
Death 1+


"We all require his presence, and we hold him dear in our hearts."


"We will awaken Klein."


"You're not alone in this matter."


"And we will make sure that Mr. Fool is not alone either."


Ensuring Mr. Fool, Klein, doesn't face solitude…


We hold him dear in our hearts…


That's right.


"It's rather pitiful, isn't it? Having no friends aside from him."


"Did the honorable Mr. Fool ever consider you a friend?"


That bastard Will…


Naturally, Klein regarded me as a friend, didn't he?


"What do you think?"


I'd like to believe that's the case.


And he would share that belief, don't you think?


"I don't know."




Does it hold any significance?




He deceived all of us.


All along, we had been deceived by him…


"What a joke! Do you expect him to tell you the truth?"


I wish he would tell me the truth…


If only he would do so…


"Don't be naive!"


"He undoubtedly has his reasons!"


"He hasn't forgotten about our quest for vengeance either…"


I have witnessed him exacting his revenge.


Unaware that he was, in fact, The Fool. 


Abruptly, I found myself being forcibly drawn into the swirling vortex of nothingness.


An excruciating pain coursed through me!


All at once, amidst the throes of agony, I beheld Klein within the void.


"Mr. Star."


The inverted Star card.


He was in a state of despair and aimlessness.


"I can't return anymore…"


He witnessed hope crumble into shards of despair.


He faded from my vision's light.


Yet, there, I glimpsed his form anew.


His cloak, a midnight river flowing wide.


Black tresses fell, like shadows side by side.


Black eyes, a soulless void, cast on me, a deepening tide.


"Mr. Star."


I found embrace divine.


He, resembling a god, in radiant shine.


A changed landscape, a painting reborn.


Colors shift, from dusk to dawn.


Two fair ladies cast their gaze upon me (?)





"Huh?" The Star Leonard looked at the two female angels in a dumbfounded manner.

Fors almost panicked when Mr. Star suddenly wept black liquid and became paralyzed. This happened when Madam Justice comforted him by telling him they will awaken Mr. Fool together.

"W—what happened? You guys seem panicked?"

… It seemed like he was already fine.

"Tch, you almost lost control again, kid. I almost stole your mind once more. What did you see?" Pallez looked irritated.

Madam Justice heaved a sigh of relief. Fors couldn't help but sympathize with her for overusing her ability.

"I—I am? How did that happen?" Mr. Star also looked flabbergasted.

Madam Justice took pity on him and explained, "Mr. Star, I felt a surge of emotions from you when I offered comfort, like a tempest of turmoil within you. It was almost as if you were on the brink of losing control due to some external corruption, and it happened rapidly. I sensed a mysterious force at play that allowed you to endure this ordeal. Could you please share with us the details of your experience?" Madam Justice inquired.

"External influence? Corruption? Is it something of concern?" Fors sought further clarification.

Justice Audrey hesitated for a moment, her words carefully chosen. "I... I believe so. Prior to your arrival, Mr. Star experienced a similar condition where he nearly lost control, It occurred as a result of the shock induced by witnessing the revelation. We were fortunate that Mr. Pallez intervened and managed to 'steal' his mind before Mr. Star succumbed to madness. Such a reaction is quite common when one is confronted with knowledge that was meant to remain concealed. But, there have been instances where it posed a rare threat to even an angel's well-being..." 

"Danger even for an angel?" Fors and Mr. Star were flabbergasted.

Both of them are thinking the same thing, it was most likely due to the divine intervention! 

Madam Justice nodded and continued, "During this occurrence however, Mr. Star's condition had greatly deteriorated, and his Soul Body had been deeply marred by an unidentifiable corruption. And the external influences were from a source that I didn't know yet. Nevertheless, I was able to intervene in time to prevent the worst and rescue him from losing control." 

"The external influence could be either divine intervention or a direct message from The Fool Himself. Heh heh, and the source of corruption is likely from a source you know very well," Pallez remarked.

Someone they know very well..

The Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth for Blessings.

Fors was struck by a mix of surprise and inevitability. Over a year prior, the Tarot Club and various factions had banded together to counteract 'His' influence on the world and thwart 'His' awakening. Yet, throughout those years, the Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth had maintained the upper hand over Mr. Fool and the world. Even now, the Celestial Worthy was on the brink of seizing full control.

As expected as the second pillar of the universe.

This is why Fors' spiritual intuition strongly suggested that the former Lord of Mysteries was on the verge of awakening.

And the news that the revelation of Mr. Fool's identity was the key for 'Him' to have control over the Celestial Worthy was a welcome relief in the midst of the precarious atmosphere.

And the fact that the Celestial Worthy corrupted Mr. Star's knowledge of Mr. Fool's identity was an eerie sign. It indicated that the Celestial Worthy was aware that the Tarot Club's knowledge of Mr. Fool's true identity had the potential to awaken 'Him', and the Celestial Worthy tried to prevent it.

"But!" Mr. Star interrupted her thoughts, he raised his index finger.

"I saw Klein! Ek—Mr. Fool!"

"Huh?" Fors appeared a bit annoyed. For some reason, everything Mr. Star does manages to pissed her off.

