
Pseudo Functional

Ink_writings · Teen
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9 Chs

Chapter 8

"So how is the hunt going?" asked Jasper.


"Going is good"

"Going awful"


"you heard back from that place you liked?"


Jasper tilted his head - clearly sad, but trying not to show it.

"Why did you leave the phD?" he asked her. The tone of his voice didn't have any judgement on it. Rather, the tone was caring - like a kid who does not know if he should be asking what he just did.

"I didn't like it there"

"Would you mind expanding"

Olivia looked up to see Jasper looking down at her. His eyes so closely resembling his father's, and hers.

"No. I don't want to expand."

Jasper nodded.


"Thank you for not pushing."

Jasper raised his hands in defense, as to say - was not planning on it.

"It's just - everything feels so wrong. Like nothing fits. As if I had overgrown hands with underdeveloped fingers, and I could not find a glove in the store that would fit my fingers specifically. They are all standardized, and none of them feel right."

Jasper nodded, pretending to understand but not doing such a good job at hiding the fact that he had absolutely no clue how to follow that.