

My friend Marjorie invited me to go with some of her friends to the mountains. This felt perfect as I needed a distraction and major girl time. The group of friends ended up being a club from school from the master's program. Among them was Adam.

Adam was so easy to talk to. It felt that we couldn't run out of topics to talk about while we hiked to a beautiful vista. He was a medical device engineer and I was finishing pre-med. We had spent our semester abroad in SE Asia and he was very close to his family. It didnt hurt he was good looking as well.

My heart was telling me it was too good to be true. I didn't want to get excited as we were with a group of people and probably he was just being friendly.

I kept stealing glances but decided against adding him on social media. Didn't want to look desperate (been there, done that).

As the group was being tagged in pictures, Adam added me and so it began the never ending texts, making sure that I was going to be in the next group's events and making sure I was getting home safe from the bus.