"Did you really see Mr. Fool?" Madam Justice inquired.

Mr. Star sat up ramrod straight, his legs restlessly fidgeting, and he absentmindedly twirled his long hair, as he often did.

"Initially, I heard the voice of the Evernight Goddess, who claimed that Klein was deeply cherished in our hearts, and then Madam Justice's voice echoed…"


Mr. Star suddenly fell silent, didn't continue his story, but then continued with a coy grin, "You know, heh heh… I feel a bit embarrassed about it..." He twirled his hair, just like a maiden sharing her romantic adventures.

What… what the fuck does he mean?! Can't he say it in a sane way?!

Justice Audrey "placate" Fors before she punched The Star Leonard to another solar system to meet with another star.

Meanwhile, Pallez continued reading his newspaper, cringing inwardly.

Then Justice Audrey inquired The Star Leonard gently.

"Does the information you behold require some intimate things?"

Mr. Star paused, then widened his eyes. "Wait, if you put it that way, oh Goddess! You're mistaken!"

Fors choked.

Pallez slapped his own forehead exasperatedly.

"I mean—I mean…"

"Haha, Mr. Star, you've misunderstood," Justice Audrey clarified. "What I meant were those matters that hold great sensitivity for you, the things deeply entwined with your emotions."


Justice Audrey then smiled cheekily, "I didn't expect Mr. Star to be so boyish..." she murmured.

"I heard that!"

Leonard couldn't help but feel like an idiot; why did this conversation seem like a personal trial against him?

Fors sighed heavily. "Mr. Star, it's about time you explain in detail what happened when you lost control." Fors' patience had worn thin, countless times.

"We're in a critical situation, with the Celestial Worthy on the brink of awakening. If we don't act quickly, we might lose Mr. Fool forever."

It's a reality they can't escape. Pessimistic or not.

Leonard heaved a heavy sigh, the weight of the impending loss of Mr. Fool bearing down on him. Initially, his concern was focused on Klein's inability to awaken if Mr. Fool succumbed to the Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth. However, the revelation that Klein and Mr. Fool were one and the same left him feeling increasingly restless. In fact, the magnitude of both potential losses now weighed heavily on his mind.

"Alright, let me get serious for a moment," Leonard began, adjusting his demeanor. "It's just that I heard voices, you know, voices that had a profound impact on me. Like when Madam Justice offered comforting words. But there was more to it..." He trailed off.

Mr. Star's face turned sour. "I heard that little shit—ahem—Will, said something about Klein not really seeing me as his friend... That can't be true, can it?"

"Ah." Fors' and Justice Audrey's face turned to understanding.

Mr. Star and Will, the angel of mercury, became close. The two seem to share a common task and sentiment that Fors does not yet know. 

And when Fors had overheard Will said it to Mr. Star before, she didn't focus much on it. But now that she thinks about it, it appeared rather cruel to deliver such words to a person who was struggling to cope with the revelation that his beloved friend was, in fact, a deity they all revered.

But, heh heh.. Mr. Star was truly sentimental… Fors shaking her head in amusement and understanding.

Madam Audrey maintained unwavering eye contact, her voice carrying a comforting yet resolute tone. 

"We must have faith in Mr. Fool. If you believed 'He' was your friend before this revelation, then 'He' must remain your friend in the present."

Their ultimate mission is to hold steadfast faith in Mr. Fool, as it is the key to awaken 'Him'.

Leonard then slapped himself, why would he doubt Klein? It felt like he was not himself after the revelation. Is… is this because of the corruption?

"The Celestial Worthy actually influenced my mind…" Mr.Star murmured.

He then continued, "then, in the midst of it all, I suddenly felt a wave of deep disappointment welling up within me. I couldn't help but place blame on Klein for what seemed like a grand deception. It felt as though he had not only deceived me but also you, and the entire Tarot Club."

Fors suddenly jolted in her seat, a deep frown creasing her forehead. Despite the critical situation, she grapple with the idea that Mr. Fool and Mr. World might be the same entity. 

The revelation was unsettling, and while she had tried to accept it on the surface, she knew that true acceptance was a journey that they all needed to embark upon. The truth was challenging, and Fors recognized that it would take time for them to fully grasp it.

Audrey shared a similar sentiment. The idea that Mr. Fool was also Mr. World was a mental hurdle she found hard to overcome. In their eyes, Mr. Fool had been revered as a reawakened ancient deity, and labeling 'Him' as deceptive seemed almost sacrilegious. And also, 'His' pathway designed to beguile and mystify, added to the difficulty of fully grasping the revelation. 

After receiving Mr. Star's account of the revelation and witnessing his near loss of control, Audrey was in an internal and external critical struggle, by saving Mr. Star first and then grappled with the revelation he received. The idea of Mr. Fool and Mr. World being one and the same was difficult to accept. For years, she had held a distinct perception of Mr. Fool as a reawakened deity. However, faced with the urgency of their situation and the need to awaken 'Him,' she forced herself to believe in this truth. She just concealed it expertly.

