put the modified version of a defense type soul seal in them, that he once used to defend his own Sea Of Consciousness.

In the last few days, the other thing Rex did was raise their cultivation base to Spirit King peak stage, he even handed the content of «Brilliant Sun God Scripture» coupled with the «Indestructible Golden Bell» technique directly to Altas because of his high compatibility with it.

He also gave a task to Rose to break down his main cultivation technique in two parts, one that he uses of his first set of the meridian and the another that he uses with the second set of the meridian and modify it according to them so that the clones can use it and gain an Inborn Flame similar to him.

The three big ships arrived at Corentis and caught a lot of attention from bystanders. Adel Meyer, the city lord of Corentis quickly came to greet them.

Rex urged Sung Lee and Ji Biyu to have some rest and relax here but they politely declined and left, for now, they all wanted to digest the gains they made in this trip and become stronger as soon as possible.

Rex didn't pursue them more and let them leave, he then left the ship in the hands of Adel and headed to the transmission array with the duo, Mr. Black no.1, Lerna, and Jiang Qing. He hid Mr. Black no.2 in his inventory as he was a living person in others' eyes.

Adel was in a daze, as he looked at the ship.

Jiang Qing smiled, she could understand his emotions, unlike him, she was more curious about the two new men beside Rex but she chose not to ask about it as Rex kept them away from the eyes of the other two sects so they must hold a big secret, it was better for her not stick her nose in such a thing.

As for Lerna, he didn't hide it and told her about them, she had seen the Sacred Blood Baby Seeds with him, lying to her about this is foolish as it would be exposed sooner and later, he already knew Lerna's temperament so instead of lying he would prefer to hide the truth when he is talking to her.


Frozen Flame City...

The transmission array at one of the four main doors of the city activated and six figures appeared on it.

When Rex opened his eyes, a familiar yet new sight greeted him.

Atlas checked his surrounding with wide eyes, he saw robust men clad in armour patrolling the area, a group of beauties passing by giggling while talking to each other, if it wasn't enough he looked up and saw a bluebird flying in the sky like a headless chicken.

"Chief didn't you say that the population here was limited and subspecies of the beast were common, but it seems slightly different from what you said, that man there is of the subspecies Bristle Wolf, that bust- blonde there is almost twice as big compared to others, and that one ordering others around has horns on his head. You sure we are in the right place," He said while looking around.

Rex was silent, he too was surprised, he wasn't sure what powerup drink the people here drank to be able to increase the population that rapidly but then he remembered that Aiden and others forming a team to go hunt down the Nobles, free imprisoned beastman and as a result expanding the territory of Frozen Flame by engulfing their territory.

The growth rate of beastman in Frozen Flame was higher than expected. The region where the city was built was too big and the whole city didn't cover even half of the whole free land but Rex still didn't want them to increase in population so rapidly.

He thought about it and decided to filter the citizen here based on their personalities and records, those who don't meet the requirements can go and live in Corentis, the reason for him doing it was because he didn't want many ambitious cunning people to live in Frozen Flame.

Or with time, they would try to rise and up and use every method possible to gain authority.

This wasn't a good thing considering that he wanted to bring his loyal folks from Frozen Flame Sect in Lower Realm here and give them the authority.

If he didn't sort them out now then it would result in endless feuds in the future, there wasn't a single big family or clan in Frozen Flame City that can act as a powerful force nor would he let one such force rise here.

He would rather leave the management to the core system of Frozen Flame than doing it.

Rex took a deep breath and decided to head towards the castle but...

He hadn't taken a single step when he felt the ground shaking, he looked up and saw a big six-headed creature came running towards him, his eyes were shining like pearls, his mouths were wide open letting his long tongues flutter in the air.

'He breakthrough again? Just how is he cultivating?' Rex thought when he looked at the approaching Aru, but these thoughts were soon dispelled from his head when he saw how he was staring at him.

Rex felt like an innocents woman that was hungrily chased by a ferocious bandit.

"Hey junior... Stop," He said while looking around to ask for help but when he turned around he realized that the two clones, Jiang Qing and Mr. Black had long retreated to the side.

'These bastards!!!' He screamed inwardly.

Before he could think more, he was assaulted with ‹Tackle› then followed by Six ‹Tongue Endless Licking› and ended with the most effective move ‹Swirling Neck Bind›.

The people working around stopped in their tracks and started giving sympathetic glances to Rex.

Almost everyone in the city knew about the Supreme Calamity Little Aru that even the strongest experts like Aiden and Fred would avoid with the best of their abilities, the stories related to Supreme Calamity had been passed down from ear to ear letting everyone know how ferocious the creature really was. For example, one of the most famous stories spread was called Death Song, it was about how he would search for an appropriate target to test his new sonic attack. There was also the story Sky Fall where he would fly into the air with the target at sonic speed almost killing them by a heart attack.

