
Ritsu Kageyama

On the opening day of the Salt Middle School, the group of enthusiastic young students was once again welcomed to high school after vacation.

"Hey! Ritsu, what are you looking at?" At the gate of the campus, a tall boy in a sports shirt with white skin and brown hair patted on his friend's shoulder and asked.

"Ah?! Oh… nothing. It's my first time coming to a Middle School. It's a little surprising. Let's go in. The teenager, who was slapped on the shoulder by his friend, looked back and quickly walked towards the school.

Going down to the school quickly, the young man who was in a daze has a fierce tumbling in his heart: System!

The name of this boy is Ritsu Kageyama is a person who has crossed over. In his previous life, he was a recent graduate intern living in Manila who crossed over to Japan during an unexpected electric shock. He remembers his memory of his past life when Shigeo lost control of his power when they are young.

After regaining his memory Ritsu tries to connect to his brother and create a strong bond. Since then Ritsu and Shigeo always saw together and protect each other.

Throughout the years they practice their powers and Shigeo ran across his master Regan in canon and help him in his business there changes in their master- student is Shigeo is now receiving payment from Regan in assisting to exterminate ghost.

Now on his first day of middle school, a system appeared in front of him.

"'X' invites you to join the group 'Dimensional Exchange Group'; accept the invite?"

He chose to accept the invite.

"You have successfully joined the 'Dimensional Exchange Group', you have become the group owner, please read the group rules carefully." A voice ring in Ritsu's mind.

In sudden, a white smartphone appeared in front of him.

"Ritsu let's go the first bell will ring in 10 minutes" Ritsu's friend waves at him

"Okay wait for me" Ritsu answered as he put the smartphone in his bag

"Inviting 6 group members from Ten thousand realms, please wait…" a voice said again in his mind.

"Okay class dismiss, see you tomorrow"

As the class is over Ritsu directly goes home to open his new phone and the group chat has started and he knows the other members first thing first he changes his name from his old username obsess Psychic to Ritsu.

Gai: My new youthful friend Gintoki is this true our lives are in a manga or anime as you call it in your world.

Gintoki: Yes that is true in my world there is a popular manga based on your world centered around a boy named Naruto. I'll upload it here.

Gintoki uploads Naruto manga and anime season 1.

Kazuma: Yeah this series is one of the popular manga in my old world and one of my favorites to read alongside Dragonball.

Kagome: Wait if you two said is true then our lives form of entertainment in other worlds.

Leilei: When I said to my teacher that this device connected to others he said it might possible and a prime example is a Gate in Alnus Hill as for Kagome's statement I think other worlds have a glimpse of other worlds and express it by drawing it.

Gai: Youthful Leilei what type is that Gate you talking about.

Leilei: in History in my world the gate in the Alnus Hill where it transports different races in my world.

Macao: Is it like how the main member of fairy tail transport in Edolas

Kagome: It's plausible but who is X the one who invited us.

Kazuma: I think it's a Godly being just like the useless priest at my party.

Ritsu: Hello everyone sorry I am late

Kagome: NO problem+1

Gai: NO problem +2

Gintoki: NO problem +3

Kazuma: NO problem +4

Macao: NO problem +5

Leilei: NO problem +6

Gintoki: Ritsu do you have information about us in your world.

Ritsu: Can you give me your full name.

Gintoki: Sakata Gintoki

Macao: Macao Conbolt

Kagome: Kagome Higurashi

Gai: Might Guy

Lelei: Lelei la Lalena

Ritsu then searches on the internet and surprisingly there is indeed manga about them in this world.

Ritsu uploaded Naruto, Naruto Shippuuden Inuyasha, Gate thus JDSF fought there, Konosuba, Gintama, Fairytail

"There is still alive ....." Macao happily cried as he read the fairytail manga where the main member returns home after seven years of disappearance.

A man angrily entered his office this man of average height, distinguishable by his brown hair, which is kept in an ostentatious pompadour-like style that protrudes frontwards from the top of his head in a large, curly, and fluffy tuft this is Wakaba.

"Macao have you read this newspaper about the latest news regarding the search of Tenrou Island and our missing member and third master" Wakaba toss the newspaper to Macao

"Magic Council announce to cease search and rescue of the missing member of Fairy tail and declare them dead" Macao angrily read the newspaper as he grips it

"It's only been six months of their disappearance the magic council declared them dead if they are in Tenrou waiting to be saved" he pounded the table as he shouted.

"We are lacking proof if they're alive and where is Tenrou Island located" Wakaba frustratedly said as he slumped on the chair.

'Hmm, do I tell him about the dimensional group chat and the future of this world.'

"Wakaba, there is something you must know, I was invited by a group and I accepted their invitation."

"Is it a loan agency, those people will bleed us dry our coffers" Wakaba replied as his left brow rise.

Macao shakes his head while explaining "No no no, not them, this group is different their member is from another world like Edolas."

"Are you sure this group is not a scammer?" Wakaba has skeptical look at his guild leader.

"This is not a scammer, here this communication lacrima is called a phone it contents an app called Dimensional chat group" Macao handed his phone to Wakaba.

Wakaba checks the phone "This is weird shape communication lacrima" he said as he gives it to Macao

"Right it can store items and here look this someone sends a manga with a title similar to our guild." Macao shows Fairytail manga to Wakaba.

"How is this possible." Wakaba shocks as he read it.

"A member theorizes that some people from different world glimpse to another world."

"You mean in 6 years and 4 months our lost member will come back." Wakaba hopefully said.

"Wakaba tells some of our old members about this and tells them this is no time to be depressed we will give our lost member a proper guild and not miserable rundown guildhall."

"As you wish guild master" Wakaba smiled as exit Macao's office.

Macao swore he will be a competent guild master for the future.

In another world

Kagome inspects her new phone.

'This is different from my old phone she thinks as he gets her old phone.

All of a sudden her old phone fuses her new phone.


Your Phone has been updated you can now call in the future.

'This' She shakes her hand then she dials the number of her home.

"Hello, this is Higurashi whos this" A woman answered.

"Mom" Kagome cried.

"Kagome is that you, are you okay." Her mom worriedly said

"Kagome called where is she" "Neesan is she okay" Kagome heard her grandpa and brother in the background.

That day Kagome cried as she hears the voice of her family