She frequently reflects on the therapy sessions she had with Mr. World—or was it with Mr. Fool? After being confronted with the revelation, she can't help but think back on those moments. A few years ago, the idea of consulting a deity, whether Mr. Fool or Mr. World, would have left her feeling a mix of giddiness, awe, and fear. She might have been overwhelmed, shedding tears of both reverence and a sense of betrayal. 

Yet, the passage of seven years has brought about a profound transformation in her and the entire Tarot Club. Through a rollercoaster of experiences that included failures and successes, they have grown significantly.

It's easy to turn a blind eye to the truth, but what good does that do? Ignorance, when willfully embraced, is a selfish act when there's a pressing matter that demands attention. In the face of the revelation, it's her duty to confront the facts, acknowledge the reality, and make a choice. To label Mr. Fool as a deceiver or remain loyal to 'Him'? Naturally, she and the entire Tarot Club hold firm in their allegiance to 'Him'. They must, and they will, fully embrace the truth.

Audrey refrains from self-congratulation, as her maturity is a hallmark of her character.

"Mr. Fool may have a reason to do that. Uh, K-Klein must not have malicious intent." Audrey comforted Mr. Star. Mr. World, for her, was a gentle, powerful, loving, mysterious, and lonely man who was burdened with many tasks and people on 'His' back.

Mr. Star couldn't contain his emotions as he exclaimed, "Of course, I understand! I mean, I know Klein, he would never have any malicious intent, to us I mean. I know him better than anyone!"

He continued with a hint of remorse, "It's just that I felt disappointed, but please believe me, I'm not harboring any resentment or hatred toward him."

"Don't worry," Justice Audrey responded in a gentle tone, "I can sense that."

Mr. Star continued, his voice tinged with a hint of embarrassment. "Okay... and then, I heard a voice telling me not to doubt him. It said that Klein must have his reasons, and, of course, I agree with that. I just wished he had told me earlier. But then, it said that I'm too naive, and that's why I found it a bit embarrassing…"

Justice Audrey offered comforting words with a gentle tone. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about," she said softly, her emerald eyes filled with understanding. 

"The 'human' subconscious is both our strongest and most vulnerable mental domain. Your feelings are genuine, and you should never feel ashamed for having them. We can discuss this, and together we can work through it gradually." Her smile was warm.

Fors felt a comforting reassurance upon hearing Justice Audrey's words, for she, too, grappled with her own uncertainty regarding Mr. Fool. 

It was perfectly normal to feel a sense of betrayal and doubt towards 'Him.' However, they all needed to embark on a journey of understanding—unraveling the why and how behind 'His' actions. Most importantly, they had to stand united, supporting each other along the way. 

It was a good ending, Fors thought. But he knew that, with the existence of Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth, the situation would not go smoothly.

"Don't feel ashamed…" Mr. Star murmured, seemingly in thought.

"I want to punch Mr. Fool when he wakes up." Mr. Star said in resolute.

Cough! Cough!

Fors choked and coughed, while Madam Justice stared with wide eyes. Pallez just pretended not to hear.


Is this a privilege for befriending a deity before 'He' ascended to the divine throne?


Mr. Star ignored the perplexed expressions of the others and carried on.

"And then, I experienced excruciating pain. Anyway, it was agonizing."

"And then, I beheld the figure of Klein. The Klein I recognized, well… the Klein from our shared history."

"Then, it transformed, and I witnessed Mr. Fool. I believe it was Klein's current state."

"Are you all eager to know how he appears?" Mr. Star looked rather pompous.

Witnessing the scary expression on Fors' face, he continued with trepidation;

"H—He descended from above, appearing like a divine entity. He resembled the image I saw during the revelation."

"Did you see Mr. Fool in the revelation?" Justice Audrey and Fors inquired simultaneously.

Mr. Star nodded and began describing in great detail, "Yes, they both looked exactly the same. He was dressed in a flowing black cloak, with a hint of gold on the inside. His clothing was a black robe adorned with intricate white embroideries around the neck. His hair was much longer, slightly longer than my own, which was different from the last time I saw him. His face was a blend of Klein Moretti and Gehrman Sparrow, slender and sharp, yet incredibly gentle. He appeared rather pale, but here's the curious part—he had an elvish quality about him. His eyes were completely black, almost soulless." Mr. Star's expression turned dreamy as he recollected the vision.

Audrey and Fors found themselves in a state of disbelief. To think that Mr. Star nonchalantly described Mr. Fool's appearance to them! How... How sacrilegious...

How utterly enviable to have witnessed 'Him'... But wait, that wasn't the focus!

Audrey and Fors had interacted with Gehrman Sparrow, which was revealed to be Mr. Fool Himself. Yet, it felt different, as Gehrman was just one of 'His' many identities. Deep down, they had always harbored a secret curiosity about Mr. Fool's true form, hidden behind the gray fog. It was a yearning they could never admit, as it felt utterly sacrilegious.

But now... it was truly enviable that Mr. Star was able to witness 'His' true form! The two ladies gazed at The Star Leonard with an undeniable sense of longing.

Leonard noticed the longing expressions on their faces, so he continued with a smug tone.

