
Prototype bob [Dropped]


BobboLobbo · Anime & Comics
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Explosive Clay!

Ayo! If anyone wants the Untranslated version of the novel you can check the synopsis!


'Where am I? How did I get here? Why is it so dark, and Why can't i see anything?'

"Ugh, My head hurts"

'What the hell happened? Wasn't i on my lunch break?' Dean massaged his sore temples and sat down slowly.

It was dark everywhere and he couldn't see or hear anything. But Dean was sure this wasn't the lunchroom.

'I haven't offended anyone, so which bastard is playing this kind of joke on me?' Thinking about who might have played the joke on him, Dean curbed his anger.

When the pain in his head subsided, Dean tried to rise, and the moment he rose, a huge burst of unknown memories flooded his brain, like a turbulent stream, turning his brain upside down.

Dean felt as if his head had exploded, he was currently dazed after getting the sudden influx of memories, and the body that had just stood fell again, causing a loud noise in the silent cave.


After another long silence prevailed, not knowing how long it had been since he got another pair of memories that wasn't his, he woke up calmly and realized that his head was no longer in pain, and his memories were no longer blurry. as he was sorting out the extra memories in his mind, The anger in his body turned into a helpless sigh.

He passed away.

It wasn't because of a car accident, Electric Shock, Earthquake, he couldn't even resist it. It was during his lunch break that his soul transmigrated from Earth to the present plane and into a boy who had unfortunately encountered misfortune. And this unfortunate boy's name is.... 'Deidara', A future master of the [Explosion Release], with outstanding talent, and had he not died, he would still have had a tragic ending in the future.

[T/N: unfortunate child 😢]

'Naruto', Dean was rather obsessed with this anime, So much that he used to dream of living there with great power and indomitable spirit.

"....What should I do in the future ?" Since he couldn't get back, Deidara calmed down and began to think seriously about his future path. If he doesn't want others to control him and be able to control his own destiny, He can only inherit the path of the Ninjas from his predecessor. Only if you become a strong ninja can you run wild in this crazy world. Feeling the increasing fluctuations of the chakra in his body, Deidara breathed a sigh of relief, the Goddess of Luck is by his side this time. Not only does he have all the memories of Deidara, but he also inherited all of his abilities.

[A/N: I will refer to 'Dean' as 'Deidara' from now on]

After moving his sore right arm, Deidara stood up, finding the candle that had gone out due to the accidental explosion from his experiment, he re-lit it, and the dark cave grew brighter. The design of the cave is quite simple, having only a stone table and an oven. The stone table was covered with clay and an open scroll. Through his memory, Deidara learned that his predecessor was secretly conducting an experiment to obtain a [Kinjutsu] in this closed cave. And the object of his research was the forbidden technique of [kneading chakra into materials] which gave him access to the unique secret technique [Explosive Clay]. Unfortunately, there was an accident in this experiment, causing the detonating clay to suddenly explode, causing the current situation.

Deidara sincerely admired his predecessor, even though he was only a 9-year-old boy, he had the guts to study a [Kinjutsu]. It is a powerful ninjutsu that even if a hundred people research it, it will not increase the chances of success. The constant failure in research has sent it into the forbidden section of the village, often indicating the end of the researcher's life, which is why most hidden vilages strictly prohibit researching [Kinjutsu]. Of course, high stakes come with high rewards. The ability to master the [Kinjutsu] will inevitably lead to a significant improvement in strength. The focus of the Naruto world will always be on those powerful ninjas who can control the success or failure of the war on their own.

For anyone who wants to become strong, the limiting factor is not the one who trains hard, but the innate [kekkei genkai] he or she inherited. Deidara has no bloodline limit, so if he wants to gain the qualifications to fight people like 'Uchiha Itachi' or 'Uzumaki Nagato', he can only work hard to understand the [Kinjutsu], otherwise he won't be able to keep up. Of course, if you had Jiraiya's good luck and got approval from a powerful Summon Clan like the 'Toad Clan of Mount Myōboku', that would be another matter. When he saw the scroll of [kneading chakra into materials] in his hand, he subconsciously swallowed his saliva. He wanted to reach a higher state of strength so that he could move forward and overcome future obstacles. Deidara understood as to why Orochimaru was so interested in forbidden techniques, without any innate advantages, he could only work hard and find another way to achieve strength.

[T/N: Pretty sure Deidara has the 'Explosion Release kekkei genkai']

However, Orochimaru was more thorough. He did his own research on forbidden techniques. From scratch, he slowly controlled the process of the forbidden technique through countless human experiments. All this is an extremely difficult process with high risk. While Deidara only needs to learn the scroll in his hand, combining it with some of the experience already gained from his predecessor, "I think it is only a matter of time before i can master [kneading chakra into materials]". Although he knows that the research on the [Kinjutsu] will be wanted by Iwagakure, which will not favor the future development of the newly arrived Deidara. After all, he is backed by the Third Tsuchikage, but the problem is that the predecessor has already started unveiling the forbidden technique and is confident that the village also knows that the forbidden technique has been stolen, even if Deidara surrenders, it will not help. After figuring out the joints, Deidara made up his mind, opened the scroll, and read carefully. Time passed a bit, Deidara leafed through the scroll in his hand over and over again, perhaps the soul fusion between the 2 souls also strengthened Deidara's spiritual energy, as the previously incomprehensible parts became much more easier to understand and the difficult fortresses were easier to solve...


With a slight sigh, Deidara closed his eyes and carefully arranged matters in his mind, immediately feeling a sense of merging. The complete fusion of the two souls increased the courage which he obtained from his predecessor, as he did not hesitate to fill the chakra of his body, causing them to slowly swim across the meridian line to his palm. As the chakra was reaching towards the center of his palm, it slowly moved in a special path under Deidara's control, and as this movement continued, Deidara noticed a slight change in the center of his palm. A small crack appeared in the center of his palm, and the fissure grew larger and larger, eventually turning into a mouth with teeth protruding from it, and even under Deidara's willful control, he could only maliciously spit out his tongue.... They made mouths out of nothingness in the palm of his hand, which sounded and seemed a little strange and disgusting, but Deidara laughed when he saw this situation. Explosive clay is a very unstable material, and the chakras in the input clay will drift out of the way, causing the clay to burst easily. At this time, the explosive mud remains still...


T/N: I used some Japanese terms while translating the novel and most of you will ask me to write it in English and I will do that BUT not all of them, Why you ask?... Cause I can and I just want to.

The Terms -

[Explosion Release] - is a nature transformation kekkei genkai, suggested to be a combination of earth and lightning. Explosion Release users utilise explosive chakra in combat. It is seemingly common to members of Iwagakure's Explosion Corps.


[Kinjutsu] - (meaning: Forbidden Techniques) are techniques that have been banned from being taught or used.