
Prototype: Apex Predator

The more I fight the stronger I get, my predators become my prey, my prey becomes my strength. I Adapt, I Consume, I Evolve. RawNovel Community | Dark Novels: Discord: (https://discord.gg/eQGh6sTmNt) Our spot: (https://discord.gg/8ZgkStbwMj) --------------- This is a fanfic, it is written for entertainment. The update will be irregular and dependent on my daily life. Thank you for your understanding. Disclaimer: I own nothing except my Original Character/s. Everything belongs to their respective owners. The cover is from DeviantArt.

Angelo_Mercer · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

Cute Grandchildren!

As ten of me scrolled through the documents in the office, not a peep was heard except the shuffling of papers. As we all looked through the documents, our eyes flashed against each other multiple times, the atmosphere tense as each waited for the perfect moment to attack while completing paperwork.

Ten minutes later a knock was heard as we all looked towards the door.

"Come in." – I said dispersing the clones as an incoming chop was dispelled right behind my neck, the smoke brushing against my skin.

The door opened and Kakashi walked in.

"You asked to see me Hokage-sama?" – He asked, back straightened and eyes looking forward.

I guess he heard about the Anbu's situation. Must still have some connection there I guess, one more thing to remind them, my orders aren't up for casual discussion… but that could wait for later, I just sent them out half an hour ago after all.

"Is my information correct in that you were one of the students of the Yondaime Hokage?" – I asked while staring at him.

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

"Yondaime's Jutsu was said to be derived from a tailed beast's. Is that information also correct?"

His head tilted a little bit at my query but he nodded nonetheless.

"Yes. To my knowledge that information is correct."

"Can you demonstrate?" – I asked.

"Of course."

As Kakashi held his right hand with his left a spiraling ball of chakra was formed, my Sharingan studying it curiously.

"If I may Hokage-sama, what is this about?" – Kakashi asked a little confused.

"All of the previous Hokage's have encountered a tailed beast at some point, the Sandaime's and Yondaime's being the most unfortunate amongst them. All I have are vague descriptions and telltales. To our knowledge nine of these particular beasts currently roam the earth imprisoned, and I have eyes on only one of them. What guarantee do I have that another Jinchūriki won't be used to attack Konoha?"

"Seeing as releasing one of them for testing isn't possible in the foreseeable future I went to the closest comparison… the Yondaime's Jutsu. Assuming a tailed beast can throw a Rasengan the size of this building will help to evaluate possible counters."\

"I understand."

"You are free to leave now." – I said as Kakashi made his way outside.

As I saw him leave I raised my hand, surged my chakra, and in no time a spiraling blue ball was rotating in my palm. It seems my Sharingan had indeed become more powerful. The entire time we were talking Kakashi was under my command. It was on another level compared to normal genjutsu cast by Sharingan, Kakashi would act as himself with one little difference. He would obey. I didn't intend to push how far that obedience would go but for now, it was fine. Even the Rasengan that didn't require hand-signs, it was easy to see how the chakra moved in Kakashi's hand and then replicate it.

Even still… Obito could control the Mizukage who had the 3-tails with genjutsu… I didn't exactly have Kage-tier Jinchuriki at hand to try but I believed mine was more powerful. I had only tried it on Kakashi so far though so it didn't exactly set a comfortable bottom line.

Lost in thought, another knock drew my attention.

"Come in." – and what followed was Hiashi walking in with a smile on his face.

"Kei… no it's Godaime Hokage-sama now isn't it." – He said his smile widening.

"Just Hokage at the moment. The title will be conferred when I get officially chosen as the Godaime Hokage." – I returned with a smile of my own.

"A certainty once we start moving… You were right by the way, Shikaku came to see me the next day. A Nara working hard, I would have called you crazy if you would have told me about any of this when we first met."

I got up from my table, holding a thick folder in my hand and making my way towards Hiashi.

"You wouldn't be the only one… back to business though. I have already completed the paperwork, From this moment forth, the Hyuga will take up the responsibility of keeping the peace inside the village. Congratulations, head of Konoha's reestablished Police Force."

I smiled as I handed the folder containing the necessary documents to Hiashi.

"So, how are you all doing? Are Hinata and Hanabi doing okay" – I casually asked as we made our way to the window.

"Quite good, all things considered. Hanabi is doing well while Hinata… asked me to train her again…" – He said frowning a little.

"Isn't that a good thing? I thought you wanted her to grow some backbone." – I asked puzzled. Wasn't Hinata supposed to still be timid?

"Perhaps… though it means my daughters will have to fight each other again. No father wants to see his children fighting each other." – Hiashi said as he sighed.

"You should just hurry up and marry one off before it comes to that. Honestly, I thought you would be against that last time we talked but you seemed pretty open to it."

"That was because I was drunk. If someone wants my daughter he needs to pry her from my cold dead hands." – Hiashi said as his grip tightened, breaking the wooden stand on the window and activating his Byakugan.

"So you say but I can just imagine your face once you have some grandchildren running around, playing with you and asking you to spoil them."

As I said that I raised two fingers as smoke emerged and I was gone.

"What are you doing?" – Hiashi said looking around, trying to locate me.

"Grandfather!" – I said looking up at him.

Hiashi looked down as he saw me, pupilless eyes, blue hair flowing and an irresistible face with teary eyes.

"You don't want me?" – I said, making my best impression of a teary child.

Looking at my face I could see Hiashi's cheeks redden from joy and excitement, probably imagining a couple of grandchildren that looked like me at the moment running around his empty house.

"…God-dammit… I definitely am being tricked… but this isn't so bad… … … …" – He said as he started to lean down… a dumb look on his face… as I transformed back.

I looked at Hiashi with a serious and cold face as he was stuck with his hands extended towards me, a dark smile forming on my face. It looked ridiculing and taunting.

"Cough… I acknowledge your argument. It has some valid points." – He said as he immediately made his way towards the door, his entire face red.


(Extra for fun)

(Hiashi POV)

As I made my way home I immediately called for Hanabi and Hinata to meet me, and 5 minutes later they came before me in the living room.

"Greetings Father." – they said as they bowed lightly.

I wasted no time getting to the main topic, I had already waited too long.

"This may come as a surprise for you but… you are getting married." – I said looking at both of them.

"HUH?" "WHAT?" – They both responded.

"You are getting married." – I said once again firmly. I was running out of patience.

Hinata was blushing red and couldn't speak while Hanabi noticed something and spoke.

"Which one of us is getting married father?" – Hanabi asked, irritating me even further as the conversation dragged.

"It doesn't matter. I want to see my cute grandchildren as soon as possible…" – I almost screamed at them, my imagination running wild at the thought of grandchildren.

"WHAT?" – They both screamed this time, but I was already leaving the room.

"Grandchildren… grandchildren…. Hahaha, I'm going to be a grandfather…" – I sang happily in low tune, disregarding how the attendants looked at me and focusing on how I was going t spoil my grandchildren.


(A/N: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the little fun part, to change the pace a little from all the scheming. My brains overloaded with my draft for tomorrow so I couldn't think of any complicated plan to put in motion and a fight seemed a little too soon. Taking it one step at a time. Hope you enjoyed it and with a little luck see you tomorrow 😊)