"And then, from above, he 'embraced' me, and he was smiling. To me, it was truly a divine embrace. It felt comforting and warm. Can you imagine what it's like to be hugged by a god?"

We're sorry, we've never had that experience before… Fors and Audrey were burning in envy!

How enviable! Oh to have Mr. Fool to embraced you!

Wait, no! Why did she think that?! Fors slapped her face four times, while Audrey maintained a state of cogitation.

Pallez remarked, "Heh kid, so you were really saved by The Fool Himself. You better prostrate to 'Him' and thank 'Him' later!"

Mr. Star huffed, feeling like he was back in a manners lesson. "Well, of course…"

Fors' mind continued to whirl with thoughts about Mr. Fool's appearance. "An elvish look?"

She was aware that the elves originally hailed from the Western Continent. The notion of Mr. Fool having a connection to the elves came as a complete surprise, defying all expectations.

Mr. Star provided more context, saying, "This was his appearance from the time before the first epoch, in other words, his original look. It's possible that he hails from the Western Continent in the pre-epoch. Perhaps, in that era, the elven race could be one of the human races."

"And to think, the Celestial Worthy also hails from the Western Continent…" he murmured.

The mention of the Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth cast a shadow over the previously cheerful atmosphere.

Mr. Star's statement was not entirely accurate; the Celestial Worthy wasn't originally from the Western Continent, but rather, 'He' was active and influential there. Presently, the seal guarding the Western Continent has weakened due to Mr. Fool's influence, creating a vulnerable point that potentially allows easier access in and out of the region.

Leonard then transitioned to another topic, his excitement palpable. "Now, I'll tell you who Klein truly is, from my perspective," he announced, his hands clasped together. 

He will share the tale of The Fool, his dear friend.



"From your perspective?" Fors inquired, as she had thought the revelation had been sufficient.

"Why? Not pleased? Don't you have many questions about how Klein became The Fool?" Mr. Star taunted.


"Mr. Star, should I throw you into the deep of the cosmos?" Fors said with a serious expression, giving him a long look.

Justice Audrey simply chuckled, while Leonard appeared utterly shocked.

"Y—You! We're not in literature class!" 

Justice Audrey looked at both of them, clearly confused, and asked, "Is this a common occurrence?"

Mr. Star looked like he was complaining to his mother as he talked to Madam Justice. "She always threatens to throw me into the cosmos if I'm not doing the poetry right…"

Audrey asked, "Did she also threaten you with getting pregnant?" She remembered the previous time when Fors had threatened Mr. Star with the corruption of the Great Mother.

He shook his head, "no… it was new."

Audrey looked at Fors, seemingly wanting her to explain. She just wanted to make sure that Fors didn't abuse her power with another Tarot Club member.

Fors laughed, "heh heh, it was nothing serious, and no harm was done. If I didn't do that, he would always be stuck. Besides, Mr. Fool would disown him if 'He' read his subpar poetry."

Mr. Star appeared on the verge of tears, accusing his poetry skills of being subpar struck a deep chord with him!

"Klein wouldn't disown me! He wouldn't!"

Amidst the turmoil, he suddenly felt a rush of comfort and stability, emanating from Madam Justice's abilities.

"Alright, please let's not dwell on trivial matters. Let's hear what Mr. Star has to say," Audrey suggested.

Fors nodded, "alright."

Leonard swiftly regained his composure, his hand absentmindedly stroking his hair as he contemplated.

"Where should I begin...?"

Fors shook her head, and Audrey struggled to suppress a laugh. Typical Mr. Star.

"Do you know how Mr. Hanged Man and I unexpectedly found ourselves within Sefirah Castle in the first place?" Audrey inquired.

This situation had always been a source of wonderment for her. In the past, Audrey believed that Mr. Fool carefully selected individuals, choosing them to assist in 'His' awakening. For years, she had felt a sense of uniqueness, believing herself to be special in 'His' eyes. However, as time passed, she experienced feelings of inadequacy. Why had 'He' chosen her? She began to doubt her own sheltered upbringing and naivety. What if she disappointed 'Him'?

Nonetheless, these concerns belonged to the past. Over the years, Audrey had confronted countless challenges and faced numerous failures, ultimately leading to success. She had learned to accept herself, embracing her growth and transformation along the way.

"Uh.. that…" Mr. Star took a moment to recollect the details.

"Oh, yes... I remember now. Remember when I told you about the Klein from the pre-epoch? Well, he began his journey when he stumbled upon a book, the title of which I can't recall. This book contained a ritual for enhancing one's luck."

"The ritual involved walking through the four corners of his room while reciting the honorific name of the Celestial Worthy."

"As a result of this ritual, he became a 'Transmigrator' and gained some measure of control over Sefirah Castle."

Both of the ladies nodded in understanding. Audrey grasped the concept that due to Mr. Fool's 'Transmigration,' 'He' had managed to gain some control over Sefirah Castle ever since 'He' awakened in this era.

"When did Klein invite you guys?" Mr. Star asked Justice Audrey.

With her sharp memory, she promptly replied, "June 28, 1349."