But as they say, Calamities and Fortune walks with hand in hand. There are also three kind old men following behind this Calamity who would give free medical treatment and cultivation resources to the victims as compensation.

The people thought that it was Rex's turn today so many looked at him with sympathy in their eyes while a few also had jealousy, only God knows what would they think if they realize that Rex and Lerna were the parents of this holy being.

Rex first looked at his saliva-panted clothes then at Lerna who was lovingly rubbing one of his head.

'Wait for a second, why am I the only one in this state? Isn't it unfair?' He thought while looking at her.

Nevertheless, he couldn't help but gently hug the little boy's head, he was his boy, can he ever do anything wrong?

"I too missed you, little guy," Rex said as he patted his head, the one he was using to intently stare into his eyes.

Even when Rex said that Aru didn't release him.

Rex saw the bright look in his eyes and quickly understood what he wants.

"Yea, I brought souvenirs, okay? Now, let's go inside first," Rex helplessly said.

Little Aru finally released him and obediently sat in front of him.

Rex felt the gazes of people around him and chose to use Instant Transmission to head back to the castle with the others.

By the time, he arrived at the castle, Jiang Shuang too left his work and came to meet him.

Seeing that his daughter was fine, he was relieved. As for Rex? He would rather worry about the people of Myriad Beat Continent instead of him.

"Welcome back Master Rex, I hope that the trip went well," Lucia arrived in the hall and slightly bowed to greet him.

"Hehe... The trip went well, to be precise it was excellent, the gains were way beyond my expectations," Rex said while laughing.

Jiang Shuang heard it and showed some hesitation on his face, after pondering for a few seconds he still spoke.

"That's good because now... It's time for you to hear the bad news," Jiang Shuang said in a helpless tone, Lucia remained quiet.

Rex sensed the tension in the atmosphere and sent Little Aru out to play with his two new 'uncles'.

He then slightly nodded towards Jiang Shuang, signaling him to speak.

"Our inventory is now empty, there was a robbery, and now there is not a single speck of dust left inside it," Jiang Shuang said.

Rex raised his eyebrow, he was more surprised by the fact that it was a robbery than that his previous treasures and equipment were now gone.

"You sure that that they were stolen? I mean, the security level is too high, unless the robber has the way to bypass all the security and rob us they can't do it because it would mean that the robber is a Calamity Lord, with a mysterious stealth ability.

Or there is no way that they can steal it, the only other way is by using an access card but you and I are the only ones with access cards and there is no way we would do something idiotic like giving it to... Er..." After saying that much, he stopped, he just remembered something that made him halt in his tracks.

Jiang Shuang was focused on the robbery so he didn't put much thought into him abruptly stopping midway.

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking there was no way that our inventory would catch the attention of the Calamity Lord moreover we already have the idea who did it. You see... By the time, when I accidentally checked the inventory because of needing defensive equipment I discovered that it was empty and after searching for suspicious people and clues, I found out that... Ria and her sister took the leave of two days off and have disappeared since then. Brother Rex, you might not believe me but I have more concrete proof," Jiang Shuang said as he looked at Lucia.

Lucia stepped forwards and said.

"Miss Ria had won the Chess Tournament so she had the right to enter the inventory and choose suitable equipment but she had entered inventory with her sister saying that you had given her access. I thought the system in the castle would stop her if she was lying but it didn't so I didn't doubt her, later that day she asked for leave and I allowed it to her without much thought. I apologize to Master Rex it was because of my negligence that it happened," Lucia bowed and said.

Rex hurried stopped her from doing that, as much as he wanted to witness the glory of nature he didn't wish to embarrass her like that.

"It's not your fault don't worry, the security here is designed by me so if it fails then it's their ability and my inability for something like this to happen," Rex said.

[Of course, it's your fault, who was the one to give her full access card so that she can also choose defensive equipment for her sister?]

Rex played dumb and ignored the comment.

"But I'm still curious as to what method she used to enter and take all the equipment without alerting the system," Jiang Shuang said in a doubtful tone.

"Cough... Let's not ponder about this matter anymore, I will take care of it, I'm tired so I want to rest, for now, let's talk later on," Rex said.

Jiang Shuang nodded and didn't bother him anymore.

Lerna had already headed back to her room.

Rex went to the ground floor of Spirit tower to take a bath, after he separated with others his expression turned serious.

'Ria... Why did she do that?' He was confused.

He couldn't find the meaning behind her actions.

He knew that her personality was a little different, it won't be wrong to say that it was a little twisted but where was his own personality that normal.

But regardless of the reason, it was the girl he loved, his love was one way, he wasn't the type to forget his woman after finding another one, if he really did something like that then he would have a seriously hard time looking into the mirror.

What confused him most was why she did it?

That equipment, money, and pills didn't have much worth in his eyes right now, they might be a treasure for normal people of the Middle Realm but he believed this wasn't the same with Ria, after all, unlike others she had Treasure Artifacts in her possession.

That's why those equipment shouldn't have looked that appealing to her at all.