Mr. Star's jaw dropped in utter disbelief.

"What is it?" Fors asked, concerned in her voice.

He raised his hand to massage his forehead. "Heh heh, Klein wasn't even a Beyonder at that time," while shaking his head.

The two ladies fell into a heavy silence, especially Audrey.

'He'... 'He' wasn't yet a Beyonder?! Mr. Fool was just an ordinary man?! And to think that Mr. Hanged Man was stronger than 'Him' at that time… Audrey shook her head, and was immediately in a state of Cogitation.

Mr. Fool… Mr. Fool wasn't even a Beyonder yet?! And 'He' achieved godhood in just a few years… Fors sat up straight, filled with admiration and praised Mr. Fool in her heart.

Mr. Star smirked, "Oh, my dearest, to think that he became a 'God' before even becoming a Beyonder… I can vividly picture my dear friend arriving in Sefirah Castle, inadvertently causing all this, with Madam Justice and Mr. Hanged Man just standing there in utter bewilderment, while Klein scratched his head in confusion…"

Leonard appeared genuinely overjoyed, while Fors and Audrey were torn between the desire to share in his laughter and the nagging feeling of respecting boundaries.

They weren't Mr. Fool's friends; they understood the limits!

After his laughter subsided, Mr. Star leaned in, resting his chin on his hand and directing his charming smile and gaze towards Madam Justice. "What was your conversation like? What were Klein's first words?"

Why does this feel like indulging in gossip?... Fors and Audrey thought simultaneously, though they had no complaints. It was a rare moment of lightheartedness, given that they were all usually preoccupied with the looming threat of an impending apocalypse.

"'He' mentioned it was an 'attempt.' Initially, the area was enveloped in a dense gray fog, but eventually, it transformed into the familiar castle we know." Audrey explained.

Mr. Star and Fors nodded, they had never seen the moment when the place was full of swirls of gray mist, because they were not the first members.

"I found my way there through practicing mysticism with an antique mirror gifted to me by my father. Do you know where it came from?"

"I don't know, maybe it was remnants of the Celestial Worthy, or it's having the aura of Sefirah Castle, or perhaps something else," Mr. Star said. The source of what brought her and the other members above the gray fog remained a mystery.

Audrey nodded and continued, "I was young and curious, so I seized the opportunity to ask them how to become a Beyonder. It was truly magical and rare to be suddenly pulled by a mysterious force to an enigmatic place and meet powerful people…"

Fors and Leonard turned to look at Audrey in silence.


Audrey could read their facial expressions and chuckled, "I was still a naive, sheltered noble girl. I truly didn't have any self-preservation."

Fors nodded her head as if saying 'correct!'

Leonard shook his head and sighed. "Madam Justice, I meant no disrespect, but I think any normal person would feel threatened to be suddenly pulled by another force and not knowing the others' identity."

Audrey shook her head and blushed, "I know! At that time, I was just a mysticism enthusiast!"

Mr. Star continued, "And, with all due respect, Madam Justice, you were a young lady. What if Mr. Fool and Mr. Hanged Man had bad intentions? We know they don't, but it's natural to have that first intuition when suddenly pulled by a mysterious force and meeting strangers in a mysterious place! You were lucky that it was Klein! Not some evil god!" 

"You sound just like my brothers…" she covered her face sheepishly, embarrassed for remembering her teenage years.

Fors smiled seeing the vulnerable part of her, "well, no need to dwell on it too much. The most important thing is that you're alright, and it's in the past."

Audrey nodded listlessly, while Leonard decided to stop teasing her after sensing a glare from Fors.

He cleared his throat and continued, "Before he 'Transmigrated,' the original body committed suicide due to the Antigonus Family's notebook. The original Klein Moretti's friends, Welsch and Naya, also commiting suicide because of the notebook influence, leaving Klein as the sole survivor. Captain and I decided to visit the Moretti's apartment to meet him, to assess his condition…"

"The living conditions weren't great, but they weren't too terrible either. They shared a communal bathroom with other tenants and lived in a small space with the essentials they needed…"

Communal bathroom.. Small space… 

Audrey was lost in thought, never considering the conditions of living like that. The realization that Mr. Fool and 'His' family had to endure such conditions at the beginning struck her profoundly. Mr. Fool and 'His' family…

Her eyes widened, struck by the humanizing details about Mr. Fool. Despite her previous knowledge that Mr. Fool had been an ordinary human at the outset, the vivid depiction still left an impact on her.

For Fors, the living conditions weren't entirely unfamiliar, but the concept of a communal bathroom shared with Mr. Fool felt somewhat sacrilegious... Nevertheless, she contemplated that she might come to fully accept it, as this revelation portrayed Mr. Fool as an ordinary man at that time.

"The Klein we encountered was the soul from the pre-epoch, the Mr. Fool we knew. When we investigated him and delivered the news about his friends, he initially seemed composed. However, I couldn't resist checking his diary without his consent, which contained the ominous statement, 'everyone will die, including me.' When I confronted him about it, he immediately lost his composure, expressing confusion and panic. He claimed not to recall the circumstances surrounding that diary entry or when he had written it."

Fors and Audrey listened attentively, their minds filled with questions, but they chose to absorb the information before seeking clarification.

"Of course, as Nighthawks, we sense some supernatural going on, and we knew he was telling the truth. We let him go, and the Captain decided to visit him again at night."

Mr. Star stroked his chin and smirked, "heh heh, Captain pulled him into a dream, saying that they will visit a Spirit Medium to make Klein remembering his memory before his attempted suicide."

His face suddenly turned sorrowful, his eyes lost their focus like he recalled precious memories.

Audrey and Fors recall that Mr. Star said something about Klein's death, and Mr. Star hallucinates about him and the Captain.

So this Captain would be… Audrey and Fors completed their thoughts simultaneously.

He continued, "Captain said that Klein ran away, because he didn't want to visit the Spirit Medium."

"Well, at first I thought he was hiding something malicious, I even suspected him. But now, I think he ran away because he didn't want his 'Transmigration' revealed."

"I wasn't there personally; Captain just informed me that Klein eventually met with the Spirit Medium, and as a result, Klein couldn't recollect the whereabouts of the Antigonus family's notebook and his past actions during the incident."

"How did 'He' manage to conceal the 'Transmigration'?" Fors inquired. It was truly remarkable for someone who had not yet become a Beyonder, and who could maintain clarity even under the influence of the Spirit Medium.

"Blessed of Evernight." Mr. Star said briefly.


Mr. Fool was a Blessed of the Evernight Goddess, how did they forget?

"I think Captain also recruited Klein at that time, but he forgot to mention it to me…"

"Later on, Klein visits Blackthorn Security Company, where our Tingen Nighthawks reside. He became a civil member, but also, uh, administered the historical documents and learned about mysticism from Old Neil."

How peaceful... Fors knew that this peaceful time was just a brief moment, so she anticipated the worst.

"We eventually got to know each other." Mr. Star paused briefly and then fixed his gaze earnestly on the ladies.

"Ladies, what's your first impression of me? Be honest!"

What was this madman's intent? Fors was again irritated.

Meanwhile, Audrey was the patient one. "You were very laid-back… I can see your thoughts easily wander in an uncontrollable manner. Yet, there are matters where you show your experience and acuity. I can say you're rather reliable…" After a pause, she continued, "your hair combed very casually. Uh.. with your looks, you can be a model on the covers of magazines…"

Mr. Star's face lit up, resembling a child in a candy store. "The fact that Backlund's Most Dazzling Gem herself holds such an opinion of me…" he exclaimed with a wide grin, playfully ruffling his hair. Meanwhile, Justice Audrey regarded him with an amused gaze.

"Haha, it's obviously as expected, isn't it?" he quipped with a smug tone, tilting his chin provocatively.

Fors had a strong aversion to witnessing a man with such an inflated ego. "Would you like to know what my initial impression of you was?"

Mr. Star paused, then chuckled awkwardly, "eh, no need… I was just joking."

He sensed that Madam Magician didn't have a good impression of him!

A couple of years back, when Leonard approached Madam Magician for assistance in poetry, it turned into quite a calamity.

Their personalities clashed, as Madam Magician proved to be a lax instructor, expecting him to be attentive, while Leonard struggled to concentrate on anything. Surprisingly, it was this dynamic that led to an improvement in his poetry skills—under the looming threat of cosmos by Madam Magician.

"Very well." Fors decided to let him go this time.

Mr. Star let out a sigh of relief, while Madam Justice looked at Fors with hidden curiosity.

"Why are you asking that?" Fors asked him.

"Nothing, nothing. I was just curious… because I wondered about Klein's first impression of me…"

Mr. Fool's first impression of him? Why did he care for such matters? Fors was puzzled.

Pallez, who was reading his newspaper all the time, suddenly sneered.

"Old Man? Old Man? You know what Klein thinks, right? I know it! Tell me! Tell me!" Mr. Star looks eager as he begged Pallez.

Pallez raised his left hand, made Mr. Star yelped and hurriedly hid behind Madam Justice.

He didn't want to get hit again!

"Stupid child, do you think I would tell you The Fool's secret?" It's his second time saying it.

"The Fool's secret? What secret? And why have you stopped calling him my former colleague?" Mr. Star protested, remaining positioned just behind Madam Justice—who simply shook her head as she distanced herself.

A hand firmly grasped Leonard's shoulder. When he shifted his gaze, he found Madam Magician with a stern expression and whispered,

"I have an excellent destination in mind."

Excellent… Destination…

Mr. Star obediently sat back into his seat.


"Long story short, Klein became a Beyonder. He knew about the acting method, which made him advance rapidly."

He clasped his hands, his expression amused.

 "I see… so he knows it from Emperor Roselle's diary!"

Mr. Star looked like he's talking by himself… Fors and Audrey looked at him in pity.

"Upon his induction as an official Nighthawk member, everything initially proceeded smoothly. However, in an 'coincidental' manner, supernatural incidents began to proliferate, turning everything into a theatrical spectacle."

It all unfolded like a scripted theater performance, and there was only one person capable of it.

"Adam?" Audrey inquired.

Fors raised her eyebrows and frowned.

This hut serves as a hidden sanctuary, forged by Mr. Star within his domain of concealment, and Fors' current presence as a Sequence 1 Key of Stars further intensifies the concealment.

So It's no longer a problem to mention 'His' name. 

But there was a problem.

Initially, Leonard was perplexed by how Ince Zangwill had managed to wield a grade 0 Sealed Artifact for years without succumbing to its adverse effects, much like the quill consuming its own owner.

It's preposterous for a mere Sequence 5 to wield the Quill of Alzuhod. The only plausible explanation is the involvement of a higher-level being.

As a higher-level being, Leonard wasn't entirely unaware. He now recognized with certainty that the mastermind behind the entire scheme was indeed Adam.

The female angels noticed something was amiss with Leonard as he fell silent, so they refrained from disturbing him. Audrey continued to use her ability to soothe and reassure him.

Mr. Star's head turned downward, a complicated expression on his face.

"We're… we really didn't realize that it was a play. I happened to know because of Old Man…"

"Mr. Star, you don't need to talk about it." Audrey said gently. She sensed that if he kept talking, he would lose control.

Leonard gasped, his thoughts racing,

"You're correct. Time is running out, so we must inform the other members of the Tarot Club without delay."

Leonard regained his composure, then gestured with his hand. A plethora of information instantly materialized in Audrey and Fors' minds.


"I suddenly have a bad premonition." Leonard said solemnly.

Meanwhile, Audrey and Fors absorbed the information provided by Leonard, primarily Mr. Star's perspective on Mr. Fool's life.

They witnessed a young and scholarly-looking novice Nighthawk named Klein Moretti. Then, the tragic scene unfolded, with Mr. Star mourning over the lifeless bodies of Klein Moretti and Dunn Smith.

They discovered the intricate connections between Klein Moretti, Sherlock Moriarty, and Gehrman Sparrow. They also learned the startling revelation that Dwayne Dantès was just a single individual.

Finally, they observed Mr. Fool's departure from the church after leaving behind a coin.

Audrey was the first to interrupt the immersion, immediately turning her attention to Leonard's well-being.

Mr. Star appeared outwardly serene, yet his emotional state was in disarray, teetering on the brink of losing control.

Fors had absorbed the information, and a foreboding sense of urgency washed over her.

Time was running out; they needed to inform the other members before it was too late.

Fors and Audrey exchanged a knowing glance, nodding in unison. Without hesitation, Fors vanished into thin air.

Audrey turned her gaze to Pallez and spoke, "Mr. Pallez, I'll look after Mr. Leonard for the time being."

Pallez offered a nod, though his appearance seemed indifferent, his eyes betrayed his deep concern.

Audrey took hold of Leonard's hand, and he comprehended the situation instantly. The two of them disappeared as if they had been wiped away by an eraser.

The two figures materialized on a desolate seashore, illuminated by the eerie glow of the crimson moonlight reflecting on the ocean.

Audrey tended to Leonard, ensuring he didn't lose control and helped him regain his composure.

"Mr. Star, you were already quite unstable. You didn't have to resort to your additional ability," she said.

Leonard responded urgently, "Do you think we have the time to talk? I can sense it! I can sense 'Him!'" He shouted vehemently.

"We need to tell other members now! If it's too late, Klein will.."

"I understand, Mr. Star. Please, try to calm down. Madam Magician is addressing the situation at this very moment," Audrey soothingly guided his mind towards tranquility.

Leonard sighed, regaining control of his breath, "Forgive me, Madam, I lost my composure."

Audrey wore a beautiful smile, relieved that Mr. Star had regained his composure. She then gazed at the desolate landscape and the stunning vista of the crimson moon casting its glow upon the ocean.

"Um.. Mr. Star, this is?"

"This is one of my sanctuaries, an Island in the Polar Sea." Leonard coughed slightly.

"That far? What is this sanctuary for?" Audrey inquired, her eyes roving with curiosity as she remained fixated on the ocean.

"I used it as a refuge during the siege of the Rose School of Thought. I temporarily resided here and in various other locations while devising the plan, establishing escape routes, and for other purposes. This place is blessed with my concealment, so there's no need to worry about other entities prying into it," Leonard explained, his gaze also drawn to the moonlit ocean.

It's like we're in the middle of nowhere! How exciting! Audrey pumped her fists, but then felt ashamed after remembering the other party's presence.

Leonard seemed to grasp her thoughts and chuckled softly. Audrey blushed and swiftly shifted the conversation.

"Mr. Star, are there any dwellings here, similar to the previous hut?" Audrey inquired as she strolled around, leaving footprints in the sand.

"Yes, please come with me," Leonard gestured for her to follow.


They ventured into the forest, the crimson moonlight casting an ever-deepening hue, shrouding their surroundings in darkness.

Audrey glanced at Leonard, her eyebrows briefly furrowing before smoothing out, and she returned to her warm smile.

"I hope I don't step on insects!"

Leonard nodded, "Very well."

He extended his hand in a courteous gesture, which Audrey graciously accepted.

Audrey maintained her pleasant smile, her focus unwavering as they continued into the thickening forest.


"Mr. Star, you're starting to lose your humanity."

Leonard came to a halt, causing Audrey to pause as well.

"I believe it's the cost. But don't be concerned; it will only be temporary."

Leonard shifted his gaze towards her. "Do you have any questions?" 

He enunciated each word deliberately.

Audrey paid no heed to the eerie ambiance and asked, "Where is the place to stay? Is it as comfortable as the hut?"

Leonard smiled slowly without immediately addressing her question. He guided her forward.

After several minutes of walking, Audrey spotted a cluster of overgrown bushes, with a door nestled in the middle.

Leonard took a step ahead and, with a deliberate motion, grasped the door handle and opened it slowly.

Audrey peered into a dimly lit chamber. Inside, a few chairs encircled a small table. The space was more confined than the hut, devoid of a bookshelf. It wasn't the most suitable space for a lady.

Audrey turned her gaze to Leonard, patiently awaiting his lead.

Leonard paid her no immediate attention, striding forward and motioning for her to take a seat. He then proceeded to light a candle on the table and settled in across from her.

Audrey looked at Leonard, observing his refined face and the cascade of his hair.

As the flickering candlelight cast eerie shadows, Audrey's vision warped, and she witnessed Leonard's figure contort into something indescribably grotesque in the surrounding darkness. The shadows themselves transformed into nightmarish forms.

A horrified gasp escaped Audrey's lips, and when she blinked, her eyes met Leonard, a seemingly ordinary human once again.

Leonard's head moved in a disturbingly unnatural manner, and he swiftly brought his hand to his mouth, an unsettling gesture.

"Mr. Star?" 

Audrey's voice trembled with unease. She couldn't shake the disquieting feeling that Leonard's behavior had taken a sinister turn after knowing about his loss of humanity.

Audrey couldn't access his Mind World, as Leonard had concealed it during their relocation, an uncommon and perplexing occurrence.

Observing Leonard's unsettling behavior, Audrey decided to take the initiative.

"Mr. Star, from what I've seen in your memories, you had a close relationship with Mr. Fool's family."

Audrey noticed that Leonard halted his peculiar movements and rested one hand on the table, while the other propped up his chin.

"Madam, do you believe they truly are his family? The Klein we knew is a remnant from the pre-Epoch era, but what about the predecessor?" Leonard inquired with a smile, his emerald eyes gleaming in the flickering candlelight.

While Audrey was relieved that Leonard was engaging in conversation, his question sent a shiver down her spine.

She drew in a deep breath, contemplating her response, before providing her answer.

"Yes, Mr. Benson and Miss Melissa are still considered 'His' family. I believe that even with a different soul, Mr. Fool's profound affection for them endures, and the infusion of memories into the predecessor further strengthens that connection.


"Whether it's the original soul or Mr. Fool Himself, both are the brother of Mr. Benson and Miss Melissa."

Audrey then offered a gentle smile. "The predecessor resides in the Goddess' Kingdom. I believe it's not entirely improbable to come across him, don't you think so?"

Leonard's eyes widened, and the eerie ambiance instantly dissipated. Audrey beamed, his humanity had slowly begun to return!

Leonard chuckled, "My, my, how do you always manage to find something so positive to say?"

Audrey nodded, her smile unwavering. "Please, Mr. Star, share with me what else is troubling you?"

Leonard shook his head, and from that point on, they engaged in a conversation, with Audrey offering support and consolation to help Leonard regain his humanity.


The New City of Silver


In a building made of stone, a man with a pleasant appearance examined the letter in his hand. He promptly rose and hurried into another room.

His expression took on a manic intensity as he knelt before the altar and initiated a ritual.

Subsequently, he conjured a spiritual barrier.

As he reached the culmination of the process, the man stepped back two paces, activated his Spirit Vision, and softly chanted incantations. In his hand, he held the emblem of identity for April Fool's Day.

Gradually, a somber gray mist started to materialize, enveloping the entire room.

The room reverberated with the unsettling sound of echoing laughter, and from the midst of the gray fog, translucent, ethereal tentacles surged forth.

The man's form became increasingly distorted, then a harrowing scream erupted from his throat, resonating amid the laughter that surrounded him. The translucent tentacles, extending from the gray fog, intertwined with his body, merging with him in a fusion.

The scream gradually subsided, only to be replaced by otherworldly laughter emanating from the man's own lips. Beneath his skin, granules twisted and writhed as the gray fog was gradually absorbed into his very being.

The man, originally bearing the features of the Northern Continent, now transformed into an elvish descent in appearance.

He grinned eerily as the change continued.


The man underwent yet another transformation, reverting to the features of the Northern Continent. He now possessed a cold, angular face, gold-rimmed glasses, sleek black hair, and dark brown eyes. It was none other than the infamous figure, the legendary adventurer of the Five Seas, Gehrman Sparrow.


"'The awakening of The World spells The Fool's return.'"


Gehrman Sparrow adjusted his glasses.


"What an interesting phrase…"


His smile morphed into a crescent moon.